Daily Report - Jan 13, 2019
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Hiatused personal growth
Magical Girl Vivian
Sandboxes 14 1 11:51 PM
Hiatused New maybe it is all a test
Terry and Margaret in Soulfire
Sandboxes 749 5 10:00 PM
Abandoned Pharos
Azem wakes up alone in a room
Sandboxes 333 12 8:13 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings no day off for heroes
of daemons and superheroes and dead gods
Hope Itself 306 3 6:08 PM
Complete Has Warnings if we don't kill each other then the side effects will
a new killer on the block
Hope Itself 265 5 6:06 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings let's all go down in purple flames
Sasha and Fayna meet in a bar. This goes exactly as badly as you'd think.
Sandboxes 117 13 5:35 PM
Complete Has Warnings compulsive assassin adoption
A Jay tries to kill Thanos, it ends predictably
Sandboxes 672 6 4:36 PM
Complete reflect what you wish to receive
'Chelledad scoops a Percy
Moonlit Embers 951 4 4:34 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings and sam colt made them equal
stevenchainsaw & imrainai in caravaneer
Sandboxes 188 1 3:30 PM
Complete New hello skies of blue
Link turns Fabulous
Sandboxes 514 54 3:09 PM
Hiatused oh, for fox's sake
Marena lands on Neuroi
Sandboxes 926 4 12:45 PM
Complete choice of law
Sadde in Pact
Mecone 1344 13 11:39 AM
Hiatused New kiss kiss bang
Tadashi falls into the Boyfriend Dungeon
Sandboxes 133 13 10:29 AM
Hiatused this is not my beautiful house
Jonathan in the Whateleyverse
Sandboxes 587 12 10:06 AM
Complete Has Warnings the neon god they made
fuchsias and palatinates in all night laundry
Faustian Caliphate 807 5 9:55 AM
Hiatused With Great Power Comes A Ton Of Weird Crap
Skye, on her way to LA, finds herself in a magical new place, courtesy of PortalSnake, and shenanigans ensue
Astarte 176 1 9:09 AM
Hiatused Has Warnings walk and talk like a machine
a Margaret in Whateley
Sandboxes 443 32 9:08 AM
Complete Has Warnings bells that rang without a hand
Orochimaru and Rian resonate
Manual of Chaos 473 3 8:57 AM
Hiatused family vacation
liminal steals a ship
Sandboxes 556 31 6:24 AM
Complete poor wandering one
A Lian gets dropped on the Merry Band
Sandboxes 946 4 6:20 AM
Complete if you seek heaven or earth
dragon ellie in narutoverse
Fulmination 1215 2 6:17 AM
Complete two notes and a beat
i didn't know a sharingan could do that, did you? uh, what's a sharingan?
Fulmination 815 2 6:15 AM
Hiatused metropolitan starlight
making it big time in the big city
Sandboxes 343 10 6:13 AM
Complete Has Warnings no one alive who is you-er than you
a juliet reincarnates into the naruto-verse
Morning Star 825 67 6:08 AM
Complete Has Warnings what's up danger with you wanting me 1638 84 6:01 AM
Total: 31