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Word it so you cannot get around it by attacking each other, please.


Of course. "I swear to do no violence to anyone in Doriath for the duration of this visit, except in response to violence against us from someone other than ourselves."

An unnecessary qualifier since one of them would have to attack the other first, but adding it doesn't hurt.


She echoes it.

And their interlocutor turns around and stalks off into the forest.


...I think we're invited in?


Sounded like.

Any visible reaction from the invisible people if they start stalking too?


The invisible people follow.


Doriath is a lush forest, far too tropical for the local climate, lit by a pervasive golden glow. There are songbirds perched in the trees. The branches meet above to firmly screen out the sky. 


Light! Actual light! And marginally less thermodynamically improbable trees. Once her eyes adjust to tree- and songbird-seeing capability, it's easily the prettiest sight in a long time.


It's a long walk. There are pretty valleys, pretty ridges, pretty bubbling brooks, a lake - no people, except the ones following them - and then they emerge in a spacious clearing - the trees still meet overhead, but much higher overhead, so they give the impression of a sky - and there is a bridge across the river and the entrance to a spectacular palace.


Gardens bright with sinuous rills, forests ancient as the hills, enfolded subtle spots of greenery. Yup, this place is confirmed pretty.


They are guided into the palace. It's underground, but high-ceilinged, and mostly glowy silver instead of gold. The ground is carpeted with flowers; the pillars are styled in the shape of trees. And now there are people, thousands of them, staring at the two of them with fascination.


Well. They are multiple degrees of unprecedented.

Why do you think there weren't any people until just now, they're just in the palace all the time or the palace happens to be the closest place anyone lives to the border?


Or they were told to stay clear of us? Or the border's some kind of militarized zone?


Yeah, too many possibilities. Could ask but it seems impolite if the answer is that they were scared of us.


It's a spacious cave palace-city. The throne room is the side of a stadium; the ceiling convincingly imitates a starry sky. 


Much more impressive than the hurriedly-built structures the Noldor are using. Anyone occupying the throne?


Two thrones, both occupied. The King looks radiant and the Queen looks frankly inhuman. To the practitioner sight she looks even odder than that.


She seems to fade into everything around her, as if tied to every speck and splinter of the forest. Instead of straight lines she almost shimmers, with no tension or rigidity to the connections. She and everything around her glow with something just as fundamental as light.

The king looks okay too.


Hello, she says. Welcome to Doriath.


Thank you, your Majesty. The word fits a lot better here than it does for most monarchs. I hope our having come to Beleriand and to Doriath will be beneficial to both our people.


That is our hope as well. Perhaps you can shed some light on how it came to pass in the first place.


From what I understand, returning across the sea had been a point of debate for some time. When the Enemy darkened Valinor and came here, two hosts of the Eldar followed after. Irissë saw firsthand.


They'll probably find out about Alqualonde eventually. We could tell them up front, put the blame where it belongs, avoid sounding defensive...but the Queen might just assume that whatever the Valar did must have been deserved.


And Findekáno took part, we can't play the innocent host very convincingly. 


Mistaken host, though, easily. Especially since it has the benefit of being true, as Findekáno himself told it.


And I'm not totally sure we could get away with an omission that big - they seem suspicious already -


I was hoping to read that as just generic suspicion of everybody. But we can't get away with it forever, so it's a question of how likely they are to just throw us out right away compared against what happens if they find out later from not us.


If that's Elwe then they're pretty likely to just throw us out immediately.

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