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If you have a better suggestion I am all ears. 


None at all, especially since it's apparently him or his father.
But I'm seeing why you'd want nothing to do with him, ever.


I don't want nothing to do with him. I want to want nothing to do with him. should see him sometime when he has reason to turn on the charm.


I can imagine. Well, probably could. Mostly I'm stopping at "just short of mind control."


Well. Ice to cross and a war to win, then we'll worry about whether the de-facto ruler of half the Noldor toys with people for personal amusement enough it outweighs the manifest benefits to having him in power.


Ice to cross, right. And a load of distinctly bad news for the King first.


I told him we're coming in.


Long-distance telepathy sounds so convenient. I've got maybe one kind of passing information at range, and osanwë might be strictly better.


Maitimo used it in Tirion to give off this terrifying impression of omnipotence. You'd be negotiating something with him and he'd say 'I'll ask someone to bring us the records,' and as he finished the sentence someone'd walk through the door and say 'Prince Nelyafinwe, the records you asked for'.


That would be terrifyingly omnipotent-seeming on Earth, where people aren't telepathic. I would have guessed they'd come to expect it.


Well, unless he had people staged outside the doors with everything he might need, he was anticipating that the conversation'd turn that way long enough in advance to order the relevant material fetched, and by the time anyone got around to demanding it he could snap his fingers for it. No one else ever pulled that off.


Oh, okay. I am suitably impressed.

Did he just have a lot of false positives where he doesn't tell the fetcher to come in the door, because that would undermine it. A little.


I don't know. He must have had some occasionally.Never talked about how he did it. A fondness for bragging is not one of his shortcomings. I suppose I should have asked back when I might have been able to get it out of him.


Oh well. It's not too much of a priority.


It's not.

Still think he wasn't faking that face?



I'm sorry. It'd be easier if you could just say it was all a plot from the beginning, but.



Well, this way means I have more leverage with him.


Yeah, there's that. I don't like the idea of using it as leverage, but it is admittedly very much what he'd do.


I think he'd be pleased with me if I tried, actually. Or at least amused with me.



Sigh indeed.

They're almost there, they can land and try to inconspicuously not have just fallen out of the sky and find Nolofinwe.


Hello again. Who would have attended the ambush?


A few dozen valaraukar and an unidentified Maia. Or conceivably Vala. The unidentified one could do invisibility, and that's just about all we know.


Was my nephew suitably grateful for his life?


He seemed it, so I don't know.

The King can have a summary of the meeting with Maitimo. Cartography results she'll leave for Findekáno; he's the one who has ever seen the places.


The King independently arrives at the guess that the Feanorians have a way of seeing across the sea and that Maitimo's claimed to have spies last time and implicitly claimed ridiculous deduction powers this time to cover for a technological solution. Cartography results suggest they could march right up to Angband's gates, if they wanted to.  

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