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If that's it, maybe you don't have the same physics we do. Somehow.


You should explain orbital mechanics to Elenwe, she'll soak it up. She helped invent calculus, you know.


Invent? That's amazing.

In my world the inventor was the same person who did the theory of gravity. They do go really well together.


In Valinor two people simultaneously invented the concept and I think feuded for a century over who could claim the title, but the feud was very fruitful in terms of expansions of the concept. Both of them were inspired by our Elenwe, though; she came up with adequality, which is a way of finding tangent lines to curves, and which they both separately used in their proofs of the fundamental theorem of calculus. And we've exhausted my knowledge of the subject. You should certainly speak to her.


I certainly should.

The important subjects already having been exhausted, she exits the tent.


Do you want to tell my aunt about magic, or should I?


Hm. Probably I should, just because there's less time for any karma problems to add up than if you do it. Absent that I'd probably say you.


Okay. He sends a location and a face. 


Location, face, 



Hey! Lalwen says. The King said I should expect you. Come on in; what do you need?


I'm here to dispense some exposition, actually. The King said you were a relatively safe person to tell a potentially dangerous secret to. Is that the kind of thing you'd generally want to opt out of?


My life is the King's, and I trust his judgment. Dangerous to know, or likely to incline me to do dangerous things?


Where I'm from it would be dangerous to know. I haven't seen much of the kind of thing there's a danger from here. Mostly it's dangerous to tell people or cause them to find out, and there are also some fairly arbitrary behavior rules that you can ignore if you want to but not quite costlessly.


Have you told people? Have they regretted knowing?


Only since arriving, and no. The King is one of them; so are Findekáno and Irissë.


Please go ahead.


And exposition. The karma part isn't the distorted version Maitimo got, but she may insert some commentary on how if everyone's life belongs to their King this is not the best tradition for magic to pick up on. Everything else is a relatively neutral recap.


I see what you mean. That's another reason not to hand it out across the ocean, if you hadn't enough of those already. 


Yeah. Didn't tell Maitimo that part, since I think he might arrange for people to find out from me instead of him—or from you, if you come to learn the song we're pretending to need—and if it does spread I want him to be honestly telling them the more individualist version. Hopefully it won't come up.


Maitimo would want his people doing it and they'd want it to be people who are fanatically devoted to him, which many people in fact are. So. Yeah, let's avoid that.


It'll be a few days, or non-days, but are you up for walking into the Feanorian camp to be the designated singer?


Certainly. I don't bear my brother more than the warranted amount of enmity and they seem to be pretending everything's fine. So why not?



If you want to become a practitioner, doing it before or after visiting might matter. There's more magic to see there than here, but you might want to lie to them at some point.


What about?


No idea, it's just an option that might be more useful open.

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