"You'll need a power source." She takes off her pendant. "This isn't one, but it's attached to some.
If you look through your new extra senses, you'll see ambient spirits everywhere. Some of them are moving; if you look closely at the ones that flit along the same paths you can see them trace out connections. Connections between people are usually the most obvious, but there are others. Picking up a rock requires connections between you and the rock and it and the earth, though they're week enough you wouldn't normally see them. Well, I wouldn't. People are more magically relevant. You can strengthen a connection. Practitioners can be called by name and it'll get their attention from a distance; this is uncomfortable and very rude outside of emergencies. For non-practitioners, you have to spend power to strengthen a connection. Press the power source into the path the spirits are taking, and move it along that line.
What you're doing is the opposite. Breaking a connection, so they don't register that you're there. Just move whatever you're using for power perpendicular to the line and sever it.
If the person you're hiding from sees you do it, it's a lot less likely to work. And like with most things, presentation matters. Do it while closing a door or stepping around a tree or something for best results. That's why I fell over when testing if it worked on you; there weren't many places to actually hide in the open."
She glances between the other two a few times so they can see what being seen looks like, then holds out the talisman and looks away.