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They are shown to lovely guest rooms, and shown how to trace their steps back here by the flowers on the floor. They are offered spectacular dresses and quite a lot of wine.


When in Rome, dress spectacularly Romanly.

But judging by the one-sidedness of the physical differences so far, it might turn out to be a really bad idea to drink wine in Elf quantities. (Hopefully that doesn't sound like an excuse to impolitely refuse most of the offer.)


She'll drink for both of them! They don't seem to find Amber terribly impolite. Drunk she is slightly more giggling and significantly more inclined to share violent revenge fantasies aimed at Tyelcormo, though only with Amber.


And then there's a concert and it's lovely.


Well, they're Elves. It might be an exaggeration but not an unfair one to say there has yet to be a song that doesn't put Earth music to shame.

And it's also long, and well attended. After there have been people filtering in and out,

You up to using the distraction?


Yeah, let's go.


They head up to the nearly empty gardens and find a secluded enough location to perform their miracles of rare device.

I've never used plant growth elementals before, but I'm pretty sure they're the ones that look like this. Or, since we couldn't throw a brick without hitting one here, we could throw a brick.


We are going to have so much food!


And then we won't have any ongoing emergencies at all! We can figure out solving the Enemy!

There's no shortage of unmelting ice; they did manufacture far more of that than got turned into arrowheads before the Feanorians superseded it.
And this trip has a use for the extra; ice and freezing are as good an opposite as any for plants germinating and bearing fruit. So whenever they spot one of what they're looking for they can weave a circle round it thrice and get it thoroughly captured.



And after a while, wait, stop, Melian's coming.


What, how can you tell it's her? 

Amber looks, and there's no telltale channel pointing to anyone at all, Melian or otherwise. Just the usual high concentration of ambient spirits and connection to the forest that links them to their trails of flowers.

And then Melian walks into visual range and looks right at them and it's the tie between them and Doriath that flares brighter.


Heard her. Don't know how - 


- oh. 


Explain what you are doing.



We were admiring your gardens, and hoping to imitate them when we return.

How much did she see? The levitating shards of ice? Maybe there would have been some detectable change to the trees? Did Melian just find out they aren't merely what they look like.


This food supplies hundreds of thousands of people. I require a complete answer.


Can we pass this off as magic your cousins invented? If reacting to surroundings isn't totally impossible, maybe it's a way to copy things? We do still have the universe on our side for this, assuming the weirdness censor even works on Maiar.


Yeah, possibly? Probably?


I don't have a better idea...


We can swear that if this fed hundreds of thousands before it will still feed them after. If that's not enough, the complete answer was supposed to be confidential. Will you agree to keep what we tell you a secret?


I would like you to swear that you did nothing to alter any of the food, and that none who eat here would be harmed. Supposed to be confidential in what sense?


"I swear that we did not alter the food," she speaks and sends, "and that no one would be harmed by eating here because of us."

It's confidential because it bears on a capability that few know exists. You in particular might be as safe to tell about new enchantments as anyone, with no risk of the Enemy capturing you, but telling people isn't just up to our judgment.


Whose judgment is relevant here? Are these powers the Valar granted you?


Unlike Irissë, I never met the Valar. They granted this only in the sense that they are responsible for causing or allowing everything in Arda.

The ones who excel at the innovations in song and enchantment are Fëanáro and his followers, but we answer to Nolofinwe.


And you do - whatever it is that you were doing - on his orders? He ordered you to do it secretly?


He didn't order secrecy, but we did promise.


Then it would be wise not to do it when guests of my people.




The secrecy is, less important than the success. If we give you more of an explanation, or show you, will you refrain from telling others?

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