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He nods. And it is on their behalf that you sought us out?


Nolofinwe's, to be more specific (and also more correct), but yes.


Extend to him our greetings, and our joy to meet any enemy of the Enemy, and our leave to settle in any uninhabited parts of the continent.


I would be happy to. He'll be pleased to have had favorable communications with the existing kingdom.


And we are pleased to once again control the whole continent, the orcs having been driven back to Angband. Was that your work?


In part. It was mostly the Feanorian army; they did get here first.

If Doriath is less besieged now, do you plan to move against the Enemy?


There is no plausible avenue to success. The Valar are not even possible to kill.


Is it equally impossible to weaken him and cut him off from his ability to affect the world? We don't need him dead, exactly. If he ends up as a spirit of malice that gnaws itself in the shadows and can't manage to do anything then I'd call that a win.


An admirable goal. Not one I would expect to be achievable by Elves with swords. Even lots of them. Even valiant ones.


Everyone involved knows the difficulty. Or the impossibility, depending on who you ask.

If Doriath chooses not to march to war, there may be more ways to oppose the Enemy.


Yes. We can at least keep this land and our people safe from him.


I'm glad to know that whatever happens tomorrow there will be someone resisting him.

Today, you can help the Noldor keep the Enemy far from here. If you decide to send food, or weapons, or even songs, it could strengthen their position. You can push back the day when, if the Valar have not intervened, orcs hold Beleriand and Doriath stands alone.


We would be happy to teach them anything we do not expect to be turned against us when they are captured by the Enemy, which with their recklessness they will be. 


Understandable. They have started uniformly taking oaths not to reveal anything strategically important. It's an extreme step, but with good reason. Will that change what you expect to have turned against you?


I am more concerned that weapons we give them and songs we teach them will be levelled against our borders; oaths do not make it harder for an orc to take up a sword.


Good point.

Even so, assuming every sword falls into the Enemy's hands, it's more benefit to the Noldor now than to the orcs later. If they get defeated and everything Angband can send comes here instead, them having more captured weapons would be bad but almost certainly not so bad as to make the purchased time not worth it.
Or, the Noldor will fight with Elven weapons either way. If Doriath doesn't send them, they will forge their own and
those ones may be captured eventually. The difference is that if their swords come from Doriath, they can leave their forges and instead build their walls that much higher.


We are not the ones who learned at the knee of the Valar. We do not have forges; we trade for swords with the Dwarves, and the newcomers have leave to do this as well.


The distaste comes through clearly over osanwe, along with a mental image. They know the working of stone and metal.


Another non-Enemy people, one we didn't know of. That almost has to be better than their absence.


The Dwarves are a great asset to anyone interested in trading with them, he says a little grudgingly.


I'm sure the Noldor will find a way to make use of the option. 


You can meet the ones in Menegroth if you like and if you've learned the local language. Dwarves don't have osanwe.


No osanwe, as distinct from whatever variety of no osanwe humans have? Huh.

It would be irresponsible of us to say no to that.


Then we will tell them to expect you. 

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