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Ramona meets Luka and Traveler
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He looks right at her, smiles, winks.


All right. She'll let him have this one. She looks away first, the corner of her mouth curling a little bit with unendorsed amusement.

If she's understanding the hints correctly, he's been on the bottom end of the power struggle for hundreds or even thousands of years; she doesn't need to grind him down to prove that she's in charge of the room. It's good that he still seems to have a sense of humor at all!

She trusts she got the message across, and if she didn't, she can always just terminate the session. Some people will test boundaries repeatedly.


"Moving on."

"So, Luka, what's your answer to my question? What would you want out of this therapy, if there were any actual hope of getting it? I'm interested in hearing about positive changes that you want, or total cut-off, if that's what you prefer. If you only want vengeance, you may say so briefly, but not in any detail, please."


He raises an eyebrow and hesitates.

"I want him to stop torturing people, especially me and people I care about. It would be useful if he died or if he stepped down from being in charge of certain things."

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