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it is a truth universally acknowledged that a supervillain in possession of good taste must be in want of a nemesis (or, meguca Ruby cross drops on Worm)
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Ellie will take her leave, drifting off into the city.


She'll go exploring, then - in the guise of a totally normal human tourist, at least at first. 


There's plenty of normal human tourist things to do in a city this size! And if she stays in the downtown-ish region, there's a reasonable chance she can see one of the Protectorate heroes on a meet-and-greet leg of their patrol. If she'd rather find a villain, then she'd probably have to do some abnormal tourist activities.


Running into a Protectorate hero sounds more interesting, right now. 


As luck would have it, she does happen across a hero pausing to hand out autographs next to a park.


Ooo pretty! And from that costume... Looks like this might be Incandesce.

Ruby, being a supervillain of good taste and also a lesbian, will get in line for an autograph. (Unfortunately, this dress only has a bit of cleavage, though it shows off her deltoids and biceps very well... Ruby's never been one to let a little thing like magic imply to her that she can skip hitting the gym, because it's very important to look like she can - literally - pick girls up.)


Looks like she's about Ruby's age, when she gets to the front of the line.

"Hello there," Incandesce says. "And who should I make this out to?"


"Ruby," she says. "Just that - though I wouldn't mind if you added something like 'cute girl.'" Flirtatious smile. 

"That does seem to be a true descriptor."

To a cute girl
called Ruby,

And she'll draw a loopy heart around the whole thing.

Giggle. "Not as cute as you are, though."


"Why thank you!" She leans in to whisper conspiratorially. "Though between you and me, I'm going more for 'hot' than 'cute'." She taps demonstratively at her flame visor.


"Why not both?"


"Tricky, but maybe I can manage it.," she laughs. "Maybe next time you can give me some advice?" (Ruby's pushing up on the maximum time anyone's talked to Incandesce while she's been signing.)


She steps aside and lets the next person up. "I'll look forward to it."


She gets one more smile before Incandesce goes back to the business of public relations.


She hangs around the shops after that - window shops at first, gets an idea of clothing prices here, what shops are available... If there's any places with maps of the area, or a local attractions/ business directory (even just for tourists). If there's any nice hotels downtown, too; she can stay in a motel if she has to, but she'd rather not. Any restaurants or coffee shops that look like a good place to take a date (or a consultant being paid in coffee and baked goods).

And, also, she keeps an eye on Incandesce out of the corner of her eye, as her window shopping and information gathering - and one spot of actual shopping, she really goes need at least enough clothing to change into tomorrow morning, plus trying out one of the coffee shops - 'coincidentally' keeps her in the same broad area. 


The hero doesn't seem to notice her, occupied as she is with her other business. Incandesce does a good job of looking like a hero, at least, always friendly and polite, stopping to pass a friendly hello with anyone who seems interested, holding doors, helping kids cross the street, flagging down a taxi for an old lady.


Once she's no longer tied up with autographs or old ladies needing help, Ruby mosies on over to Incandesce. 


"Can I help- Oh, it's the cute one. Hi!"


"And you're the hottest hero." She laughs. "Hi yourself."


"How's your evening going? No crimes to report, I hope?"


"None so far! And I've mostly just been shopping," she raises the bag with her new clothing demonstratively, "And trying to figure out where a good hotel is around here."


"From out of town, huh. Well, you can't go wrong with the Grand."


"Yeah; I'm from a bit farther south." Light shrug. "And that definitely sounds like a fancy enough hotel."


"I used to stay there with my family when I was a wee lass. Incandesce-approved!"

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