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it is a truth universally acknowledged that a supervillain in possession of good taste must be in want of a nemesis (or, meguca Ruby cross drops on Worm)
Permalink Mark Unread

Ruby had been totally minding her own business - read, challenging a magical girl to a fight for the fun of it - when her opponent (cute, though taking a little friendly brawl way too seriously) screams and spins her frilly pink staff, sparkles and bubbly stars trailing it in a whirlwind. Ruby tries to counter with her own whirlwind of fire and shadow - this is the first time her opponent (Pretty Bubble Sorceress Anastasia, she thinks - or maybe Alexandria? Surely not Amelia) has pulled out stars, previously it's been deadly normal bubble swirls, but it can't be too much of an escalation -

- Which is when the bubbly stars overwhelm her fire, surrounding her in a tornado of shoujo peppiness. Ruby leaps straight up, trying to burst out -

- And lands somewhere that's totally not where she started, with no sign of her opponent anywhere around her. 

...Where the hell is she?

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Nice marble flooring, tasteful wood paneling and generically pleasant landscapes on the walls, line of counters with velvet ropes sectioning off the lines- Seems to be a bank, yeah.

Though from the way all the customers and most of the staff are huddled with their heads down against a wall being watched over by a man in a black cowboy hat with matching boots and a scarf tied around his face like a mask and a shiny revolver-looking gun in each hand, it seems to be a bank in the process of being robbed.

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On the other hand, this kind of thing has to happen all the time, right? (Ack, her 'Somebody Else's Problem' field has totally not survived the sudden teleport. When the masquerade police or whoever show up, Ruby is so blaming this on Pretty Bubble Sorceress Acacia.) And maybe she can bluff her way out of this? Turn her field back on, everyone assumes they hallucinated the sudden tiger surrounded by dissipating bubbles? 

...Though, also, robbing a bank is so embarrassingly cliché...


"Oops," says the tiger, before her brain can catch up with her mouth.

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Cowboy Man spins around and spots her!

"What the..." Then he remembers what his instructions were in case of heroes appearing unexpectedly. The bubble tiger doesn't sound familiar but he's not taking any chances. "Boss! We gotta problem!" he shouts, before bringing up his guns and firing at the Sudden Tiger. Rather than bullets, the revolvers spit little blue packets of angrily humming sparks.

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Oh huh she didn't think there were any masc magical girls, like it's real tough apparently to roll even pink yoga pants. Weird. 

Also: breaking the masquerade is so definitely not her fault! She was attacked first officer, she swears. (She thinks, as she starts mentally putting together her defense.)

Anyways - she lazily raises a paw, like a cat batting away a fly, and swats aside the angry humming sparks. (They flare like embers.)

Then - biiig showy stretch, and baring her teeth in a parody of a grin. "Is it my turn now?" she rumbles - almost purrs - voice low and dramatically threatening. (If she's going to participate in breaking the masquerade, she's going to do it in style.)

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"Boss!" he yelps. "It's a fucking tiger!"

From the back where vault is a woman in a dark suit and a snake mask emerges. She is steering one of the bank employees by the scruff of the neck, presumably having coerced her into opening the vault, by the sack of cash she holds in her other hand. "Kid," she growls, "I swear to god, I left for three- what the hell, why is there a tiger?"

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The hostage is not very happy about any of these events. Unlike Outlaw Kid, Ellie knows for certain that there are no transforming tigers or even tiger-themed heroes in the city. Nor villains. Could be a new hero, but the smart bet is this is another villain. Which is great. Just what her day needed, really.

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Oh that hostage girl is cute. Rescuing pretty girls usually isn't her style (she prefers being the reason they need rescuing, all else being equal), but she can make an exception or two without losing her groove.

She finishes her stretch idly. "No need to be rude," she drawls. "To start, I'm a 'she,' not an 'it.' And to finish..."

The fucking tiger turns into a tiger-shaped mass of shadow and embers, that blows towards and envelops both robbers before they can react - she's moving idly in her view, which means that a cape would need to be a speedster to keep up with her - burning ash coats them and their weapons; cloying, thick - she's now pretty sure that both robbers are in their human form, possibly partially shifted for those guns - possibly with meguca support though she hasn't heard of anyone using human minions lately - any ordinary weapons crumble into ash, but she's not actually expecting that to work on the guns - 

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- And perfectly normal human hands pull the hostage girl back, breaking the 'boss's wrist in the process - she's wrapped in a protective swirl of flame - 

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- And the tiger pounces on the guy with guns from behind. 

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Guy with guns doesn't have a whole lot going for him after his guns flaked into ash! Which is not really to say he was well-prepared to be mauled by a tiger before that happened, but who among us is? Not this soft squishy bag of wet meat.

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She only mauls him a little. He'll be fine with medical attention, even if it isn't very prompt. Probably. Maybe. Anyways she's pretty sure he only has a broken bone or two and a couple bruises. 

She spins to bat at the boss lady next - aiming to knock her down and away from the cute hostage girl (and the random other hostages Ruby doesn't care as much about who're over by the wall). 

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How does Ruby feel about a faceful of acid? Because that's what boss lady is spitting at her.

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Lol. Lmao, even. 

The acid catches on (magical) fire and burns away harmlessly before it can touch her (or anything else), and now rude acid boss lady has an amused tiger standing on her chest! 

"Spitting acid?" the tiger drawls. "How boring." Slooow paw flex. 

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"What are-" she grunts, "Boring? Get off!"

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Get off? Well, not with this goon, she's not. 

"Boooring!" she declares, then goes ahead and coats the boring boss lady's mouth with sticky ash. No spitting or mouthing off for her! (Ruby is nice and makes sure she can still breathe.)

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Ack gack pffbbth!

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what the fuck

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Eh, boss lady isn't worth more of her time. Ruby considers for a moment - boss lady seems to be responding to magic like a normal human, which is weird - then shrugs and uses an illusion to knock her unconscious. 

She hops off boss lady after that, sends cowboy idiot a glance to make sure he isn't getting any bright ideas, then concentrates on her heat-sense for a moment to figure out if there's anyone lurking who might be another enemy. (She licks any ash - and/ or blood - off her paws while she does this.)

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Looks like she's accounted for everyone in the building.

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She'll saunter over to cute hostage girl, then. "Seems that's the last of them," she rumbles. 

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"Uh. Yeah. Now what?"

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"Well..." She curls closer. "Depends on if you'd like to get a coffee with me." Purring rumble. 

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"...Didn't know tigers drank coffee."

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Heh. "This one does."

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What the hell.

"You know what, sure."

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"Yes!" Tigerly wiggle!

She wraps them in a faint cloud of flame - gives everyone else the vague impression they've vanished entirely - 

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Then: cute girl time! (She actually looks incredibly normal, like a college student ready to go to class - a very peppy college student, but. She's wearing a black skater dress printed with skulls wearing rainbow flower crowns, a red fanny pack in lieu of a belt, knee high rainbow socks, black running shoes with a glowing fiber optic inlay that's slowly circling between colors, several bracelets and a rainbow beaded choker... And no mask whatsoever.)

"Any recommendations?" she asks. "I'm not actually sure which city this is..."

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"Unless you want to meet the local heroes, probably not the Starbucks across the street. Uh, is everyone going to see us leaving...?"

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"Nah, they can't see us already - probably'll think we teleported out or something. And Starbucks gets boring - chains, y'know."

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How the fuck do this tigergirl's powers work, this makes no sense.

"Right. There's uh, a bakery? That we'd have to take the bus to get to. I don't know if you- do buses."

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"I do busses! And I won't even need a bus pass or whatever."

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Let's go catch a bus, then. Does tigergirl's illusion also cover them walking out the front door?

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Yep! She's not an amateur.

"What's your name by the way?"

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"Ellie. What's yours?"

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"Burning Ruby Tiger Decima, when I'm being all tigery. But a pretty girl like you can call me Ruby."

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"That's... creative."

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"Well, I am an artist."

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"Better than Lady Venom and the Outlaw Kid, I'll give you that much."

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" - Who?" Those super do not sound like magical girl names. They're way too lame, for one.

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"They were the ones you fought inside."

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Unsure frown. "Fighting them was weird... Uh, hey, where is this, and like, do you know anything about those two - ?"

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"This is Philadelphia. Those two were small time villains. Kid is Lady Venom's latest sidekick, for the last four months or so. She tends to kinda chew through them."

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Four months is - but the masquerade's been intact, she would've heard if there were powered assholes running around Philly - 

"...So I was fighting a magical girl - Pretty Bubble Sorceress Alicia - and she used some kind of teleport spell on me, and, uh, normal looking humans spitting acid and calling themselves stupid things like Lady Venom is not a feature of the Philadelphia I'm used to. Like I think that would've hit the news?"

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"...I kind of hate that this is my top guess, but parallel worlds exist and two is a weird number of them to be, so it stands to reason that you're from one of those. Where apparently capes call themselves things like 'Pretty Bubble Sorceress'."

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"People with powers. Parahumans."

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"It's 'magical girl' or 'monster' where I'm from - nowadays people sometimes use 'meguca' for the generic even though that's totally biased towards magical girls as default."

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Snrk. "I think a lot of capes would be upset if they had to be magical girls."

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"Magical girl powers turning people into girls is actually a weirdly common complaint!"

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"If you don't have to be a girl to start, I can imagine so."

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"Nah, though most are."

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"Powers work in all kind of ways, I guess."

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"So they're pretty well known here?"

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"Sure, people recognize them. Not as much as the heroes, but villains don't tend to have professional PR teams."

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"There's a Masquerade where I'm from - so like, powers are a secret from the general populace. And I have no idea how that's enforced."

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"Seems like it would be difficult. Capes have secret identities, but they've been popping up since the eighties."

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" - Meguca date way farther back than that."

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"Active masquerade's even weirder, then. The first recorded parahuman buzzed a whole cruise ship in the middle of the ocean."

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"People who intend to break it - or who're really reckless with power use - tend to mysteriously vanish, so, yeah, there's some kind of magic masquerade secret police."

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"Getting to actually stretch my legs in this world will be super fun."

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"Yeah? What's that gonna look like?"

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"Hmmm... I'll need to do some information gathering before I decide for sure."

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Ellie nods. "That's fair. As long as your decision doesn't involve me getting dead."

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"I promise it won't. It'd be a waste of a pretty girl."

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"Good to know that's my primary value."

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"First thing to draw my attention! Though I'm coming to like your mind."

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"Uh huh."

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She decides to take the hint. 

"Anyways - I honestly don't entirely know where to start on the information gathering... Heroes and villains - is this like, superhero genre?"

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"Genre isn't a word people usually apply to life, but yeah, more or less. You trigger, you get a power, you dress up in a costume and go out at night to either cause or prevent problems."

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"Well then. I've always wanted to be a supervillain."

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"I guess Philly's not the worst town to start on that ambition."

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"And if those two are at all typical, then this place desperately needs an infusion of style."

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"Their costumes were more on the low budget end."

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"Who else is around?"

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"Do you want to start with heroes or other villains?" Ellie pulls out her phone to look up reference photos.

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Hmmm... "On the one hand, it's good to know my competition... On the other, any respectable supervillain needs a nemesis, so I should scope out the heroes for candidates sooner or later..."

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"So... heroes?"

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"At least an overview."

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"All right. So that'd be the local branch of the Protectorate, pretty much. Fortunately they've got lots of nice pictures," including one showing the whole team as the top banner on their website, so she can pull that up and show it to Ruby. "In the plate armor with the sword is Chevalier, he's the leader. He can combine multiple objects and pick and choose which properties get shown. Mainly uses that to make his armor and sword ridiculously more versatile than you'd think- the sword has a gun in it, for example. His second in command is Rime," tight blue outfit with fur trim, "she throws ice crystals that explode, and she can control the shape of what the ice grows into."

"Atlas," a beefy linebacker type who has what look like chiseled shoulderpads in his costume, "can grow out those plates on his shoulders, use them as shields or bludgeons. Hologram is the one with the excessively shiny armor, he's a tinker with a specialty in hard light projections. Flexor," tall skinny man in a shiny yellow bodysuit, "can extend any of his limbs out like twenty feet and bend them like they're boneless."

"Then last is Incandesce, the newest member." A blonde who wears a visor with flame decorations, her suit has a daringly low neckline which she is posed to show off to best advantage. "She gets stronger and faster the hotter she is, and has some low-tier pyrokinesis to go along with that."

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Interested hum. "Incandesce is definitely hot, and given my own fire themed powers, and her clear sense of style..." (Ruby approves strongly of flame decorations and also cleavage.) "Think she'd be down for a nemesis?"

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"It's not like I know her personally, but the image she projects is very into the, uh, game of it all? Cops and robbers sort of thing, photo ops to help kittens out of trees or whatever."

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"I'll give her a try, then."

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"Try not to burn my city down while you're at it."

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"I'm not an amateur."

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"You're not from around here, either."

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"My home town's just as flammable!"

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"So maybe you want to experiment somewhere other than there."

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"Nah; I got a lot of that out of my system over the ocean or up in high atmo."

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"I'd be an embarrassment as a monster if I couldn't fly!"

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"How many powers do you have?"

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"Turning into a tiger, fire, and anything thematic for those - though I need to practice the magic, and the more of a stretch the theme is the harder it gets. - Plus general being extremely magic, like the flight's something every meguca gets. So is transforming healing any wounds you have."

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"Capes are usually a lot more limited than that."

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"Then maybe I'll help liven things up!"

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"One way or another, I'm sure."

"Oh, this is our stop."

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Baked goods, here she comes!

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She is planning on paying, right?

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Well, she's got cash from her world, which hopefully doesn't register as counterfeit here? And she's got a credit card, which she can probably convince the system works. (This should even deposit money correctly! She's unsure if her little trick will also result in her account being charged, or if it'll just conjure numbers from the ether...)

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Let's stick to cash, at least at places Ellie likes.

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Cash it is! (Which fortunately doesn't get flagged as odd.)

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And Ellie assumes Ruby will be covering her order as well.

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Does that make this a date? (She's fine with covering Ellie's order either way, of course. Gotta keep your consultants well supplied with baked goods.)

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It makes this an appreciation of Ellie being intelligent enough not to try turning Ruby in.

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She'll add in extra coffee, then. 

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That'll do.

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One of many benefits to helping her out. 

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Fair trade.

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She has questions about the local villains, next. 

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Unfortunately there's not a single online hub for villains like there is for heroes. Ellie is in a Facebook group for villain sightings, however, so she does have pictures, however piecemeal. There are usually a couple small-timers like Lady Venom floating around, but Ellie is pretty sure Ruby will consider them all equally boring. As far as big organizations go, there are really only two in Philly: the mafia, and the Witch Riders, a biker gang.

The mafia is... the mafia. They do the same organized crime racket stuff, just now their enforcers are superpowered. Lots of villain capes wind up in their orbit just because they're so entrenched. Their current headliners are Blink, Skip, and Somnus. Blink is a teleporter, short range and line of sight limited but he can do a lot of hops very quickly. 'Blink and you'll miss it' is an appropriate reference. Skip is- kinda weird, no one has a good explanation for how their power actually works. Basically, they seem to choose whether or not they get hit by anything. Shoot a gun at them and you'll find the bullet in the wall behind them, throw a punch and their body is just half an inch out of reach, that sort of thing. Wide area effects seem to be their weak point. Somnus has sleeping gas for breath. Usually he wears a gas mask and tosses grenades he filled up earlier, but if pressed he can and will knock out an entire battlefield.

The Witch Riders are probably more interesting. They're an offshoot of the Warlocks, another biker gang. The current leader, Charybdis, apparently took offense to the Warlocks' white-supremacist, male-only ethos when she triggered back in the mid-nineties. The first couple years of her career were spent driving the Warlocks out of town entirely. The Witch Riders took over their place in the ecosystem, making some loose alliances with other lower-level gangs against the mafia and becoming more or less the opposing pole for the underworld to orient around. Charybdis herself is a hydrokinetic who makes tentacles of water to attack and defend, and drives around on a custom motorcycle designed to look like a sea monster. Her second-in-command is Salle, who makes forcefield cages of varying size, from just big enough for a person up to the width of a street.

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The Witch Riders sound pretty interesting (and fire versus water could be nicely thematic) - Ruby might allow them to stick around - but the mafia...

Nothing says boring like highly organized crime. 

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That'll be a project. They haven't lasted this long for no reason.

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She'll need to understand more about the legal system's handling of superpowered criminals, for one, and how bad corruption is, for two, and then for three what would happen if, let's say just theoretically, every local member suffered a tragic and bizarre tiger related accident... Or, more realistically, simply vanished. 

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Everyone else in the city would probably band together against Ruby, if that last one happened. Bounty on her head. Might even get the Triumvirate involved.

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And if it couldn't be traced back to her? 

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Mass panic and witch-hunts.

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Ugh, annoying. 

What about a citizen's arrest with evidence pinned to their clothes? 

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That'd be basically vigilantism, which is... a little controversial. Depends how solid the evidence is, but the mafia does have deep roots.

Ellie is not as versed in this aspect of cape life.

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She's done some maneuvering in the shadows before - but it's different when you're both members of a secret society, and no one else knows magic exists. 

She'll have to do a lot of digging and prep work and ugh, though she might be able to get the capes to attack her and at least get a self defense argument up... And she can always provide - alternative forms of employment. 

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Alternative employment?

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Start her own gang - a cooler one, and one the mafia can't fuck with (on pain of tigery doom).

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Ah. The traditional route.

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But better. More supervillain, less mob.

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Of course, of course.

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And if stealing their business and their potential 'associates' out from under them gets them to attack her - well, at that point she's just acting in self defense. 

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Ellie's pretty sure that's how cycles of violence and revenge get started.

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And worrying too much about that's how they get left in power. 

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Perks of having ridiculous powers, she guesses.

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She's going to want some calibration on what the most ridiculous local powers are, but - yeah. Her magic's pretty ridiculous.

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The strongest heroes are widely agreed to be the Triumvirate- Alexandria, Legend, and Eidolon. Alexandria is the exemplar of what's been termed the 'Alexandria package': flight, super strength, and nigh-invulnerability. Legend's powerset is themed around lasers. He can attack by creating blasts, controlling their strength, speed and direction, and fly by partially converting himself into a laser. Eidolon has the ability to use a suite of three powers at once, and can change them based on the needs of the task before him. He's the most versatile of the Triumvirate.

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Hmmm... What - range of things can powers do?

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That is a very broad question and Ellie is not really sure how to answer it other than by, like, scrolling through lists of capes. There's not really any kind of underlying rules to predict powers that people have found? The PRT has a classification scheme but, and Ellie will bang this drum until she dies, it is descriptive not proscriptive and was originally intended to be a shorthand for what sorts of tactics are likely to be effective when engaging a given parahuman.

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Might be helpful if she's getting into fights with capes...

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Sure. She just wanted to get that out there because no one ever remembers that part. The modern system has twelve categories: Mover, Shaker, Brute, Breaker, Master, Tinker, Blaster, Thinker, Striker, Changer, Trump, Stranger. (There's a little rhyme that lists them off in that order.) The names are mostly straightforwardly descriptive of what the power does. Movers have enhanced speed or ability to get around. Shaker powers affect an area. Brutes are more durable and/or stronger than baseline. Breakers have a power that lets them shift into another state, like turning their limbs into water or whatever. Masters can control people or minions. Tinkers build weird exotech things that aren't possible for normal people to create. Blasters have ranged attacks. Thinker powers are for information gathering, something like clairvoyance. Strikers are the touch-based counterpart to Blasters. Changers can change their appearance. Trump powers are like meta-powers, they interact with other powers in some way. Strangers are stealth powers or things that are good for infiltration.

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The Tinker category is weird, and she's not really sure about the Trump category (usually the best you can do is prevent a meguca from transforming, which cuts most of them off from their powers, but once they've transformed you pretty much just have to slug it out), and mind control or minion powers are hard to learn and harder to use, but yeah all the rest of those sound like things she's familiar with meguca doing. 

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Advantage to her, then.

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A pretty strong one! 

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Ruby hardly needs it, if her power is as broad as she claims.

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The strong don't last for much time unless they're also smart, and getting taken by surprise has been the downfall of plenty of the most powerful meguca in history. 

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Also why she's asking all these questions. 

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Not just simple curiosity?

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It is a fascinating subject! But she's more curious about things like the base mechanics and history of powers, not so much how to fight them. 

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Ellie is more versed in those than fighting, to be honest.

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Ruby's all ears! 

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Then she can be treated to an impromptu lecture on the history of parahuman history, from Scion's first sighting to the founding of the Protectorate, the beginnings of the field of parahuman studies, Vikare's death, the emergence of the Endbringers... And she can very easily be sidetracked into a more expansive digression.

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Ruby's definitely encouraging the sidetracking! This is fascinating. 

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Might need more coffee. Or lunch even, Ellie can keep going well into the afternoon.

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She's got cash to spare. 

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Supervillainy seems well-remunerated.

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ATMs in her world are pretty vulnerable to magic. 

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Yeah, that'd do it.

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If ATMs here are designed to be hardened to superpowers, though, she might need to think up something else...

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Not so much hardened, though the newer generation models have some of that too, but they've got cameras and monitoring software with algorithms that trigger if the usage patterns go too far outside expected parameters.

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She can get past ordinary cameras - but, yeah, she might have to be careful to only skim a bit of cash at a time, at least if she doesn't want the heroes knowing she's doing this. On the other hand, if she physically breaks the machine open rather than tricking it into giving her its cash, she can at least get any cash currently in it. 

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As long as it doesn't have a flash-trap. Burns the cash up if the safe box is opened improperly.

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Fire's her thing, so should be doable to check for - and possibly just flat out disable. 

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Just don't burn the city down.

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"I don't lose control of fire, trust me."

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"Yeah, yeah."

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"Might start out with another city, too; usually I'll bounce around some. And that'll be a good test of my ability to go unnoticed - I'll fly somewhere and see if anyone tries to Intercept me. - Maybe not reliable long term, but it'll help if I need cash before I get settled. Back home I've got a list of wealthy accounts whose owners I swear never check their bank statements..."

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"Just make sure you're back in time for the next bank robbery. An afternoon out is much better than one filling out witness statements."

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Giggle! "I'll be quick."

"Though, speaking of - are you gonna get in trouble for not sticking around to give a statement?"

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"Ugh. Maybe. Depends how well my boss can bullshit the PRT."

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"I can pretend I kidnapped you... But that might just make more paperwork."

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"Yeah. If I give them some info about you, they'll probably get off my back."

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"As long as it's flattering, I'm okay with that."

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"I'll make sure they're impressed."

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"And give them your full name, since they'd come up with something boring otherwise."

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"Can't have that."

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"Least I can do, really."

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"I still appreciate it!"

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"You're welcome."

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Hum. "So the PRT are like police?"

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"The legal situation is, uh, more complicated than that, but basically yes? Police for parahumans. Well, more like SWAT, but they do handle arrest and short-term confinement."

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"How bad are they at coordinating with normal police?"

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"Mostly pretty okay? Depends on the region a little bit, local personalities and whatever but- normal police mostly don't want to get involved fighting a parahuman."

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She's got a couple other questions about law enforcement - and about laws around the use of powers. 

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Sure, Ellie knows some things. The laws are nominally about protecting industries from being monopolized or some Thinker crashing the stock market every other week or public safety. Simplifying heavily, it's illegal to use powers to make money. And if you're not in the Protectorate, it's illegal to use your powers at all.

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So... Your options are 'be a cop' or 'do crime'? Okay that's even fucking stupider than the War on Drugs, or hell even Prohibition, and those were really fucking stupid. Like if you criminalize not being a cop, then your cops are about to be really fucking outnumbered.

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Yeah, that might have something to do with how there's only one Protectorate and a whole bunch of gangs in town.

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It doesn't fit her grand supervillain aesthetic but she is totally gonna put 'A. C. A. B.' in giant letters over her awesome supervillain lair's entrance. That's how fucking stupid those laws are.

"Yeah, if I get a chance, I'm so putting that on blast. Apparently being a cool supervillain who provides an alternate option for powered people - capes? - and doesn't do lame stuff like gangs do is gonna be a public service! Fucking idiot politicians, seriously - ugh, I wanna be a doctor, damn it, not a fucking, 'fix your stupid laws you idiot' advocate."

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"Such a terrible burden you bear. I salute your sacrifices for the greater good."

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She sticks her tongue out. 

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Ellie nods solemnly in acknowledgement.

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"You're not making fun of me, are you?"

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"Who, me? Perish the thought."

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"Excuse you, supervillaining is a very serious business!"

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"Which is why I'm giving it the respect it deserves."

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Rudest cape consultant! 

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One gets what one pays for.

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Will Ellie be nicer if Ruby gets her fancier baked goods? 

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It's a distinct possibility!

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She'll need to learn more about the offerings in the city, then! Or figure out if she can drop off radar enough to take Ellie on a real outing somewhere more exotic...

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Start with the pastries. Work up from there.

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Yeah, even with the teasing she can't help but smile back. 

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Anything else she wants to know today?

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Hmmm... She thinks that's all her questions for now on cape matters. 

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All right.

Just to be clear, Ellie still doesn't feel they're at the stage where she'll invite Ruby to spend the night at her place.

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Awww. But, fair enough. 

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Ellie trusts Ruby will be able to manage.

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She'll need to find someone else to crash with, probably... Though she can also skip sleep if she really feels like it. 

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That must be convenient.

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It has its uses! 

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Especially if she's going for med school. Ellie hears that schedule gets demanding.

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Yeah, it's already pretty essential in her pre-med program. 

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Not gonna lie, Ellie's a bit jealous.

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Maybe her big supervillain goal should be eliminating the scourge of mandatory sleep. 

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It'd certainly be big enough.

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And grandly dramatic enough! 

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Not necessarily very villainous, though.

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A lot of mad scientist supervillain goals aren't evil in and of themselves! It's the 'mad science' part that makes it supervillainy.

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Ah. Fair enough, then.

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All in the presentation! 

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Though it sounds like Ruby should be letting Ellie go soon - ?

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Yeah, she had some errands to run today before going home.

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"Have fun."

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"You too. Feel free to look me up sometime. This was nice, overall."

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"Was for me too!"

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"See you around, then."

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"See you!"

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Ellie will take her leave, drifting off into the city.

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She'll go exploring, then - in the guise of a totally normal human tourist, at least at first. 

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There's plenty of normal human tourist things to do in a city this size! And if she stays in the downtown-ish region, there's a reasonable chance she can see one of the Protectorate heroes on a meet-and-greet leg of their patrol. If she'd rather find a villain, then she'd probably have to do some abnormal tourist activities.

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Running into a Protectorate hero sounds more interesting, right now. 

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As luck would have it, she does happen across a hero pausing to hand out autographs next to a park.

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Ooo pretty! And from that costume... Looks like this might be Incandesce.

Ruby, being a supervillain of good taste and also a lesbian, will get in line for an autograph. (Unfortunately, this dress only has a bit of cleavage, though it shows off her deltoids and biceps very well... Ruby's never been one to let a little thing like magic imply to her that she can skip hitting the gym, because it's very important to look like she can - literally - pick girls up.)

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Looks like she's about Ruby's age, when she gets to the front of the line.

"Hello there," Incandesce says. "And who should I make this out to?"

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"Ruby," she says. "Just that - though I wouldn't mind if you added something like 'cute girl.'" Flirtatious smile. 

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"That does seem to be a true descriptor."

To a cute girl
called Ruby,

And she'll draw a loopy heart around the whole thing.
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Giggle. "Not as cute as you are, though."

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"Why thank you!" She leans in to whisper conspiratorially. "Though between you and me, I'm going more for 'hot' than 'cute'." She taps demonstratively at her flame visor.

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"Why not both?"

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"Tricky, but maybe I can manage it.," she laughs. "Maybe next time you can give me some advice?" (Ruby's pushing up on the maximum time anyone's talked to Incandesce while she's been signing.)

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She steps aside and lets the next person up. "I'll look forward to it."

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She gets one more smile before Incandesce goes back to the business of public relations.

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She hangs around the shops after that - window shops at first, gets an idea of clothing prices here, what shops are available... If there's any places with maps of the area, or a local attractions/ business directory (even just for tourists). If there's any nice hotels downtown, too; she can stay in a motel if she has to, but she'd rather not. Any restaurants or coffee shops that look like a good place to take a date (or a consultant being paid in coffee and baked goods).

And, also, she keeps an eye on Incandesce out of the corner of her eye, as her window shopping and information gathering - and one spot of actual shopping, she really goes need at least enough clothing to change into tomorrow morning, plus trying out one of the coffee shops - 'coincidentally' keeps her in the same broad area. 

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The hero doesn't seem to notice her, occupied as she is with her other business. Incandesce does a good job of looking like a hero, at least, always friendly and polite, stopping to pass a friendly hello with anyone who seems interested, holding doors, helping kids cross the street, flagging down a taxi for an old lady.

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Once she's no longer tied up with autographs or old ladies needing help, Ruby mosies on over to Incandesce. 

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"Can I help- Oh, it's the cute one. Hi!"

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"And you're the hottest hero." She laughs. "Hi yourself."

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"How's your evening going? No crimes to report, I hope?"

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"None so far! And I've mostly just been shopping," she raises the bag with her new clothing demonstratively, "And trying to figure out where a good hotel is around here."

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"From out of town, huh. Well, you can't go wrong with the Grand."

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"Yeah; I'm from a bit farther south." Light shrug. "And that definitely sounds like a fancy enough hotel."

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"I used to stay there with my family when I was a wee lass. Incandesce-approved!"

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She laughs. "Then I'll definitely give it a shot."

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"So, what brings you to our fair city?"

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"Just travel. Though I might stay for the pretty girls."

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"Just sightseeing?"

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"Depends on what I see!"

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"Well, I won't mind if you keep watching me."

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"You're the best sight so far."

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She preens. "I do make this costume look good, don't I."

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"Absolutely stunning - and hot."

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She makes a little flare of flame burst from each of her shoulders.

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Can she touch them? 

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Incandesce would prefer that she not!

"Careful," she says, snuffing them out. "Don't want to hurt yourself."

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"Maybe not in public."

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She winks. "You would not believe how many training sessions about liability I've had to sit through as a pyrokinetic."

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"Informed consent goes a long way!"

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"I'm told it's still 'bad for our image' to let people burn themselves in public."

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"What about in private?"

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"That would be a different story, if the situation ever arose."

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"It could happen."

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"Stranger things have, Miss Ruby. Though usually not during working hours."

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"Later, though?"

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"I'm off shift at eight."

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"Let me give you my number so you can text when you have a room..."

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"Thanks." She writes it down, and makes a mental note to at least get a burner phone before eight. 

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Wink. "Looking forward to it."

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"See you then."

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Well, Incandesce has a patrol to continue.

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Ruby will let her go! 

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After letting Incandesce go on her way, Ruby heads to somewhere she can buy a prepaid SIM card first - hopefully she won't actually need a full burner phone, since she does have a phone and can hopefully use magic to smooth over any operating system incompatibilities.

After that... She's going to need a hotel room... Hm, can she turn some of her cash into a prepaid debit card? Fancy hotel might not be impressed with being paid cash for a night. 

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SIM and prepaid debit card can both be obtained without issue at a corner store.

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And to the hotel! Ruby will get a small suite with a single queen bed, facing away from the street so it's a bit more private and quiet - and, also, high enough that it'll be easier for her to sneak out by flying.

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Fortunately there is such a room available. And within her budget even for a night.

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Cool - though she's going to need more money before long...

She puts her new clothes in the room, texts Incandesce the room number and, since it's nowhere near eight yet, heads to the library to do some research of her own. 

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kk ill b there when im off!!

the mask will be staying on tho >;)
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makes sense lol


see you cutie

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And around eight-thirty, there's a knock on Ruby's hotel door.
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She goes to answer! (She's still in her day clothes.)

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Incandesce is in street clothes, but as promised her visor is still affixed.

"Hey there."

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"Hey hottie." She steps aside to let Incandesce in. 

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Smirk. "Nice place you've got."

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"It came well recommended."

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Bounce bounce.

"How did you want to start?"

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Hum... "Up to you." Though she does step much closer. 

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"You look like the kind of girl who'd be fun to kiss."

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"Hmmm, and your mask does leave your lips free..." She steps close enough their chests are just barely brushing, head tilted down. 

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Kiss!!! Very pushy, intense kiss, in fact.

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"Oh, so it's gonna be like that, huh?" she giggles.

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"Unless you object." Kiss!

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"Sounds like fun."

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Sounds like permission for even more pushy kisses!

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Maybe they should take this to the bed?

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Sounds good! 

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She pushes Incandesce back and onto the bed, straddling her before she can get herself situated, grabbing her hair to pull her in for another kiss. "Mmm," she murmurs. "I seem to recall something about only letting people burn themselves in private?"

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"You're wearing too many clothes. Don't wanna set off the smoke alarm~"

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Excess clothes can be fixed! Nice and slowly, of course, giving her audience a good chance to appreciate every inch of skin being revealed.

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Audience: is very appreciative.

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Does she stay still and watch like a good girl? 

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Not wiggling is hard!

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Ruby might need to pin her down better, so she can get undressed in peace...

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Quite possibly.

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Luckily her thighs are up to the job. (This involves shifting her position forward a little bit.)

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A new and exciting vantage point!

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Something for her to enjoy while Ruby finishes undressing.

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Incandesce does very much enjoy it.

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And, once she's done: "Any other safety measures you want, cutie?"

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"That seems good enough to get started."

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Ruby has ideas on where to start...

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Well then. Started they shall get.

(Ruby may notice that Incandesce's entire body heats up when she does her pyrokinesis thing, ramping more and more over time.)

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Very convenient then that Ruby is currently straddling her - enough heat gets her very wiggly and pressing down on Incandesce. (Incandesce might notice that not only is she not bothered psychologically by the heat - definitely a masochist - but she isn't having a lot of the subtle indicators of burns or overheating being a medical issue that Incandesce has been repeatedly warned to watch out for. She gets flushed and lightly sweaty and no worse, no matter where or how much heat Incandesce applies.)

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She's keeping things at a safe level for playing, so that's not too surprising. Convenient, though. Means they can keep going longer.

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And Ruby has a lot of stamina - and rewards Incandesce for good behavior, of course. 

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Yeah, this was a great decision.

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Ruby definitely agrees.

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An excellent use of the evening.

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Much as she'd prefer not to, though, Incandesce should leave before morning.

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Sad! Though she'll have Ruby's number if she wants to meet up again. 

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She will keep it handy.

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"See you around."

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"Bye bye, cutie Ruby." And she shows herself out.

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She spends some time taking a cat nap - not strictly necessary, but very nice - before seriously settling in to figure out how to make some money. There's ATMs, of course - ones in other cities - and she doesn't exactly have the qualifications for a competitively paying job...

Robbing ATMs is currently of uncertain benefit to her, though. It'd be good to have alternate income streams - once she establishes herself as a supervillain, those should be easy to come by... Hmmm, of other crimes, there's always robbing jewelry shops, or just flat out forging things to sell - pawn shops tend to be pretty suspicious, though, and she bets that'll be worse here. But if she can get ahold of the raw materials, her powers do actually lend themselves decently well to jewelry making, allowing her to launder stolen jewelry without much issue...

There's also always legitimately selling her art, but that's boring and would require some time to get established anyways...


She heads to the library. What does the internet have to say about ways to make money with powers - ? Surely there's something technically legal (other than being a cop) even if just in other countries - and Ruby's fast enough that even the other side of the world isn't a horrible commute away. As long as their currency exchanges to USD, she'll be fine. (And obviously there's a whole host of ways to make money illegally, but she isn't in the mood to tie herself to an existing gang, which cuts off a lot of the usual means.) Bounties, maybe? One off 'consultations' somewhere with money but no real rule of law? 

(She isn't entirely familiar with this computer style or how the NSA works in a world with parahumans, but she does do what she can to make herself harder to track, just in case her searches trip any red flags. Won't be the first time she's ended up on a watchlist, though, and she'll be doing her supervillain debut soon enough anyways.)

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Seems like other countries are less restrictive than the US in terms of economic application for parahuman powers in most ways- NEPEA-5 doesn't have universal analogues. The Protectorate is also not a universal institution, most everywhere else has their own smaller, more localized groups with their own norms and historical context. Some regions, either through a lack of existing state capacity or unlucky triggers have devolved into outright warlordism, and there's certainly no shortage of mercenary work to be had there. (She won't be able to sign up over the public internet, but if she's not afraid of watchlists she can put enough together to figure out where to go.) There are also bounty contracts floating around, though most of the truly well-paid ones are well-paid because the targets are too dangerous or too slippery for the official heroes or anyone else to have already taken out, and not for lack of trying.

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Ugh, worse prospects than in her world. (Some magical girls - who run more aggressively law-minded than monsters - make serious bank working their way through 'most wanted/ reward for information leading to capture' lists.)

Some of those dangerous bounties might also be a good way to make her official introduction, though, especially if she wants to make it clear she's playing by her rules and not the stupid ones here - as long as she follows up with something sufficiently grandly supervillainous, so no one thinks she's a hero or anything gross. However, despite Ellie's general first impression of her, Ruby isn't actually stupidly reckless, just stupidly overpowered and aware of it. She doesn't know yet how her magic will interact with the local powers; if power nullifiers work on her, that would be really bad. 

'Slippery' might be a good bet, though - at least a good test of her magic versus their powers, given how shaky her scrying and all is compared to a lot of magical girls and other monsters. Looks like Strangers, mostly, or people able to nullify Thinker powers somehow, or powerful Thinkers themselves... Or crime lords with said capes on staff, a lot like the local mafia but with governments that actually want them arrested or, better yet, dead. 

Also, putting together enough to figure out where to go for the less official bounties is much easier when you have magic - she needs a lot less than a typical person to get a good heading. 

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The question becomes, then, how far afield does she wish to travel?

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Hmmm... Just about everywhere on the planet is within a couple hours even if she doesn't push herself. She doesn't super feel like spending all day on this - but like, that pretty much just rules out... This isn't too far from her usual reference point, so off the top of her head - southern Africa, Australia, southeast Asia, and like all the islands right around there would take too long for a first jaunt, unless there's a really tempting bounty out there. (She's assuming, of course, that she can daytrip this - if that looks unlikely, she might as well go farther afield.) That leaves the whole rest of the planet, though. 

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There's a South American cartel that might fit the bill. After some years of relatively low-level activities, they're aggressively expanding their territory, ramping up distribution of a seemingly Tinker-made drug and certain global actors, governmental and otherwise, would prefer that neither the drug nor the cartel behind it become an endemic problem.

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Largest bounties on the leader and the possible Tinker in question (if they exist), then, with... Looks like a small general bounty for 'information leading to arrest' for each of the other major figures in the cartel... She'll have to be careful about evidence for everyone but the leader, maybe the Tinker, if she wants the full payout... Cartel leader's 'dead or alive' but not the Tinker, what do you wanna bet shadowy government figures are gonna vanish that guy... Killing the cartel leader will also let her collect from that 'otherwise' crowd. (She double checks self defense laws in the area - looks like she probably wouldn't get in much trouble even if she did kill other cartel members, at least, as long as they're trying to shoot her first - but she then wouldn't get paid for them.)

Workable, and gathering and turning over evidence might let her get a small trickle of funds going as arrests play out. 

She makes extra sure no one's currently watching her, then leans back in her chair and spins up a scry in flames dancing before her. She's got the drug lord's picture, normally that'd be enough to go on especially since she's so helpfully gotten a name and rough location, too - does this guy have anything stopping her from finding him? (Getting 'looking glass' images is tough for her, but she can conjure up shapes in the flame in three dimensions. She won't be able to read anything, but she'll be able to identify people and architecture and all.) (If she finds him in the scry, she should then also be able to anchor a finding spell, get some distance and heading information.)

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Looks like he's currently in a bunker-type space, conferring with some henchminions.

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Simple enough... She gets the best location fix she can, then goes looking for defenses, hints of who his capes are...

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Doesn't seem like there's much of that available online. Speculation is he's got at least two or three Brute-types, plus a teleporter and plausibly a Thinker that can spot incoming threats.

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Bet the teleporter's near him for evac purposes... That plus the Thinker might be what makes him so slippery. She isn't worried about the brutes, but chasing this guy around would be a pain. 

So she needs to kill him - without destroying the body past recognition - before he can run, or take out his possible teleporter and Thinker first. She's not fast enough to get to his hideout before he could react - so, if the Thinker sees her coming, then he'll definitely have a chance to run. But he isn't running yet...

She shrugs and spins up the best notice-me-not spells she can - getting past precog is a pain, her theme lends itself well to manipulating light or heat, or to 'being like smoke,' and being a tiger lends itself well to hiding before an ambush, though she's uncertain if she can get that to cover her while she's moving... It'd be iffy against another monster, at least. 

But - hmmm, if she can thin herself out enough as a smoke tiger, that might work, and that'd allow faster movement too... Would also shield her from a wider variety of attempts to spot her...

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That decided, she gets a motel for the day/ night, leaves her stuff there - 

Then turns into a tiger, becomes smoke and flame - and thins herself out until she's nothing more than a wisp. She flows under the door and out into the sky, picking up speed rapidly once she hits cloud level, continuing to rise and arcing south. 

Her goal is an area near her target, where she'll be able to do further scrying just to confirm he hasn't run. Right now, though, she's focused on speed and subtlety - and on paying attention to see if anyone tries to intercept her as she flies over. 

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Her journey south is apparently uninterrupted.

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And has her target gone anywhere? 

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He is now in a different bunker-like location. There don't seem to be any doors on this one.

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So they did sense her coming... Does his new place have any ventilation? 

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Indeed it does! Little tiny six inch vents.

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Enough for smoke. But since he saw her coming earlier...

She tightens her notice-me-not protections as much as she can, focuses on stalking - on being the predator following the prey, suspected but never seen - 

She turns to smoke, and she heads for her target. 

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She can slip through through the surface vents and weave through the filters easily enough.

And it's not until she's in the room, coiling up for her strike, that the cartel boss gives a jerk and begins shouting panicked instructions for his henchmen to take battle positions.

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She's already pouncing, an apparition of smoke and flame - 

And, unlike local capes, she doesn't have to obey anything as silly as the Manton limit. A fire burns under his skin even before she reaches him, taking sudden physical form, teeth aiming for his neck. 

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He dies, horribly.

The henchmen would like to return her the favor, if she doesn't mind.

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Lmao nope. 

She turns back to smoke before anyone can shoot her, then, hmmm, she's not actually practiced at taking people alive... Ah, well, they're already firing, so if she makes a mistake she's probably covered legally. 

How do they feel about the room filling with smoke?

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One of them tries to inhale it all, his skin becoming smoke-tinged as he does so.

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Wow rude. Also like, resisting won't exactly work, sooo. 

Hmmm... All the guns (or other weapons) in the room catch on fire. 

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Aaaghh! This is not appreciated.

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"You're welcome to surrender at any time," she says in Spanish as she rumbles in amusement. 

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...Is that an option?

Of course not, fight to the death!

The boss is already dead, though.

So they'd rather go to prison?

Yes? The other option seems to be horrible death by fire.

Good point. They surrender.

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Very smart of them!

(...Do they have their own way out of this bunker, actually, or is she going to need to call the police to come rescue them. (Though maybe she can figure out passengers? She can almost certainly just carry the corpse out with her, especially if she picks it up while human-shaped then folds it into hammerspace with her, but she's never tried that with a living passenger... Though she's definitely taking like, microbes with her...))

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The teleporter is still alive, albeit trying to not whimper from having his palms scorched off when Ruby toasted his AK.

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She makes sure she has his scent, just in case he gets any bright ideas about making a run for it. 

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Yeah, nope, please don't burn him any more, scary tiger. He'll just get everyone up to the surface.

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And she'll find a local phone to call the authorities with! 

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Authorities were not expecting this to happen but are readily convinced to deal with the aftermath.

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Awesome. Only question after that is the bounty money. 

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They can do a wire transfer, if she has a bank account?

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...She knew she was forgetting something. 

(How quickly can she get a bank account?...Especially an anonymous one for people with secret identities.)

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In her previous investigations, she happened across a cape by the name of the Number Man, who has a solid reputation as a provider of banking services for those who are unwilling or unable to interact with the financial system in a more normal fashion. Getting in contact and setting up an account takes only half an hour or so. He's surprisingly efficient.

After the government transaction goes through, he can also handle receiving the bounties various private entities offered on the same target.

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A nice and solid chunk of change. (She's never actually had this much money at once before! But she could totally start looking for a house supervillain lair with this in hand. Even just an empty plot of land, honestly; Ruby's magic theme doesn't lend itself ideally to most architecture but she can make it work. And then she gets to design things from scratch...)

She'll probably have to spend most of the day on this - but she keeps an eye on the time, a little antsy to return before it'd get too late back in Philadelphia.

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She can make it back for a late dinner.

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First thing: she checks her phone. (...Oh, she should get her number to Ellie, speaking of phones...)

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Incandesce has texted her! Some pictures of the city and a restaurant recommendation.

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Is Incandesce available for Ruby's first time testing out that restaurant - ?

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Sadly no. Heroes don't get to have sit-down dinners.

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Tragic, though it does give her a good excuse to track down her favorite consultant...

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Compared to a crime boss protected by multiple parahumans, such a task should be easy.

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She gets Ellie's number, first, instead of just showing up to her house, texting her: 

hi favorite consultant! this's Ruby

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I should ask you how you got this number, but I get the feeling I don't want to know.
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awww but i like bragging about my powers :P and you did say i could look you up sometime...

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No one to blame but myself, it seems.
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also btw I've got a lot more cash now and a good restaurant recommendation, wanna meet up again for another consult? 

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If you're paying, sure.
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my treat yeah

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Were you thinking tonight or later?
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whenever works for you

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Let's do tonight. I don't feel like cooking anyway.
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should i pick you up or do you wanna meet there? 

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I'll meet you there. What's the address?
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She gives it. 

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See you in a bit.
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She double checks that she's presentable, then heads over. 

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Ellie shows up a few minutes after Ruby. "Hey."

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"So - booth or normal chairs?"

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"Chairs, if they're available."

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Seem to be! 

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They're able to get seats and order without too much trouble.

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"How've you been? Not too much trouble after we split up?"

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"Not a lot. PRT said I should tell you to get in touch with them if I saw you again, to see if you wanted to join up."

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Giggle! "Not gonna happen - even though Incandesce is cuter in person."

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"You met her already?"

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"A lady doesn't kiss and tell."

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"How scandalous."

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"I can definitely confirm that she's even hotter in person, though, and she's passed the initial audition for nemesis with flying colors."

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"Good news, I suppose."

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"It's been a very productive twenty four hours!"

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"Is that related to why you said you had more money?"

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"Yep! Turns out there are so legal ways of making money with powers - if you can make a day trip to another country, at least."

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"Bounty hunting?"

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"Yep! Took down a cartel - killed the leader, captured the other capes and miscellaneous high ranking mooks."

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"Thanks! Though did lead me to realize I'm not well set up to actually capture anyone... I just intimidated these guys into handing themselves over and not making a run for it."

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"I could see you being very intimidating if you wanted," Ellie agrees. "But capturing parahumans alive isn't exactly a solved problem in the general case. The PRT uses containment foam, which mostly works but still isn't perfect."

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Hum. "I can work on magic solutions - and at least carry zip ties for the miscellaneous normals."

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"Sounds like a good place to start."

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"Though I'll be set for a little while just from this haul - unless I really want to go all out on the tacky supervillain lair."

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"You don't seem one for half-measures."

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"Never have been! But it might be aesthetic to delay my epic supervillain lair until after I'm more established."

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"Otherwise it might just look like you're trying too hard."

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"Can't have anyone thinking I'm a poser."

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"It would be devastating."

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"A major setback to my image building campaign!"

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Nod nod.

"So what's your next step?"

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Thoughtful hum. "I need to plan my debut - and probably it'd be best to do a lot of my bounty hunting before I'm well known..."

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"To minimize the chance people start preparing for you?"

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"It'll be easier if I can avoid complications like that, yeah."

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"Makes sense. Are you going to take credit after the fact?"

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Thoughtful hum. "Not loudly, I don't think. But I won't deny any rumors or anything - I'm not looking to be an anti-hero, but something with that bad girl mystique can be a good backstory."

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"Make sure you're just edgy enough to be interesting."

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"Give the internet something to gossip about."

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"Better than letting them make something up to gossip about."

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"Pretty sure they'll be doing that anyways!"

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"True, true."

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"But it'll be good to add some fun things into the pot."

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"I'll make sure to keep an eye on what people say."

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"Best consultant."

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"What's my competition like?"

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"Anyone who might want to work for me - which is everyone interesting."

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"Suppose I'd best stay at the top of my game, then."

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"I have faith in your ability to continue to excel."

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"How comforting."

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"You don't think you can keep up?"

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"I'm no superhero, it must be admitted."

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It'd be a bit premature to offer to fix that... Eh, Ruby's got an edge of experience. She'll be fine. 

"Fixing that would be a good bonus for hard work, don't you think?"

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Blink blink.

"Um. Yyyes?"

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Mischievous wink! "Magic doesn't work like parahuman powers, you know."

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"You're saying you can give me magic like you have?"

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"If you're willing to study."

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"I've always been academically inclined."

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"You'll have a pretty good chance, then!"

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"Wanna come to my hotel room after dinner?"

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She really should say no. But she's not going to.

"All right."

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"Any hints for what I should expect, or will it be a surprise?"

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"I like surprises, myself."

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"As befits an ambush predator like a tiger."

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"Might be part of it!"

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"I can't venture a better guess without knowing more, of course."

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"You'll have to get to know me better."

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"I find I'm not averse to the prospect."

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Teeny tiny wiggle!

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Then they can fill their dinnertime with idle conversation.

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Enjoyable for its own sake.

And - head to her hotel room after?

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Ellie is still on board with that plan.

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It's the same exceptionally nice room as she had last night. She goes to stand over by the window, where there's some comfortable armchairs, and makes sure the blinds and curtains are closed.

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Ellie will take a seat in one of the chairs.

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She pulls a small jewelry box out of her inner jacket! It's actually surprisingly low on the gaudiness, though it's definitely fancy - red wood and black lacquer with tigers and nature scenes in gold. She sits across from Ellie.

"Now - first off. You can't tell anyone about this."

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"I assumed as much."

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She opens the box, turning it so Ellie can see inside. There's a variety of small pieces of jewelry - pendants, mostly, though there's some rings. "These are artifacts. They're what give me my powers."

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"All of them?"

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"Yep! Though you only need one as your bonded artifact - these're all extras. Mostly ones I took from assorted meguca I've beaten over the years..." She gestures, and suddenly a golden bracelet is visible on her left wrist. There's a single charm on it, depicting a stretching tiger surrounded by little flame-like swirls. "Except this one, the Burning Ruby Tiger artifact. It's the first one I found - and it's my bonded artifact."

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"It's pretty."

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Heee! "Thanks!"

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"If you only need one, why do you have all the others?"

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"As trophies, mostly - and to keep other people from using them."

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"I see. So there's not any- special requirements to use them?"

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"One of them has to - like you, I guess? I don't think they're intelligent, but they're all picky about who they'll bond to."

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"Gotta make friends, huh."

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"I'll do my best."

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She hands over the box. 

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Ellie will pick through it, she guesses. See if anything calls to her.

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There's a small pendant, a stylized red flower with spiky petals outlined in black, which curls into a loop she could thread a necklace through. It feels like it's sparkling.

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Huh. Seems like the thing. Ellie picks it out of the box and holds it up to examine.

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It's warm! And her fingers are getting a bit tingly touching it. It's also exceptionally beautiful, sparkling even more in the light. 

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"How do I, uh, turn it on?"

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"Focus on it a lot - kind of mentally reach out to it."

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Okay, here goes. Reveal unto Ellie your secrets, little jeweled flower.

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The tingling feeling spreads over her! 

...And suddenly she is wearing different clothing! Also her hair feels weird. 

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Wait what's wrong with her shirt sleeves, she's missing the shoulders. And her skirt looks maybe a little too poofy for how short it is. Running a hand through her hair, there's way too much of it. Aaannnd two unexpected furry protrusions on top of her head.

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Ruby makes a little 'eee' sound then puts her hands over her mouth. Her eyes are still laughing, though. 

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"I need a mirror-"

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She points to the entry hallway, which has a full length mirror - this involves letting a tiny giggle escape. 

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Oh. Ears.

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Wait. Ears?


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"Magical catgirl," Ruby squeaks out between giggles. 

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"You didn't say this was an outcome!! Why is my face different!"

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"You picked up a magical girl artifact! I did say they come with a specific appearance. But I wasn't expecting you to be one. You gave me monster vibes!"

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"You're having too much fun with this," Ellie accuses.

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"Sorry, sorry! Valid to be a magical catgirl. Really. And that actually was a really good pick - the Shadow Carnelian Necromancer's a powerful artifact. I never actually fought its previous wielder; no one's been able to bond it for decades, but Shadow Carnelian Necromancer Callisto was just about the most feared magical girl ever."

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"Hmph. I'm just that good."

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"Seems likely!"

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"So what sorts of things can I, uh, do now? Raise the dead?"

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"Necromancers are themselves pretty rare, so most of what I've got is rumors... Control dead bodies, kinda obviously. Commune with or somehow use spirits? Like, to strengthen yourself and all. Possibly resurrection, possibly a insta-kill - and you're gonna have to train your powers; most magical girls don't start with much. Probably you can influence which direction they grow in."

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"Not really the most PR-friendly stuff... At least I'm not wearing my own face, I guess."

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"Appropriate for a supervillain!"

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"A real edgy one, sure."

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"One with style."

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"Hmm." She does a little twirl, watching herself in the mirror. "Sure, I can make this work."

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"It is a pretty shape."

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"I look good in anything."

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"You really do."

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Hmmm she seems more receptive now... "Bet you'd look good in nothing, too."

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"That's for me to know, and maybe, if you're lucky, you to find out."

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"A girl's gotta try."

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"At least one more time."

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"Guessing not in a row?"

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"Low effort attempts will deduct points."

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"I'll try my best!"

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"I'm sure you will."

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"In the meantime - I can help with developing your powers!"

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"I would appreciate that."

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Is now good? 

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She doesn't have anything else planned for the night.

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"We can go over the basics here - especially things like veiling your presence so people can't track you."

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"I'll try not to burn down your hotel room."

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Giggle! "I'll be here for fire control."

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"Where do we start?

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"Most important's probably the stealth stuff? Not what I'd usually start with, but I think it's important here. And it's quieter, anyways."

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"Makes sense."

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First things first - Ruby slips into her own form. 

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"The forms are important for magic?"

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"Yep - it's crazy hard to use magic when you're not transformed. I've practiced enough I can anyways, but this'll make things easier."

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"Easy way for me to keep a secret identity, I guess."

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"Heh, yeah - your magical girl face will be consistent, too."

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"Good to know."

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"There's tricks you can do to change your appearance a little - like how I can look like a normal tiger or like I'm made of smoke - but I'm unsure how well those work for magical girls..."

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"Should be amenable to experimentation."

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Excitedly: "Yeah!"

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"All right. How do I, uh, do magic?"

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"It's mostly about wanting, and about story, for me. Like, I keep my bracelet invisible, usually, by constructing a story where most people can't see exceptional things - the same story expands to magic, too. Grown ups don't see Neverland, the disbelieving don't see fairies, and all. - Though nowadays it's more automatic than that. The right mental action becomes second nature after a while."

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"Telling a story, huh. Well, if I'm a necromancer then..." Maybe she can be a ghost? Undead, unseen...

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Ruby focuses on her, predatory eyes gleaming briefly like fire. 

"Pretty good," she says, "Especially for a first try. You'll want to think about other senses, too - but this should work on mundane humans."

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Pleased rumble. "What framework are you using?"

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"Thinking of myself as a ghost. To fit with the undead style and all."

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Hum. "Many ghosts in folklore can only be perceived in certain circumstances or by certain people - less being invisible, and more being selectively perceptible."

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"I'll have to do some research." But she can try to wrap her thinking around that way now...

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"You're quick."

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"You liked me for a reason, didn't you?"

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"One that's becoming more apparent all the time."

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Smug smug.

And more practicing! Ellie will run through as many ways as she can to conceptualize being ghosty and therefore imperceptible.

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Ruby offers some pretty insightful critiques, adapting quickly to how Ellie's powers differ from hers. 

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Good thing Ellie has off tomorrow. She's not planning on sleep at a reasonable time.

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They could see if Ruby's sleep skipping tricks translate well...

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Ooh. Yes, they could.

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Might actually be easier for Ellie than it was for Ruby, given the 'restless dead' angle. 

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Oh, good catch.

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Hard to test right away, though, which was the big problem for Ruby. 

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They'll just have to keep going and see if it becomes a problem. She'll keep the metaphor in the back of her mind.

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Sounds good. 

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Then let's get magical.

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It's really fun doing this with someone else.

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Ellie doesn't have experience to compare, but she does agree this is fun!

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And as the night wears on, Ellie does not find herself getting tired.

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A good sign!

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"The real trick tends to be maintaining it - you're doing well already, but probably you'll still find yourself tired soon enough. ...Might crash as soon as you leave the transformation, actually, I did that a lot when I was starting out..."

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"I won't do it in the middle of the street, then."

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"Probably best not to transform back in public anyways."

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"Well. Yeah."

"Can I stay here? For the night?"

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Tigery bounce! "Yeah!!!"

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Here goes...

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Ohhh, she's tired now.

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Pop! She, very offensively, is not tired at all. She does however use her energy to pull back the covers for Ellie, if she wants to go ahead and lay down. 

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Mrrr. Yeah, she does.

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(Ellie's cute when she's grumpy.)

"Wanna cuddle?"

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"Sleep," she mutters.

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No cuddling while sleeping? 

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She'll leave Ellie be, then. "Do you want the room to yourself?"

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"'S your room."

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"Still. I can keep myself busy if you'd rather. See the city nightlife and all." Or find a quiet spot to do some scrying for another bounty raid...

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Nnnnn no thinking only sleep.

"H've fun."

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"See you in a bit!" She'll turn the lights down and set a spare key card on the desk plus some cash and the number for room service, with a note of 'If you wake up before I'm back feel free to put stuff on my account or whatever.' 

And then she heads out into the city. It's actually not that far from dawn, Ellie did a really good job staying up... But it's close enough that she can still get a good feel for the city's night rhythms.

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She probably doesn't have time to hit more than one or two places before they all start shutting down. Unless she more interested in what happens out on the streets.

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Hmmm... Honestly, she wants to start scoping out the organized crime - and nightclubs can be a good place to find whoever's selling the good stuff. 

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Sounds like a plan!

It's not too difficult for her to find an appropriate venue given her skills, nor to find therein the corner table where deals are made.

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Getting into those deals requires a somewhat different skillset, though - which includes both 'charisma' and 'prettiness.' It's borderline easy mode to find whoever looks likely (a combination of 'actually knows relevant things' and 'will do stupid things to impress a pretty girl,' which is in her experience much more common than most organizations would prefer) and wind him around her little finger. The bar closing at two in the morning is, after all, such a drag - she isn't from the area, you know, and where she's from the party goes all night long. (She pretends to be from a tourist town she's familiar with, one known for its nightlife.) Surely refined gentlemen like themselves know where she can find the real entertainment - ?

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Well... (Smirk). Not to brag, but they do have connections. For a pretty thing like her, they might be able to make some introductions.

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Oh, she'd like that very much. (Suckers.)

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Then they will happily escort her to a private venue, chock full of mafia types. Seems to be mostly crew leaders passing over the bosses' share of the take, and celebrating a week's worth of "hard" "work".

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She won't do anything suspicious tonight - but she'll get a feel for the people around her (enough to scry them later) and string along her new toy enough to get invited to future get togethers.

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She can get all that fairly easily. These people aren't really on guard for her brand of infiltration.

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Their loss, her gain. 

She'll duck out when it gets closer to sunrise, hit up a twenty four hour pharmacy for a small notebook and some pens, and then she'll head back to the hotel to see if Ellie's awake yet. 

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She is absolutely not.

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Hmmm... Eh, keeping food fresh is a bit extra in terms of energy efficiency, but it's within her powers. So she'll order a nice breakfast and some very strong coffee, and just put them in stasis until Ellie wakes up. 

(Ruby doesn't sit in the bedroom to watch her, as tempting as it is. Instead she sits in the living room part of the suite and gets out her notebook, running scries and taking notes on her local criminal element she got her leads on.)

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It is well after sunrise and in fact closer to noon by the time Ellie stirs.

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Yeah, Ruby's had time to get bored and do more shopping (a better notebook with dividers, sparklier gel pens, a pocket calendar, and more clothes, including an incredibly adorkable Incandesce-branded racerback tank), though she's back in the room before Ellie gets up. 

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"Morning," she grudgingly mumbles, moving with unerring instinct to the coffee.

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"Good noon!" she says, only a bit excessively peppily.

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Oh sweetly bitter coffee, she would be nothing without you.


"Sorry. Didn't mean to sleep this late."

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"You're fine - I used the time to get a lot done, actually..." 

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"So I see. Nice shirt, by the way."

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She poses. "Thanks! I'm a real Incandesce fan, you know."

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"Maybe you should get her to sign it."

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"The real question is if she should sign it before or after I take it off..."

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"Maybe save that thought for the Incandesce-brand underwear."

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Giggle! "I didn't see any at the store..."

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"They're a bit of a specialty item. The tourist shops that see a lot of families don't tend to stock them."

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"So where do I find it, oh guide?"

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"You can either order it online, or we can go on a bit of an adventure."

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"I like adventures."

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"Then let me eat and we can head out."

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She'll make sure the food is warm and out of stasis.

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Then once Ellie is fully ready to face the day, out into the city they go. She steers them away from the more obvious tourist traps and to a lingerie boutique. As promised, there is a section with Incandesce-branded items, many of them featuring lacy flame patterns.

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Nice. Also, totally her style. She'll take a variety. Plus some of the other lingerie, while she's at it - what does Ellie think about this tiger-stripe lace - ? Or, ooo, this one has ribbons -

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Why not both, if money is no object? She'd look good in either.

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Oh, absolutely. Though she'll need someone to model them for...

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Ellie might be willing.

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They can start with the less racy stuff? 

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Maybe Ellie should get some updates for her own wardrobe while they're here.

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Ruby's treat? 

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She'll not say no.

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What's all this cash for, if not spoiling the best consultant? 

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A very good point indeed.

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Good to know they're in agreement here. 

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Ellie will start browsing for her own selections, then. She's not terribly interested in Incandesce-branded underwear.

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There's some nice red and black lace that would complement Ruby's picks well... Some entirely black and very gothic selections... And that deep green silk would look lovely on Ellie...

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Ooh, she does like the green. And the gothic ones seem to be on theme.

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Why not both?

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Fair enough.

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Splurge a little. 

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She'll take them all.

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Perfect. (And, yeah, Ruby has more than enough money for this - even a shiny new debit card for her account.)

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It's almost like she's a respectable citizen.

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Perish the thought. 

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Perhaps they should go store their new acquisitions?

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Works! ...Hmmm, she needs a suitcase or something if she ever plans to leave her hotel room...

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She could borrow Ellie's luggage if she's only going to move once.

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That works! 

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They could swing by her place first then, if she's thinking of doing that soon.

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She hasn't really thought of a place to move to yet... She might want to hit a few more bounties first, too. Build up enough money for a proper supervillain lair. 

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Fair enough.

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Though she's not really sure what a good supervillain lair would look like in this world...

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Volcano lair? There's not a whole lot of real world prior art. Most of the examples are, like, repurposed Endbringer shelters or abandoned warehouses.

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Hmmm, she's fast enough that that might not be too inconvenient a distance from the city... Though something close would be more aesthetic...

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Could do a skyscraper penthouse, that has class.

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Ooo, yeah. 

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Only downside would be the potential for collateral damage if she wants to have a dramatic showdown at home.

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Hmmm, very good point... Though anything in the city would have that, really. Maybe she can just take any fights outside city limits? 

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Assuming her partners cooperate.

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What are they going to do, not follow her if she flies off? 

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Not everyone can fly.

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Well, then there's no fight - or she'll just scoop them up and dump them in a lake somewhere, honestly. No point having a dramatic showdown with someone who can't even fly.

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Incandesce can't fly as far as Ellie knows.

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Yeah, but she's hot, and Ruby kinda doubts she'll be inconsiderate about collateral damage to their surroundings - and Ruby can pretty trivially fireproof stuff. It's more the random other villains or idiot minor heroes that she's concerned about. 

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Priorities, huh.

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Typical Ruby.

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"The right optics are very important to supervillainy! I'm not going to waste my time on boring people."

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"I feel like I should be taking notes."

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"If you think you'd need the reminders."

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"Maybe I'm planning a tell-all memoir."

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"Then you definitely need notes - maybe even a few pictures."

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"It'd be a shame if anything got left out."

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"Downright a tragedy."

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And of course, what expedition is complete without a Protectorate sighting? They get Incandesce again this time.

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Oh speak of the (very hot) devil. 

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"Gonna try for a photo op?"

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"Could I get a picture of the two cutest girls together, then?"

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"It's definitely possible."

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"Will you?"

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"Oh, very well."

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"Yes!!" Fist pump! 

Time for pictures! 

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"Oh, it's you! Hi! I see you've made a friend?"

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"Hi! This is Ellie - she's been my local consultant. I'm paying her in baked goods and coffee."

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"Sounds like a sweet gig."

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"Though I take my coffee black."

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Snrk. "Good one!"

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"Unfortunately, I'm not sure if multiple openings are available..."

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"And here was me hoping for some supplementary income."

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"I could possibly find other positions..."

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"I'll keep my ears open."

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"Anyways... I'd like to take a picture of the city's two prettiest girls together."

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"Sure thing!"

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Ellie steps up beside her and gamely bears with Incandesce throwing an arm across her shoulder.

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She's sure they'll turn out wonderfully.

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How could they do anything but, given the subject matter? 

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Well fair enough.

"So good to see you again."

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"Yeah! Glad we came out here." She shows them the pictures she took. 

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Super cute!!

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Yeah, not bad.

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Ruby's pretty good at taking photos, if she does say so herself. 

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Not the worst hobby to have.

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Especially as a tourist.

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Does come in handy! 

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So how long can Incandesce expect to see her around?

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She's been thinking of staying for a little bit, actually. The city has a lot of charms. 

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Everyone will be glad to have her.

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Especially those whose opinions matter most. 

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Incandesce sees what she's doing there.

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Oh, does she? 

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She's quite observant, you know.

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What else has she observed? 

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Oh, she could write entire lists. Not in public, though.

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Does she want to step into a more private environment? 

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Still on the clock, unfortunately!

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Awww. Later, though? 

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Her number hasn't changed, wink wink.

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Very convenient, that. 

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Maybe they should allow the professional to return to work for now?

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She'll catch them later.

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"See you around, hottie."

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She sees them off with a wave.

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And Ruby gets to work. 

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The first major order of business is establishing herself as a supervillain - she frontloads bounties, notes with some ugh that somebody else already took out the only interesting (and high value, long lasting) bounties in the United States - the Slaughterhouse Nine were taken out by a new hero (who promptly vanished from public view) a bit before she dropped over, and while Bonesaw was initially marked missing, the government later quietly marked her case as 'handled.' Ruby isn't really interested enough to follow up on that...

Still, she makes serious bank with international bounties, enough for a large plot of land a convenient distance from the city (a volcano lair would be a bit tempting fate, but she can do some fun volcanic artistic theming, she thinks) and to (quietly) buy up the materials she can't make or gather herself. (She's decided to do most of the construction herself.) She also figures out how to get a proper fake identity off the black market, gets an ID and a copy of her school records as Ruby Sachs for her civilian identity, signs up for some classes in her free time...

And trains Ellie, of course, who by the way needs to pick her magical girl name properly before the big formal debut. 

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Eeeeeh. Can't she just go with "Shadow Carnelian Necromancer", that seems fine to her...

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Siggghhhh. Of course, but it's tradition to add on a name at the end! Ellie'll want something cool, not one of the lame frilly names a lot of magical girls use, but there's plenty of options out there... Like Nyx!

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Goddess of night? Not too bad. Definitely leaning into the edginess. Though maybe something like Ereshkigal would be more thematically appropriate. Underworld and all.

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Hum... "Shadow Carnelian Necromancer Ereshkigal is a bit long... Though the two/ four/ three/ four syllable pattern is pretty good, nice and poetic. And it's definitely more monstery than most magical girl names!"

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"Suits us, yeah?"

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"Very much so." Headbutt?

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Celebratory headbutt.

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"We should do our debut soon, let the world know how terribly beautiful we are."

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"Get started on properly flirting with your nemesis?"

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"As a villain, at least."

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"Think she'll put the dots together?"

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"Dunno. I'm pretty sneaky..."

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"Maybe she'll match the butts if you use that costume you've been workshopping."

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Sulk! "I'll be usually tiger shaped..." she grumbles, before perking up. "Though, that'd be funny enough to be acceptable."

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"Imagine the look on her face."

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Chuckle. "Though hopefully she doesn't out me in the middle of the street..."

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"That'd be bad cape manners. Probably she'd just send you a strongly-worded text later."

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"As long as she's still open to being my nemesis..."

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"Aw, how could anyone give you up?"

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"No one reasonable!"

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Laugh. "Yeah, exactly."

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They do need to narrow down their details, though...

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The first act will be something classier than bank robbing, right?

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Of course. It's not like she even needs to rob a bank, anyways.

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They could take a government building hostage until their demands are met.

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"Sounds fun! Though we need demands..."

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"Serious demands or spurious demands?"

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"...Dunno. What would we even demand seriously? That isn't an anti-hero demand like 'do your job and arrest the mafia.'"

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"Five hundred thousand dollars in small unmarked bills? There's a scale from like that to, I dunno, six hundred pounds of chocolate cake."

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"Bank might be more profitable, honestly. And I've got plenty from the bounties plus ATMs, though it's true more never hurts..." Tigery shrug. Then, cheekily: "Maybe we should just demand to meet Incandesce."

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"Just cut to the chase, huh. It's direct, at least."

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"Raises the chance she'll be sent out, too!"

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"You're the boss tiger around these parts, so I'll go along with what you want to do."

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Heh. "Then it sounds like we've got a plan."

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At least the basics. Soon as they have a place and time they can move, pretty much.

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Then away they go. 

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Most important buildings these days are hardened against parahuman intrusion. Still, there's not too many of them that can reasonably stand up to a team of determined capes. And Ruby, as previously established. is at that level all by herself and coming at it from a sideways angle besides. When you add in Ellie's blossoming facility with Necromancy, well. City Hall is theirs for the taking, at their leisure.

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She'll be polite and use a minimum of force when securing people. No sense in causing unnecessary injuries here. (Though that doesn't mean she isn't showy as hell, because she is - she goes far more overboard with the pyrotechnics than she has during her bounty hunts.)

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It doesn't take long before the official response arrives. A few squads of PRT in armored trucks, along with Chevalier and Atlas.

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"Looks like the welcome wagon is here," she comments to Ereshkigal, "Though not who we'd hoped to see."

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"Shall we run them straight off and then give the demand? Or have a chat first?"

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Hum. "Why don't you run off the rabble. It'll be good practice." Wink.

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"You got it, boss."

She hasn't quite caught up to Ruby in the face-to-face power department. But she's okay with that, because it's much easier for her to raise a whole host of minions to do her bidding (her explicit conscious bidding. Eh. She doesn't have to split focus on fighting herself right now, so it's fine). The shambling hordes of the restless dead, their moaning drone a horrible paean to her ever-rising power. Ghosts, ghouls, zombies, skeletons, necromancy!

This is, naturally, quite alarming to the PRT, especially when the more intangible of the spookies waft right through their containment foam and whisper fear directly into their ears.

Chevalier and Atlas are treated to a pair of flaming skulls sent their way. Atlas pops a shoulderpad through his, deflecting the resultant explosion away. Chevalier cannonblades his from a safe distance. The next two shriek as they die, wailing "Send Incandesce, Incandesce!"

With the third and fourth waves, the heroes also receive word of their supporting perimeter collapsing. Ereshkigal concentrates her efforts on the two, repeating the Incandesce message. As they retreat, she throws up a veil of darkness as a final point.

"How's that?" she says to Ruby.

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"Excellent! And extra points for style." Wink. "You did a good job handling all those spells at once."

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"Thank you, thank you." She sweeps a bow. "I have been working hard, as you well know."

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"Under expert guidance, if I may add."

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"The finest available anywhere. Provided by the finest anywhere."

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Okay, she can't hold back any longer. She's gonna rub her face in the fluff.

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Happy rumble! 

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Yeahhh, that's the stuff.

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On the other side, Incandesce's response time, once called in, is pretty quick. The Protectorate is treating the incident seriously.

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She bounces out to meet Incandesce with a showy swirl of flame. 

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"What do you want?"

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"To meet you, of course."

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"You didn't have to take over City Hall to do that! There are events and things!"

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Languid stretch. "Can't have that," she teases. "How about a compromise? I'll have my lovely compatriot here dismiss her helpers, and I'll let everyone go about their events and things... If you fight me."

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"You... want to fight. Me, specifically." This is weird, right? But on other hand, the tiger is saying it'll let everyone go? So maybe it's worth it??

"Release the hostages, and I'll fight you."

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She nods at Ereshkigal. 

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She will organize an orderly evacuation. With a minimum of psychological trauma, even. Isn't she just the best.

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Absolutely the best ever! 

Now... She'll be gracious and let Incandesce strike the first blow - even pick their arena, if she has other preferences. 

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The voice in her earpiece tells her to suggest the park. Which she does. It's been evacuated and there's a lovely little pond.

She flares flames around her shoulders and darts in with a quick slide.

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She laughs and dodges, bounding towards the park across the street with another showy flare of fire around her paws.

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Incandesce grabs the flares to wrap around her fists as she gives chase.

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She bounds to the far side of the park - turns in a confusing swirl of fire and smoke - and pounces. 

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Incandesce is pretty good at hand to hand. It will take her a bit to adapt to fighting a tiger instead of a human, but she has good instincts on when to avoid a sharp bit and when her Brute rating can tank the hit.

And of course there's her pyrokinesis. She has maybe been fibbing a little bit to the public that it's only "low level". Her control over flame in fact scales the same way her strength and speed does when the environment gets hotter and more fiery.

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Yesss now this is what she's talking about! 

"Definitely showing me a good time," she purrs during one clash.

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"Maybe next time just send an email."

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"Where's the fun in that?" 

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"In the safety of innocent bystanders?" she tries.

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"No bystanders here..."

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"Yeah. So this is a good spot."

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"And you're a good nemesis." Another fire rush! This time even hotter! (Though she's magically (literally) not burning their surroundings, at least, so the trees will even survive unscathed.) Also she turns into a smoke ember tiger. 

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"Call me next time so I can thwart you properly."

Smoke is hard to punch, but Incandesce will make a good try at whirling fire around in a barrier.

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"The wait today was a bit awkward..." She'll be sporting and pretend the fire barrier forces her back into normal tiger shape. 

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Press the attack!

"I'll let dispatch know. Do you have a name, by the way?"

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"Burning Ruby Tiger Decima!"

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"Bit of a mouthful, isn't it?"

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"It's beatiful and elegant."

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"You've got me there."

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(Almost) playful swipe!

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Incandesce catches it instead of dodging this time, and uses it as leverage for a high kick!

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She slides under the kick, behind Incandesce - turns to smoke - 

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And turns into a smoke-wreathed woman (in her costume, of course) who strikes at Incandesce's back. 

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Oof! Incandesce turns the stumble into a front roll and flips around to face her again.

"...Nice costume."

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"Thanks! It's got pockets."

(It's an open question as to where, given how little her outfit covers, and how tight the rest is.)

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She lets her eyes trace over the numerous cutouts and the fishnettidue and the general skintightness.

"Uh. Where?"

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She smirks, reaches into her top - her cleavage is one of the few things not on full display, though this maneuver does involve displacing some fabric - and pulls out a dagger. 

Which she, of course, then lunges at Incandesce with. 

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Wow that's distracting. Still, she has more training on dealing with knives than with tiger claws, so this still doesn't go terribly.

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Probably helps that she's still giving Incandesce plenty of fire to work with! 

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Yeah. Though she's pretty much bootstrapped into self-sustaining by now.

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All the more fun. 

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Yeah, it kind of is.

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Makes them excellent nemeses.

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Perhaps they should wrap this first fight up.

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If she insists...

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Can't have a second matchup without finishing this one.

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She swirls back into tiger form. 

Then the only question is how this one will conclude. 

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Incandesce has got to do her best to make it a win for the heroes, of course.

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Perhaps Burning Ruby Tiger Decima will permit a draw - a good hook for another day. 

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Well, if she must.

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In fact, she must! 

She disengages in a showy flirl, first. 

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Incandesce can't fly, even at full power, so that's a good way to get away.

"I'll get you next time!"

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She laughs! "I'm looking forward to seeing you try!" And, with a multi-color swirl of flame -

Both she and Shadow Carnelian Necromancer vanish. 

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"That was fun."

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"It was!" Pleased rumble. 

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"Seems like your nemesis plan will work out."

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"Knew Incandesce was a good choice."

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"You picked a good city to land in."

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She shifts back. "And a good person to land in front of."

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"The best." Kiss!

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Seems to her that this kind of success deserves a celebration.

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Ellie's going to switch to her real body for that.

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Beautiful either way. 

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So glad she thinks so.

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Well, it is a fact. 

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Ellie likes this fact. Here's another: Ruby is very hot when she's fighting. Pun intended.

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It is an excellent look on her, but maybe Ellie should demonstrate exactly how hot she found it...

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Don't mind if she does.

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Ruby's fight with Incandesce makes the local news over the next few days. Despite the egg on the Protectorate's face, no one actually died or was lastingly injured, and even the property damage was relatively minor, which limits the mass-market news appeal. The online cape fandom is more enthusiastic, with a few shippy pieces of fanart making the rounds. Some of the more plugged-in types start to put the dots together with the various bounties Ruby's been claiming across the world, but this doesn't yet get mainstream traction due to the implausible geographic spread and the disconnect to the image Ruby's presented so far. Ellie didn't show her face much, so the coverage of her has more of an undertone of nervous anxiety.

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She loves the coverage, actually, and she may or may not (read: definitely does) start contributing her own fanart. She's a damn good artist, not to be immodest or anything, so hopefully she can nudge the fandom in some spicy directions. (And make sure everyone is getting her tiger form and human costume actually correct.)

(For her next tigery appearance, she pounces on Incandesce in the middle of a patrol, spends most of the fight in full view of phone cameras in her very sexy human costume, then vanishes in a swirl of flame right as backup tries to hit the scene.)

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She is gaining a small but dedicated cadre of posters sworn to the cause of her hotness, at least.

Ellie uses a throwaway account to post her video of that fight to the PHO forum thread, along with a link to a thousand-word Incandesce/Ruby oneshot. Incandesce reacts to the post with an eyes emoji and a heart.

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Oh no, Ruby's gay.

She spends a little while giggling and hugging her phone, both over Ellie's delicious oneshot, and over Incandesce's reaction. 

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"I think you've got a shot."

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"Isn't she wonderful?"

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"A plus nemesis material."

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Dreamy sigh. 

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"You'll have to do something special for your next date. Let me know if you need any ideas," she teases.

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"Could use some!"

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Ellie can share the quick rundown of her top five hooks for the next piece of shipfic. Some of them are even plausibly connectable to reality, even. She's particularly fond of the one where Incandesce is trapped like a princess in a tower and must fight-slash-seduce Ruby, playing the part of the dragon, into allowing her her freedom.

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Oh, nice. 

Maybe Ruby can do a few more skirmishes, really build up her cred as a nemesis, and secretly get to work on that tower... While Ellie polishes up and publishes the fic, so Ruby can quote from it. 

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Guess she'd better make it a multi-chapter deal.

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Add more fuel to the flames. 

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It's gonna be a scorcher.

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Mm-hmm! (Tiny anticipatory wiggle.)

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Cute. Kiss!

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Then back to work?

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If Ellie insists. 

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Unless she'd rather delay getting evil makeouts with Incandesce further?

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Okay, okay, she'll get to work...

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There's a kitty who knows how to get what she wants.

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A good kitty? 

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If she feels like it.

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She can be good for Ellie.

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Ellie does love that.

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Then she'll work on a treat for her good kitty.

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Excited bounce!

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In the meantime, there are of course other things Ruby can keep herself occupied with. Aside from continuing her skirmishes with Incandesce, the local villains are also sniffing around for her. The mafia doesn't like a loose cannon, and the Witch Riders are looking to recruit.

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The mafia get, hmmm, their sniffers sent back to them - unharmed, but tied up with funny things written on their faces in excessively permanent markers (Ruby knows all about which art supplies will result in annoying stains), and a note pinned to their shirts telling the mafia to try harder next time. 

As for the Witch Riders...

To her lovely associate: "I'm thinking of agreeing to a meeting, actually - make it clear I'm independent, but work on terms for staying out of each other's way, maybe occasionally work together, occasionally put on a little show of clashing. Especially if I'm going to steal the mafia's businesses out from under them, I'm going to need some friendly faces around."

(She's already been quietly networking for and investing in sources for the softer more fun drugs, at least - she's still collecting bounties, though at a slower clip, and she's taken out a lot of kingpins for the harder less fun drugs, which is definitely helping her with her tertiary goal of supporting local, indie production. (Marijuana and mushrooms and the like also fit her aesthetic much better.) Plus she's quite possibly got more money than the mafia by now, especially since she's figured out their supply lines and started disrupting those.)

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"Could work, depending. They'll want territory concessions at least, but muscling the mafia out only helps them. Charybdis is known to hold a grudge, but we haven't really crossed paths yet..."

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"Ruling the entire city will be a pain in the ass, anyways, and I don't want some other annoyances trying to move into the mafia's place. If the Witch Riders check out, it'll be better to keep a known quantity around than roll the dice on new neighbors."

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"True. Your call, boss."

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Nod. "Initial meeting, then we'll go from there."

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Nod. "Want me to go with?"

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Hum. "Up to you, really."

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"Might sit out, then. Not like you'll need the backup and I kind of like being mysterious."

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She'll set up that meeting with the Witch Riders, then. 

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Their preferred location would be a dive bar out towards the edge of town.

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Works for her (she gets there a bit early, with her mask and costume on of course).

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Charybdis in her dark ocean-colored costume is behind the bar, mixing a drink using a pair of water tentacles.

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Salle sits towards one end, half-turned to watch the door. Her mask is a flat disc covering her face, painted white with a black visor strip.

"A bit early," she comments when Ruby enters. The bar is otherwise deserted, chairs still stacked on tables from last night's cleaning.

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"Better than late." Charybdis doesn't wear a mask, usually tying a bandana across the lower half of her face when she's not wearing a motorcycle helmet. Currently, she's foregone both options, leaving her free to sip the drink she just finished.

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"I'm an early sort."

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"Welcome to the ass end of town then, Burning Ruby Tiger Decima. Can I get you anything? Drinks on the house."

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Something with a very nice kick, how about? 

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She can whip something of that flavor up, sure. There's an improbably nice selection of liquor for the type of place this is.

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The best kind of hole in the wall (also known as, secretly a front for organized crime).

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"You've been making quite a splash in this little pond of ours," she says, sliding Ruby's drink over to her.

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"I'm a pretty showy person by nature, I suppose."

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"And yet, no one seems to have heard of you before you showed up at that little bank robbery."

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Light shrug. "Everyone has to start somewhere. And it sounds like you've done a bit of homework on me." 

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"We've been in the game long enough to know the value of information." She takes another drink. "And of allies. There'd be a nice place for a girl of your talents in the Witch Riders, you know. I'll even teach to ride a bike if you don't already know."

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Teasingly: "Bikes aren't quite my style."

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"That's hardly the end of the world if you can keep up otherwise."

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"I might be more inclined to follow my own path."

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"Not a joiner, then?"

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"Nah. Though I'm not opposed to collaborating with pretty girls."

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Charybdis tsks. "So you're looking for a looser alliance? Nonaggression?"

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"Nonaggression, cooperation, nice flashy opposition - when it's convenient."

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"Better than we'd get from the fucking goodfellas, anyway."

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Salle has some thoughts as to more specific terms...

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They can refine things, sure. (And she's not planning to work with the mafia for a reason.)

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Here's to a productive evening.

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A pleasant occasion. 

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As these things go.

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"I've had pretty good luck with this city so far."

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"Enjoying yourself?"

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"Good. Having fun's half the point."

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"Maybe slightly more than that."

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"Ah," Salle says drily. "The exuberance of youth."

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"I can't go giving college students a bad name by acting all boring."

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"Upholding a reputation is an important task, no doubt."

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If she's sticking around now that her business is concluded, how about another drink?

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She could go for one, sure. She'll let Charybdis suggest something. 

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She'll not be disappointed. That's a guarentee.

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This one ends up glowing a fluorescent orange.

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She takes a small sip first, to judge the taste. 

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Spicy hot!

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Nice. And worth savoring!

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Had a feeling she'd like that.

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She's pretty good at bartending.

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Might have ended up doing it full time if she hadn't got powers.

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Ruby'd be a regular, that's for sure. 

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She appreciates the vote of confidence.

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It's been lovely chatting, but eventually they do need to wrap the meeting up.

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Fair enough. Ruby appreciates the accord they've come to. 

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Let's hope for a profitable future.

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And she'll be off, back to her partner in crime. 

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Looks like things went well?

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"They're definitely on the cooler side of villainy."

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"That's good news. They're actually in the running for longest-active parahumans, y'know. Behind, like, the Triumvirate."

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"I can see how they've kept up with it, actually - they did their homework on me, and they kept things professional but friendly."

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"Kind of low-key most of the time, but they're always around. Good at picking their fights."

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"Not bad allies to have."

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"Yeah." Smile. "Nice job."

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"You did a good job pointing me at them, too."

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"We can split the accolades."

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"Sounds good to me."

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A celebratory kiss seems the fairest way of doing so.

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Very efficient! 

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Here's to the continued conquest of Philadelphia.

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And of her supervillainous career. 

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A certain definitely-not-an-ex-supervillain, who has been finally aging her body up to match her real age (and therefore getting hit with puberty like a freight train), all while training in the Force with her new teacher and contemplating a rebrand (Anakin has veto'd Skinwalker, sadly). But not all of a growing girl's time can be spent on horrifying violations of nature, nor on training, so she's also active on forums like PHO...

Including cape fandom.

Which means, being a budding young lesbian of excellent taste, she notices the formal debut of America's newest tiger-themed villainess...

And gets a feeling about her. 

Lily (as she's calling herself now) does the research needed to confirm that, yep, this is the same tiger as has been decimating pretty much every criminal group with bounties out, but decides not to say anything, instead participating in the shipping, fanart, and fanfic like a normal girl - and giggling to herself when both Incandesce and Burning Ruby Tiger Decima give her kudos on her latest ship art -

But there's still something about this tiger. 

Lily, fortunately for her curiosity, has zero respect for the Unwritten Rules. It's actually stupidly easy to track (for a psychic, definitely not ex supervillain who definitely has never murdered and/ or turned into horrifying abominations heroes in their civilian identities) down who Burning Ruby Tiger Decima is - which means the trail stops dead cold on a girl named Ruby (...not very creative of her) who, as far as the legal system can tell, appeared out of absolutely nowhere - 

- Like the incredibly overpowered tiger villain, who suddenly appeared for the first time in the middle of a bank robbery, clearly already familiar with her powers - 


She writes down a tidy summary of her suspicions and goes to see if Skywalker and/ or Anakin are available for bothering. 

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Skywalker is theoretically meditating, but it's a nice day, and she's more accurately described as drowsing in the sun.

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Then she is imminently interruptable!

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Oh. Joy.

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True, Lily's presence is always a joy.

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"What, Lily."

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"Found an interesting new villain."

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"And... you want me to proofread your latest literary endeavor featuring her in compromising positions? If Legend's in this one again I'm not doing it."

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"Not Legend, pinky promise! And I'd also like your opinions on her - this villain, that is - more in general."

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Siiiiigh. She drags herself to an upright sitting position.

"All right. What have you got?"

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Data! About Burning Ruby Tiger Decima, her spotlight-avoiding companion, her extracurricular activities, her unusual powers and even more unusual immediate confidence in them... Also a number of pictures of her butt, though that's probably a given with her costume and Lily's proclivities.

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Okay, sure. Not your typical cape. Maybe she's a test project from the power-granters, trained at whatever secret location blah blah blah. Or maybe she's another space alien. What does Lily want to do about it?

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Go poke her! What else would she do? 

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Remember to use protection.

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"It's like you think I'm irresponsible or something."

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"Impulsive, perhaps. I can't say I don't recognize the signs."

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"All things are secretly according to plan."

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"As long as nobody but you knows the plan, right?"

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"It wouldn't be a secret, otherwise."

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"Uh huh. And how are you planning to get to Philadelphia?"

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"I can drive, you know." She doesn't exactly have a license, but that's never stopped her before. "And there's busses and stuff."

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"All by yourself?"

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"Well, if you and Anakin want to come with..."

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"I wouldn't say no to a bit of a vacation."