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Isn’t it weird how many magical items are found in old houses in washington? This time it’s not wishcoins.
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A gross bloody heart forms out of a patch of grass, now you have a patch of lawn with no grass and a human heart sitting there, bleeding, not attached to all the other human bits needed to keep it alive.


"Ewwww. Well, we know it works on plants now! Can you turn the heart back into grass?"


Andrea tries to copy the grass over… but the copied plants don't line up with the existing roots unless he is paying VERY close attention and fixing how it lines up manually. And even then he’s not sure he did it right when he tries it. So while it looks like the grass is back, you could just tear it up super easily and it will probably die soon. “It’s not like… attached to the rest of the grass patch, since the copied grass is differently placed in lots of ways than the old grass. I think it’ll die like this? If what I’m reading is right?” So no using the staff for doing major surgery, if just grass is being fucked up like this, imagine fucking up blood vessel connections.


"So. There's a practically limitless number of changes we could make, but we don't know which changes are reversible and which ones aren't. The staff's capabilities are probably limited by our own biological knowledge, but there could also be other rules and limits in play. We can duplicate organs if we have someone to copy them from, but I'm pretty sure organs used in transplants are tracked. I don't think we can just show up to a hospital with ten fresh working hearts and not get arrested. I... honestly I think we need to try and find a way to get reliable money from this. Not judging, but you don't look like you have very much of anything, and I don't have enough money to spend the rest of my life trying to figure out how to cure all disease with this thing."


“If I get good enough to change my face… identify theft on someone that died? It’s not like they'd mind…” And, bonus, he wouldn’t be deportable anymore if they pick a dead citizen. “Work normal jobs while figuring stuff out? Do you know anyone you'd trust in… what sounds like is gonna be a magic conspiracy? More people means more incomes.” Andrea can think of way more ways to make money just with what they know the staff can already do. But most of them are pretty serious crimes.

Robbing safes with fingerprint locks… anything biometric really. Do safety deposit boxes use biometrics? Pure identity theft of living rich people would work too. They've got millions, he'd feel no guilt stealing from them. But his new wizard friend might not appreciate those suggestions.


"We probably want to keep it to just us and maybe one or two others — conspiracies fall apart very quickly when more than a few people know about them. If you can safely change your body enough to impersonate someone then identity theft could work, but I would prefer if we didn't go down that route. I... if we can't think of anything else I'm fine doing it, but I don't like it. I'd rather not rely on radical body changes until we know they're reversible, and I don't really want to steal someone's inheritance."


“Taking some assholes trust fund would be good for them. But sure man.” Andrea has an idea. Then he has a better idea.  “We could…. Grow weed, like… grow it with the staff. No easily trackable secret greenhouses for the feds to find. Isn’t it decriminalised in Washington? It is in Colorado right? Thats pretty easy to sell. My first thought was opium but like… I don’t wanna hook anyone on that and someone scary might wonder where we got it from.” For short term cash… this actually seems like a pretty good idea to him! At least for like, having enough for food and making this magic house more liveable.


"Now that's a good idea! Weed's legal in Washington and the other west coast states, I dunno about Colorado. I'm pretty sure you need a license or something to sell it, though. I don't want to do opium or other hard drugs or anything. We'll get arrested and ruin someone's life."


“What else is valuable thats organic… and easily sellable. Everything worth a lot I can think of will get attention. Organs, raw opium for like legit medicine, and wed need to buy some to copy it, rare flowers, Cool animal Chimeras.”

He doesn’t know how to do this, but it’s… theoretically possible for a plant to do. “Could we… make a plant… that filters rare minerals out of dirt? Or water? Thats a lot harder than copy paste though…”


"Yeah, most valuable organic stuff is illegal, heavily regulated, or both. A plant that pulls rare minerals out of the ground might be possible — in principle I don't see why you couldn't have a plant that pulls gold out of the ground in addition to nutrients, but I'm not a biologist. Like, how would you even make that? I don't think if there are any preexisting real plants we can copy this from."


“Some kind of Algae? Or moss? There’s certainly plants with higher content of certain minerals. They cant all just be doing biochem just from photosynthesis. Soil content matters for some plants I’m pretty sure. Seems like we’d need to study it to manage that though… are Orchid’s still valuable? Saffron? Who would we even sell to…”

Honestly weed seems the easiest thing to move without like, actual whole-seller contacts.


"Well, I think these are good ideas to look into later. I'm quite hungry, we should take a break and go get some food. And probably some other stuff if we plan to stay at this place for an extended period of time."

The house really isn't livable, especially after the damage from the storm. The total lack of utilities is definitely the biggest issue, and that can't really be fixed so long as he doesn't own the place. He'll probably have to make do with camping gear, hopefully there's be a store with supplies somewhere nearby.

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