An Edie and Elves in Middle-Earth
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And he introduces her to Celebrimbor.


"Hello, I'd introduce myself but I'm sure you've probably already heard all about me."


"I get strategy memos," he says, "and occasionally do even read them. Nice to meet you."


"Nice to meet you too. So, I had been going to talk to you about the clear stuff your dad came up with--we need to come up with a name for it--and armor, and some stuff I remember about the weapons we have back home."


"Names for clear stuff. Your world doesn't have it?"


"We have, like, glass and diamond, as far as clear things go, but I don't think anyone's gone around chaining hydrocarbons to make something like this before, at least not so's it's entered common knowledge."


"Its most prominent trait is extremely high plasticity," he says. "I'm impressed my father also managed to make it transparent."


"Yeah, he mentioned that. I'm half tempted to just call it 'plastic,' at least as a placeholder, but that just seem so--uninspired."


"We have a linguistics guild that delights in this sort of thing, you can ask them to come up with a prettier word than 'plastic'."


"Noted. Where can I find this linguistics guild, when I'm ready to go looking for them?"


"Uh, everything's changed for an extended siege, they're usually near the university. I'm sorry, I'm no longer sure."


"It's fine, I can ask someone else. Probably your uncle."


"He'd know, yeah."


She makes a note in her journal to ask Celegorm where to find linguists.


"Armor is easy, especially if you can make any metal at will. We can do the enchantments the old-fashioned way. How do you want it?"


"I don't know much about armor. Um, I liked Maedhros's. My favorite color is blue."


"Oooh, that's a great idea, it will give everyone who thinks too much about politics a headache and all of them deserve it." He starts sketching.


"That's just a side benefit!"


"My uncle once had a friend who always wore white. She really liked hunting and riding and archery and other really not-compatible-with-white-clothes activities, but she always wore white. Someone asked her once if it was to be apolitical and she expressed astonishment that anyone thought colors were political, or that if they were the color for being apolitical wouldn't be, and I asked her once and she said it was just because people thought too much about it."


"...Is this the dead cousin friend?"


"That's the one. He talks about her a fair bit. Blames himself. I don't know if he's right to. On the one hand murdering someone's husband because he seems off is a bad course of action. On the other hand, well."


"I think there are a lot of things where the best possible choice you can make with the information you have at the time and what you wish you had done because of information gleaned after the fact don't match, and this is one of them."


"Are you going to bring him back? Because if I were her, I'd be really bothered to still be married to him."


"Nnnnot planning on it. If anyone who doesn't want me to resurrect your grandfather decides to call me a hypocrite over it after the fact I reserve the right to pretend it slipped my mind or something, though."

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