An Edie and Elves in Middle-Earth
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"Can do." They eat. He assured her she won't be interrupted unless it's worth it.




It is, in fact, more complicated than the lampstone, by about an order of magnitude.

She barely pays attention as she automatically pushes tiredness back, when it gets late.

She almost has it, about twenty-two hours later, when her concentration slips and the whole thing unravels.

Here, Celegorm, have a wide variety of swear words in four different languages and technically-not-profanity-because-Hebrew-has-been-a-religious-language-for-centuries-and-doesn't-have-those-anymore-but-the-invective-is-actually-rather-creative in a fifth, if you happen to be nearby.


He's not nearby, but has good hearing. "I'm sorry. Try it some other time. Right now you're going to bed, I regretted not putting more conditions on my promise not to interrupt you."


"It would have been worth it if it had worked."


"Do you not gain strength and power from trying and failing at things?"


"...Okay, it was still worth it."


"Thought so. Now bed."


"Yessir." Okay yes she's tired now that she's not holding it back with magzzzzzz....


So he carries her off to bed. More drive than sense, some people. Like all of his favorite people in the world, actually.


When she wakes up it amount of time after sunset, and she's hungry.


He has food.


"Sorry you had to carry me up. I thought I could make it back to my room after stopping pushing back the tired. I miscalculated."


"It was a terrible inconvenience and I'll probably hold it against you until you murder a dragon and save the lives of my peop- oh, wait. 


Eat something, you didn't yesterday."


She laughs, and eats something.


"Curvo left me a list of magic items ordered by complexity-as-we-measure-it, which seems to be pretty close to complexity as your magic measures it, and a list of mundane things that are super valuable by volume and that we can trade or use if you can copy them, and of molecules that seem potentially interesting."




"He also asked his son, who is exactly as brilliant, to set aside some time today to help you if you needed anything, and I recommend taking full advantage."


"Right. I, um. I'm not sure if I'm going to know best what kind of help I'll need."


"Oooh. That sounds like a problem that's more my style. If having better information about our tools and our magic helps you duplicate them, we can teach you that. If you want to understand the process Curufin is using to come up with molecules so you can tweak them yourself for needed traits, as the idea comes together, we can teach you that too. If you want someone to work on designs for shiny armor like Maedhros', they can do that too."


"...Okay, um...I think Illia's going to want to learn how your magic works at some point, because honestly it sounds way more her style than mine, and also she's the one who went engineering-track in college in order to have a skillset less redundant with my large amounts of power. So trying to learn that sounds, um, not the most efficient use of my time. The molecules thing sounds fun and useful and also possibly related to bloodworking, which I've always meant to pick up at some point. Shiny armor sounds like a lot of fun but not necessarily justifiable if it takes a lot of time away from doing magic?"


"Bloodworking? And armor keeps you alive, and also traveling around in it looking terrifying is good public relations, I think it's well worth the time."


"The study of underblood. Well, theoretical bloodworking is the study of underblood, practical bloodworking is the manipulation of underblood. My father's a theoretical bloodworker."


"This would be an occupation besides magic?"


"Practical bloodworking is always magic. Theoretical bloodworking--well, it helps, but it isn't necessary."


"Perhaps once the war is won it can be introduced here. Anyway, Celebrimbor can also walk you through anything else related to our magic and engineering that might be of interest - I don't know if there are things used to fight wars in your land because of magic, that we wouldn't have here because until recently they wouldn't have been useful -"

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