An Edie and Elves in Middle-Earth
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"I saved you lunch."




So they eat, and he makes leaves race themselves around the edges of the table.


Magic is so awesome.

"I'm going to drop large heavy rocks on Angband, wanna watch?"




So she traipses over to the window she was wearing down the mountains through, picks the largest discrete rock she can find and lift, and drops it on the fortress.


It turns into sand while falling.



Okay, what if she tries a larger number of slightly smaller rocks?


Those go crashing down, though they don't do much visible damage.


Similar numbers of similarly-sized boulders from a higher altitude?


Sand again.

"Not that this isn't entertaining," Celegorm says, "but last time he blew up the mountains, remember?"


"If he can do that again so soon I'm not sure we're not all fucked anyway, considering what that implies. I mean, I don't know as much as I possibly could about volcanoes, but I'm pretty sure you have to build up the pressure before getting them to blow like that."


"Probably. And if he could blot out the Sun for good he'd have done it long ago."


She shudders.


"It's what he did to the lights we had before the Sun."


"Right, and that's why I need to check up on the spiders every now and then to make sure they're not getting too big. It's still...not a pleasant mental image."


"We worried about that first couple centuries, at this point we think it's a safe bet they can't grow as big as she was, not under these conditions."


"That's good. Unless we know what's different about the conditions, though, better safe than sorry. For all I know the difference is that Morgoth did something to her and he'll try that again if it looks like I'm not paying attention to the spiders and thwarting the other things he's trying."


"It's definitely worth adding to a rotation of things to keep an eye on. I think Maedhros already has one if you want to just compare yours and possibly adopt his - no offense, but I bet it's more comprehensive -"


"Of course it is, he's been here longer. It might be more efficient to have a different one, since I have greater mobility and the difference between two people checking up on a thing is a lot less than the difference between one and zero, but I should definitely talk to him about that."


"Couple hundred thousand people reporting to you is its own kind of mobility. But yeah."


"True. But if none of those thousands of people can fly and most of them prefer not to get eaten by spiders there are still things I'm better specialized for. ...Not that I want to get eaten by spiders, but I have certain advantages in avoiding it."


"By all means take over spider duty."


"Do you think Curufin would be interested in designing an earthquake-proof glass dome? Mine broke when Morgoth blew the volcanoes and even if none of the spiders got out some of them got squashed. Not the highest priority ever, but..."


"You could ask him. He's been holding down the pass of Aglon alone for a week and might actually not have time, but it'd be an interesting project if it can be done."

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