An Edie and Elves in Middle-Earth
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Quite restful. I'm rather pleased about having been able to cheat magic's price so thoroughly.


Good for you.


Yeah. So, I went out and taught some people magic and healed some people--and. Um. So...a bunch of local human countries have--supposedly, I should probably check--asked to be annexed by the Elves because turnover. They, um--Fingon baaaasically offered to make me Queen of one of them because I'm not gonna die of old age and I'm human so I'd be better suited to the task. I don't know if I should take it or not.


"Holy crap."

Wow, yeah. Um. That would be awesome? But neither of us have...any kind of experience in that area.


"...something interesting?"


It would involve a massive amount of delegating, that's for sure.


"Your cousins have some human vassal-states and it has been suggested that my sister be made queen of one of them on the grounds that she is human and not going to die of old age. Neither of us are sure how to feel about that," Odette tells Celegorm.

Better you than me, regardless.


He asked me if you were likely to be interested when I expressed reservations. I explained that you would be much too busy ascending to godhood to deal with the administrative affairs of a kingdom.


"Huh. All right. Good for her."


My impromptu therapist had a positive reaction when I told him about the queen thing.


Ha. I'll take that under advisement. You know I'm relaying a bunch of this to Fingon but I'm really glad I learned the basket thing.


The basket thing?


How I separate private and public thoughts, she says, sending a summary of the relevant explanation and her brain-cornucopia.


No one explained this to me. Bleah. Welp, I'll have to set aside some time later on to fix that.


It didn't really come up until the gay thing.


Tyelcormo--Celegorm--it is really hard to censor my thoughts with you, continue not to use that first name please--his reaction to the gay thing was "well it's a good thing we don't have gay marriage because our marriage consists of inconstantly voluntary soul bonds and it would make it harder to have fun without accidentally gluing your soul to someone else's".




I think I may have just put two and two together about something that is in no way any of either of our business. Except that if it's true and it were a good idea to admit I had figured it out I would owe some apologies.


I'm curious, tell me anyway.


Not until you're harder to mind-read.


Fair enough.


Have fun murdering orcs. I'll see you tomorrow.


See you.

"So. Breakfast. Or lunch. What time is it?"


"Your sister good? And it's around noon, you've been pushing yourself pretty hard. Breakfast is here," and he waves her over to a table.

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