An Edie and Elves in Middle-Earth
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"...that might solve it."


"You don't like politics and Maedhros fixed things last time, we should see what he thinks."


He comes down the stairs a second later, fully dressed, making a rock that's hovering in the air unfold itself into a flower and back over and over again. "Your proposal is to avoid the political problems with bringing our father back by also bringing our grandfather back?"


"That was my first idea."


"I would need to speak to Fingolfin. The King," he adds when she looks confused. "Isn't it a dreadful name? The Quenya is much prettier but I can't tell you what it is."


"I am so adding the linguistic blackmail thing to my list of shit that needs taken care of. The subset of the list that involves interpersonal problems and just magicking everything won't solve."


"Once the war is over people will have less to lose if they're caught associating with someone who speaks Quenya. Anyway, that is very much a question for the King. Well. I anticipate that if you did it, it'd be fine. But he'd want to be consulted and currently has custody of your sister."


"I might be more reluctant to wait to consult him if I had already managed to pull off a resurrection at all yet." She doesn't comment on the custody thing. If this king wants to think he has control over Illia Zavier it would be undiplomatic to correct him for as long as she wants to do what he wants her to do.


"You wanted to pay your sister a visit anyway, yes? Perhaps when doing so you can convey the suggestion to the King."


"Good idea. Maybe I should run it by his son first, he's the one Illia's mostly been talking to."


"I expect he'll just introduce you to his father, on this particular topic, but yes, absolutely."


She pokes her sister by osanwe. Still asleep. "I'll leave once she's awake and I don't have any immediate plans," she decides. "I'll finish out the time we had planned to avoid giving him the impression I'm always asleep at night."


"Safe travels, if I don't run into you before then."


"Thanks. I like what you're doing with that rock, by the way."


"I appreciate your assistance in teaching this."


"You're more than welcome for that."


"Both of you two are supposed to be sleeping."


"Okay, okay, okay. I'm going to be sleeping in tomorrow morning, you know, it's not the end of the world if I stay up a little late!"


"Well, he isn't."


"You're going to have to argue with him about that one."


"We're coming up on nine centuries and I have literally never won an argument with him. I don't think anyone has." In an undertone that Maedhros is still obviously capable of hearing, "he cheats, you know, with the whole 'I have endured things I don't want you to try to imagine' thing, and then you end up just doing as he pleases."

Maedhros smiles. Rock into flower and back.


That startles a laugh out of her. "Well I'm not going to expect to be any help on that front, then."


"You could set a good example for him."


"Oh, very well. But I--" she stops. "I...haven't read a book many days have I been here now? Weird. I was going to say I expected to sit up a bit reading before actually going to sleep but I haven't fully mastered the spoken language here, yet, or even started on learning the alphabet."


"If there weren't a war on I'd say 'teach us your alphabet, someone can translate one of our books for you' but we're momentarily stretched pretty thin. I can tell you a story?"

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