An Edie and Elves in Middle-Earth
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She nods and wraps her arms around her abdomen. "My sister and I may have been an accident, but Mother and Father would have torn down the world to keep us safe and warm and fed, if that was what it had taken."


"I don't think we'll ever stop seeing - the careless creation of other lives - as a really awful and frightening thing. But I'm very glad you're here, and your parents sound wonderful."


"They really are."


"So. Guest room. It's not very nice because I have guests as infrequently as Maedhros. I'll get it fixed up when I have more free time. Armor for you is already on the agenda, I'll get some clothes resized in the meantime. Anything else?"


She thinks for a moment and shakes her head. "I'll probably want clothes more like what I'm used to at home, at some point, but I that myself. I think? Anyway it's not urgent or anything."


"If you send me what it looks like, your time is more valuable and we are quite good at sewing."


She sends him images of a handful of different styles--off-the-shoulder dresses like the one she was wearing when she arrived, long shirts and leggings, shorter shirts and thicker trousers.


He raises an eyebrow. "K. I'll see to that, then."


"Thanks. So, I have printing press plans I was supposed to deliver to your brother, and I think Maedhros said he was going to want to learn all the languages I know. Is he busy with something? I feel like I should be assuming yes."


"He'll probably have a bit of a backlog from having to take over the command here. Maybe in a week?"


"Alright. I'll head out to murder orcs, then, I'll try to be back by a reasonable dinnertime."


"You'd better. Take care, Odette."


"I will!"


There is a lot of work to be done, which he makes into less work by periodically feeding Curufin relevant information about the situation.


And Odette murders orcs and is back at a lateish but still reasonable time for dinner.


"We have venison, and wild rice, and tapioca pudding with cinnamon. I'd grumble about the things I do for you but as I recall you killed a dragon recently."


"I did not, in fact, request those particular things, if there are things other than stew and bread that would have been easier to get ahold of," she says with mock primness. "But I did in fact kill a dragon and that looks delicious."


It is delicious. "I will have to somehow compensate my cook. She was rather shocked to have the family of obsessives and ascetics suddenly have preferences about their dinners."


"Poor soul. Which one are you?"


"Neither, but I grew up at Oromë's side and we ate things you could cook over a fire, not much else."


"Oromë being who?"


"Vala of the hunt."


"Ah." She looks at her delicious venison.


"I wish, but I have a country to run and have in fact already taken a week's unscheduled vacation. Someone else shot it for us."

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