An Edie and Elves in Middle-Earth
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Quenya's prettier, isn't it?


So far all of the names I've heard in Quenya were prettier than their Sindarin counterparts. I think yours might be the narrowest gap, but that's because it's nice in Sindarin too.


Odette's nice but not enough for me to judge Genoshan from. Elves care a lot about language.


Odette's not even from Genoshan originally! I'm pretty sure it's, like, originally a Francish diminutive of the Francish name Odile. And anyway I was named after my dead grandmother, that's why it means so much to me, and she was Prussian, so it would have been Germanic or Ashkenazi if people were usually named things in their native languages.


My father is going to explode when he hears all this.


I'll get a mop. Is he going to spontaneously invent a way back to my original world out of sheer frustration that I don't know more than a handful of words in any languages beyond my five? I didn't even know until someone called me Odile, I looked it up and corrected them that my name wasn't short for Odile in particular.


Wouldn't put it past him but I don't know what kind of state one comes back from five hundred years of being dead in.


Oh, hell, and the Darkness thing sounds super boring--and based on what you've told me I wouldn't necessarily expect boring to go over well, comparatively speaking.


We think he's in Mandos. Haven't failed at the Oath yet, we are in fact giving the Enemy hell. But yeah, it might be a while before he's okay. There'll be a lot of logistical work with everyone back alive but we'll have to figure out how to be what he needs from us.


I wish you luck with that. The sentiment is sincere, and accompanied by a sort of nonverbal speculation on what her parents would need under similar circumstances. Raikel's pretty easy, really--she'd need to do some damage to the person who had killed her, and time. Karole...less simple.


He'd need to feel like he left us with something good and meaningful and can be proud of the legacy he left and also is not a relic and has obvious and useful things to do. And that we still love him.


Considering your family drama I can't speak to the first part--but you certainly seem to have the latter two covered. It is incredibly obvious that Celegorm loves his father, and it sort of gives her sympathetic warm fuzzies whenever it comes up.


Yeah, if they want my cousins can make the first part harder. He'll be okay. I just want him to be okay right away. And he must have thought that was it for him for the rest of eternity, and -


I do so love being a pleasant surprise. She sends a burst of emotion roughly analogous to a comforting hand squeeze. Trust me, I get it on the wanting someone to be okay immediately bit.


Right. So, dinner and then bed?


Yep. She crosses the last few meters, climbs in through a window, and heads down to dinner.


Dinner is elaborate, again. He eats rather distractedly.


Not like she doesn't know why. "--I should probably bring Illia up at some point in the next few days. I was going to do that at some point, and I haven't, and in about a week she's going to have queening to deal with, so..."


"Bring her to visit?"


"Yeah. I'd understand if now wasn't a good time, though, considering the bombshell that's just been dropped."


"We can multitask. I will be unusually disinclined to flirt with her and that is probably not a negative."




"I think she'd be more amused than anything by you flirting with her."


"I make stupid choices but not that stupid."


"I didn't think you would mean it, but I wasn't sure if you expected her to know that. Or find faux flirting offensive, or whatever."


"You are the one who said your sister had already been advised to get a girlfriend so she could discomfit his grace my uncle. I was guessing she has a sense of humor. But I am not any less responsible for peoples' lives for having a dislike of responsibility, and I promise that her trip here will be productive and full of engineering questions and I will merely provide the food."

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