An Edie and Elves in Middle-Earth
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"I bet Thingol will forgive Finwë for speaking Quenya. They were best friends, a very long time ago."


"Maybe if we're very lucky Finwë can talk him out of the Quenya ban altogether when he's back."


"Could be. Also once the war is over the Ban won't have any force, he can't use his status as the only safe place outside Valinor to coerce people."


"I strongly suspect I'll be able to do resurrection before I can pull off killing Morgoth, and I am nnnot elf-patient. I want to learn Quenya and I can't until the Ban is lifted one way or the other."


"Why d'you want to learn Quenya?"


"Because I'm not allowed to and I don't like that and based on available evidence it's just plain prettier and it's your language and I would have been learning it if it weren't for the Ban and I don't want to vindicate it."


"I would love to teach you once there's no Ban."


"I look forward to it."


"It's possibly not worth pushing for, not when there's still a war on - there's enough else at stake -"


"I understand. I'm not planning to personally bring it up at all."


"But it'd be nice if it happened. Fair enough."


"Hope springs eternal!"


"It means a lot to me that you want to, even if presently we can't."


"Languages are important."


"Yeah. It feels a bit like the war rips away everything that makes us people, a bit at a time - names, roles, languages - because the Enemy's more important than standing up to whoever has a demand. But."


"But he's that horrible, that it's worth it." I'm glad I know your real name.


"And I can't help but feel that people - borrow some of his horribleness, every time they ask others to make some concession to who they are because otherwise you know, the united front against the war might collapse -"


Her arms tighten around him. "I'm reminded of sayings from back home--'take care when in pursuit of evildoers that you do not catch up with evil as well.' 'Paying evil unto evil is not goodness.' 'The ends don't justify the means.'"


"They do, kind of, justify them. Just don't make them less ugly."


"They make them worth it. That's not the same as making them okay."





G'night, Odette."


"Good night." She reluctantly un-hugs and goes to bed.


He spends most of his free time in the week while the House of Beor gets ready to go helping Elves who are horribly distraught at the possibility they have children determine whether they even do. Most of them do not.


Yeah this does not seem like the best time to introduce him to her sister. She can investigate dwarves, that was also a thing she's been meaning to do.


"They send trade and collaboration teams over all the time in peacetime. Since there's fighting, they'll mostly keep them home. The location is here, they should speak Thindarin fine, don't be rude - not that I expect you'd be, but astonishingly many people are."

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