An Edie and Elves in Middle-Earth
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"Hello, dear. How are you doing?"


"I'm fine. Um. There's something I need to talk to you about but I can't really think of a delicate way to say it."


She raises an eyebrow.


"Elves can just--refrain from having children. When both parents are elves. It didn't occur to them that there might be accidental hybrids."


"Did it not."


"I couldn't swear that it never occurred to any of them, ever, but in general, no. It did not."


"That's good to know. I suppose now they have been told."




"Are they going to come marching down here, take their kids?"


"I wouldn't let them if they tried. And I don't think they're going to try. I do think that at least some of them are going to want to be involved. ...I may have had to explain that it was not in fact a given that every human woman would want to marry the parent of their child, if that were an option."


"Don't know who her dad is."


"I had to explain that too. If I were better at the relevant kind of magic, I could check, but I'm not and I can't."


"I don't want her raised to fight in the Elf-war, either."


"I don't think that's a particular risk. They were talking about keeping anyone who turned out to be a parent away from the front lines...look, I'm not trying to pressure anyone to move, it would be easier to look out for you and the others in Beth Miqlat, but while I would like for the fathers of the relevant children to be able to be part of their lives if they want to, if they try to push for anything you're not okay with--I'm not going to just let that happen."


"Thank you. That is good to know. I don't know if it'd be good for her to introduce her to a very old temporarily unemployed-by-royal-order or something Elf."


"...If I had a kid and didn't know about it, somehow...what I said earlier absolutely stands, and it is absolutely your decision...personally, I think you should talk to the guy, if anyone can figure out who he is, before deciding for certain. That's my opinion."


"Sure. Is she going to be unusual in any way, does anyone know?"


"She--and the others like her--seem to be a little healthier, aging a little slower. Apparently full elf children are negatively affected if the father isn't around during the pregnancy, but that doesn't seem to affect hybrids. At least not these ones. I don't know if there are any older hybrids to predict based on."


"Huh. Yeah, I didn't have problems, though I know lots of people who've had a very hard time carrying an Elf pregnancy to term."


"...Are any of these still around? All the ones I noticed were healthier than average, if there's anyone who needs particular healing attention..."


"Once the children are born they seem to make it. I don't know currently - I could ask around -"


"If there's anything I can do to help, I want to."


"Appreciate it. We're - kind of used to making do. Attention doesn't make things better."


"You shouldn't have to just make do."


"I - guess it makes a lot of sense to think that way when you can fly and heal and say you'll just not let Elves do things you disapprove of."

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