An Edie and Elves in Middle-Earth
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"I think expressing the opinion that there was something wrong with Finrod for asking him to take that name counts as an insult, if only a tangential one."


"Sure, that I'll grant you. Estolad's technically my territory, I don't think anyone there has grievances with Elves and if they do you're free to roundly condemn said Elves. Definitely no name changes."


"Well, I don't think I'm likely to have reason to say anything bad about you, but--you prooobably heard the rule Maedhros instituted while I was talking to him about diplomacy stuff."


"I did."


"He raised good points as to the reasons for it. I'm going to keep a sharper eye out--although it does occur to me that you probably know more about that situation than he does, given that he didn't even know humans could have extramarital heterosexual intercourse."


"He's rather singleminded about the war and also doesn't really realize that 'five hundred years of chastity, there's a war on' isn't workable for most people. I don't think there've been problems - unless you count people trading sex for favors and money as a problem, but it seems like the solution to that is to give them more favors and money, not to get them in trouble for trading for them."


"Prostitution is known as the oldest profession, in my world. The other thing he didn't know that you might, besides whether anyone was in fact being coercive, was whether your failing-to-have-children abilities work when not both parties are elves or if I should be keeping an eye out for hybrid children running around. I know your species' policy on children in wartime and I don't say this meaning to accuse anyone of--negligence, or something, but it seemed important enough to ask."


"I have not heard of anything like that happening, and cannot imagine anyone finding themself with child who wouldn't marry the other parent right away, human or no."


"If your people are seeing prostitutes they wouldn't necessarily know," she points out. "Sometimes prostitutes get pregnant. Figuring out who the father is is usually non-trivial, if anyone even bothers."


"In that case looking into that would be a very valuable use of time. I should probably go too, actually."


"I should probably check first by myself. I can do it by magic and when people with more power go among people with less power demanding answers this can be scary. I don't know if it would be in this case, since I'm not familiar with the relevant relations, but." She shrugs. "...Also, um, it's not invariable that humans would want to get married just because a pregnancy had occurred; I'm not familiar enough with local cultures to know if there's significant bastardy stigma to pressure them into it, but..."


"Elven children suffer spiritually, emotionally, and physically - some of them even die - if both parents aren't present for all of pregnancy. If one of the humans didn't want to, what I'd expect would be a panicked Elf showing up at my doorstep begging me to figure out how to persuade them."


"You can hang around without being married. And who knows if half-elves would have the human soul thing or the elven soul thing; I'm not sure how you'd even go about hybridizing that."


"No idea. The people who might make that kind of mistake wouldn't know either, though. Anyway, do check. Obviously if there are children with Elven parents we'll take their parents off combat duty and send them south to somewhere safe and pay expenses and so forth."


"Yeah, noted."


"Idiots. Hypothetically. Hopefully hasn't even come up. But if it were to."


"And that would be why your brother thought it worthwhile instituting a new rule. Anyway, I think I'm going to spend the morning killing orcs and check that out this afternoon. Can I get something portable so I don't have to stop back here in between for lunch?"


"Definitely." And he sends her off with a sandwich and several bags of snacks and baked goods.


And Odette spends the morning on boring, yet horrifying, yet necessary military activities, bolts down most of the packed food, and heads to Estolad.


Estolad remembers her; some of them are making progress on magic.


Oh good. She can help them with that. And make it known that Beth Miqlat exists and people are welcome to move there if they want and if they do so want then magical assistance can be rendered getting them there.

And, discretely, pokes around with magic. Does anyone have magically obvious elfy traits?


There are in fact a couple of stunningly pretty, stunningly healthy, bit-small-for-their age kids which her magic notices as a little different.


Hoo boy.

Well, at least the fact that they're remarkably healthy means the worst of Celegorm's fears were unfounded, right?

...She discretely checks for particularly unhealthy children.


There are some of those, too, but they don't seem magic.


Well, she can fix them just the same, children should not have to suffer from ill health.

Andreth, she sends via boosted osanwe, what do you know about Estolad?

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