An Edie and Elves in Middle-Earth
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"Wait, what? House of who?"


"That's what the people you rescued from Ladros are called, the House of Beor."


"I am so glad I didn't bring him up when I was bitching about things, then."


"Really good decision, yes, he's their great-grandfather. I'm sorry, I know all these important politics things but I can't bring myself to actually remember that they matter and share them so people can make good impressions and so forth. What things were you bitching about?"


"The Valar? Her ex-boyfriend's terrible life choices? The chronic inability of mages to raise human dead? I don't even know if I remember everything..."


"Oh, you were talking to Andreth! Lovely! I mean, not that I've met her, but I've heard wholly complimentary things, and from a variety of people who don't usually have the same taste."


"You can add me to the list, she was fantastic."


"Lovely. She'll complement you and your sister well, I think, in terms of skills required to run a kingdom."


"Seems like it! I am so, so glad I got to her in time."


"I'm impressed with Nelyo, seeing that disaster, knowing how many people we'd lost, having just met you and not having you planned into any of our contingencies, and thinking - oh, I have about five minutes to get Odette to rescue everyone in Dorthonion, let's do that first."


"Your brother is amazing. You're amazing. Andreth's amazing. I'm not sure I've actually met any non-amazing people in this world yet."


"Time to send you to Doriath!" 


She bursts out laughing. "Why are you so great, it's problematic, I'll probably meet perfectly nice people in Doriath and not think as highly of them because I've gone and gotten used to a higher standard." This is not the only reason it's arguably problematic that he's so great but he doesn't need to know that.


"Or maybe your teleportation spell actually just dumped you on top of the best people in Arda. They do do that, you know, it's looking like Conquest will be my strong area so I'm totally the expert here."


"Huh, really? I'd've pegged you for Effort, to be honest." She shrugs. "Of course, most people mistake me for a Conquest specialist. It's really not always obvious. Are you going more by talent or resistance?"


"Talent. I seem to have decent resistance to Sympathy but I'm definitely weakest at it, and that'd drive me nuts if I were trying to practice."


"Okay. Be careful, though, my mother had a strong talent for Conquest but shit resistance and one thing led to another and now she doesn't do magic at all. And by 'one thing led to another' do you remember that one time I told you that I had very good reason to sympathize with 'there totally exist people with good reason to hate my parent and I love them anyway'? That."


"I will take that very seriously, thank you."


"Dad was the same way for Sympathy but obviously this had less dramatic failure modes. Anyway, keep up with meditation or other exercises that do the same thing and don't get sucked into a vengeance quest and you'll probably be fine. ...On the other hand you're Doomed, so, yeah, care is the word of the day."


"You can use Oaths to modify your personality, prevent certain failings. It's ridiculously dangerous, though."


"Eesh, I can imagine."


"Like, 'I swear never to be swiftly angered' will literally do that, you won't get impulsively angry - but you're really playing with fire."


"Yeah, there are really good reasons behind the taboo on doing mind magic to people other than yourself, even if you have their consent. Similar principle, I'm guessing."


"Oaths are - no one would do it, but they're incredibly easy to abuse. You could demand an oath of fealty from someone that demanded they take your ends as their own and your cares in their heart and that's - it, they'd just want whatever you wanted, from then forward."


"I am so incredibly glad I'm human."

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