An Edie and Elves in Middle-Earth
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"They're on your good side? You know, I'd be so tempted to abuse that - just a little - just ask to touch someone's hair -"


Odette makes a slightly squeaky noise. "You--I--that would be massively--you're doing this on purpose!"


"I'm sorry," she says, "I'm sorry, you've been spending all your time with important serious Elves and it's totally unfair to tease you."


Odette starts laughing. "You flustered me. You startled me! I'm fine. I like you. ...And I like that I've gotten you comfortable enough around me to tease."


"You have good priorities here and a good path forwards. And you're not going to try to be adopted as an honorary Elf. And you're working on building a kingdom of Men. I am very comfortable around you, Odette."


"Given my sister's opinion on your books I'm flattered by your opinion of me."


"Oh, I could write better now that my eyesight's not failing and I have more time."


"I look forward to it. ...Oh, hey, you're going to love the printing press."


She does in fact, once it is explained, love the printing press. She hugs Odette. She might be crying just a little.


Odette hugs back. "We're going to be great. We're going to do so much--we're going to move at a human pace--we're going to have two worlds to build on."


"You have no idea how much human pacing is going to mess up Beleriand."


"I look forward to it."


"Me too. It'll probably take a little while to have everyone packed to fly away, what's your schedule like for that?"


"I don't usually operate on a fixed schedule. If you let me know how long you expect to be I can be back then."


"A week? I'd expect security at the other end to be more of a holdup but people will want to harvest a lot of food if we're moving."


"The city's been built, and I am security until something better gets set up, so."


"And you're willing to stay there until it does?"


"I thought that was what we decided?"


"I'm just worried about a scenario where, say, another dragon attacks your favorite Elves and you can't leave because the city's defenseless."


"I see your point. I'll talk to my sister about it." She closes her eyes and tilts her head. "She says her plans inasfar as they currently exist involve the creation of weapons as yet undeveloped in Beleriand, training everyone possible with them, and as many mages as we can educate in a given span of time."


She grins. "Lovely. Tell your sister I'm honored to apparently soon be becoming one of her subjects."


"She says it's reciprocal," she replies after a moment.


"And to make that day sooner, I should probably get to work. Thank you, Odette. It's my honor and pleasure, my lady Queen Illia." She smiles. Runs a hand through her hair, winks. And starts walking back towards the crowd.


Well, that certainly went well. 

Odette spends the next couple of hours attempting to finagle Sympathy teleportation, and then goes to kill some more orcs, and then zips back to Celegorm and Curufin's fortress to spend the night.


"Hey! House of Beor eager to join your sister's city?"

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