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"Really?  You must know somebody who would, I can't see using some of the terms of art you've done otherwise; it was the work of fiction that standardized the meaning of Tinker as a type of superpower.  ...That or it just osmosed.  ...I can't recommend Worm as a work of fiction, it's utterly depressing, but I do think that the author was on to something with the whole threat rating thing.  Though I'm not sure they're actually comprehensive over these powers.  They're not quite comprehensive over the powers in that work, really, but the line between human and animal Masters is thinner than you'd think..."


"I use colors for threat estimations informally. Green yellow orange red black. You're orange. And a few mix and match labels like speedster, sneak, tinker, brute, or nuker. Doing it formally risks getting stuck in your own head when most powers are fairly unique."


"Oh, definitely.  ...Wow, I'm an entire orange?  That's kinda nuts.  Not that I don't disagree that I likely have the range, but boy do I not feel like I can remotely punch at that level yet.  But yeah the whole point of the threat rating system was to get simple buckets stuck in your head so you had good reactions to fall back on in the face of unknowns.  It grew out of the non-powered first responders, in the relevant lore, and frankly given the bullshit they were working around they needed all the help they could get.  ...Though if you want something that's actually taking the idea of a threat rating seriously, I've got other stuff in mind if I can just remember where I put it."


"You haven't really noticed it yet but that body of yours can snap a man like a toothpick- or maybe a particularly tough carrot- And probably shrug off large caliber bullets. Combine with transformations and the potential for new powers, and yeah, solid orange."


"...I had been wondering.  I mean, constrictors are such bullshit.  But that's good to know for slightly more sure.  ...Speaking of transformations, though, we should be good to try the other one?"


"You could use the heavy duty exercise machines in the other room in this one first! I recommend it, to start internalizing how much damage you could cause! Or maybe you want to nail down the transforming time thing more?"


"No, it's better to know what I can do, you're right.  I think I have enough of a handle on the actual transforming part of this for now.  Uh...How do we do this, then?  I will admit that I'm not very physical by default."


"Oh, there's a whole routine I cobbled together with a couple of physical therapists. I'll talk you through it."

Back in the big gym-room, Stella Sky keeps to her word and guides her through some physical testing. There's a fun obstacle course, too, which she can compete for time on with some other recognizable names and Stella Sky herself in various suits (Owl, Albatross, Eagle, and Ostrich Suits- She seems to have a naming theme going.)

Moving on land is harder, but she has natural instincts for it and the long coil body proves quite adept at crossing things like rough 'rubble', ladders, walls, rope bridges, etc. It just suffers in open flat areas and smooth surfaces.


As she supposes it might, for all that having thought about desert snakes makes her vaguely suspicious that she's just not got the trick of it yet.

"...Well, that was oddly invigorating.  Ah...there were tests you had in mind for the Cupid, I believe?"


"The mice, yes. So we can confirm exactly what the unknown effects do, perhaps try to quantify them. We can do that when you're ready, or repeat these physical tests with your cupid form."


"...It would probably be a good idea, but I'd rather find out about the arrows first."  With that said, she transforms.


The mice are in a side-room from the big exercise room. It has a big, tinkery looking platform in the middle.

"So the way this works is the platform here... Amplifies the life force of a mouse to about an average adult human. The key component here is actually from a friend in India, don't quite know how it works, but it sure seems to. We can confirm and measure all the arrows' effects this way, try to get numbers on how long they last and how harmful they all are. It sounded like you had a generic and then six special ones? Not sure you ever actually told me, I can go look up my notes if you need or you can just tell me again."


"Yeah, a generic and then six special ones.  Uh, and one of them seems to do conjuring objects rather than psychosomatic effects based on my instinctual read."

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