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Ah, bloody hell, electrivore powers are OP against modern society.

...She's not casting from HP, she hopes?  Er, well, more like "not risking soul damage", she has no idea if there's HP/MP here - just - working on a higher level of exertion than the pinks?


It doesn't feel like she's hurting herself. It feels like she might suddenly untransform if she pushes too hard.


Ugh, that's gonna be annoying.  She's not going to push transform-breakingly hard, but this is kind of an emergency so she's willing to push close to it.  Fucking game balance.


She can manage one whole extra special arrow by the time a person-sized sleek and quiet arrow shaped attqck drone looking thing zips up next to her at alarming speed, and opens a side door.

"Thanks for the contribution, hon." Stella's voice comes from a speaker and is recognizable from TV, a southern drawl. "This big fish, we're just lucky he's a brash idiot."


"Least I could do."  The arrows get bundled off.  "If I won't help with problems in my own backyard I have no business believing I can be of any use helping with the world's problems."


"Sorry your first day knowing me is like this. I don't actually like bein' one of the only ones who can deal with it, but this is the world we live in. Talk later."

Attack Drone accepts the bundle and zoops off, again Very Fast.


"Shit happens, we all make do.  I'm just glad to meet you.  Be safe."


And then: zoop.


Alright.  Now that that's as sorted as she's going to get it, she needs to test her lift capacity, if she actually intends to help with S&R.  Which she does so intend.  ...Now how is she going to do that, though?  Ugh, this is going to be annoying.  She doesn't have any convenient large rocks.  Or even any actual weights.


There doesn't seem to be much going wrong in the immediate area. No fires, no car wrecks that she can see just glancing around from the sky. There's still cars on the road, lots of them. There's some ambulance and fire truck sirens echoing in the early afternoon sun.


Oh, sure.  But she's going to be making a trip to Baltimore soonest once it's no longer an active fight scene, because she bets something's gotten wrecked there by now.


It turns out that she can't really lift much weight before floating around becomes untenable. Thirty, forty pounds or so.

The damage is, apparently, contained. The power has come back on by now. A few buildings have holes and broken glass, near the downtown area. A couple of fires which are, even now, being fought. The worst off area is a big parking garage. A couple of water mains are busted and spraying, and part of a road is collapsed.


...Well, that's better than she expected, given everything.  ...Huh, she could sweep up broken glass without having to risk sticking her feet in it, that's a neat trick.  Probably not needful, but who knows.  And if the fires are bad enough and fire department wants her help getting the hose aimed somewhere specific faster than the ladder trucks can swing around, she could probably help with that, too, she doesn't think it's over her weight limit to haul a hose even with how heavy firefighting gear gets....  Damn, though, she needs at least enough flight to carry another person, magic, come on, stop being so stingy.

Ironic that on the one hand there's fires over here and too much water over there -  a shame they can't just cancel out like a math equation.

...Any sign of Stella, incidentally?  She rather expects not; squishy Tinkers do not get into the fight directly, surely.  But she knows she'd have trouble staying too far away even with the tactical sense it makes to work remote in most cases, so she kind of expects to find the Stellamobile(tm) somewhere nearby nonetheless.

...Huh, she recognizes that parking garage, come to think of it.  Damn.  They really did a number on it, because until she thought about the intersection for a few minutes, she hadn't recognized the place.  But, well, it's a parking garage, those are pretty sturdy things all things considered.  It's probably fixable.


A very Stella-styled VTOL craft is sitting on the roof of the broken parking garage. It's not THE StellaMobile, though. Rumor has it she barely leaves her secret base, wherever it is, anymore.


From StellaSky: Can you carry an adult person safely while flying?

If yes, please help evacuate civilians from the top floor of the 8-story apartment building with balconies on the left side.

If no, please wait for a drone to deliver a scanning set and fly where instructed to search for survivors and evaluate structural integrity of buildings.


Signs point to no on full flight with an adult human - though I do still have a controlled descent of sorts I wouldn't risk it without serious need.  Can carry, like, a baby, or small dog, without apparently running up against my present limits.  Send the scanning set, though.  Probably a better use of me.



Stella said 'thanks'.

Please be aware that the villain is inside the vehicle on the garage, held in a stasis field. Containment failure or a rescue attempt is unlikely but not impossible.

Kit on the way. It's a helmet with over-eye display.

Said helmet arrives within 15 seconds. It's bulky and bulges out to the sides somewhat. The display sets her off on a grid search above the damaged parking garage, first.


So noted; I'll keep an eye out.  Did my gear get used in the apprehension?

She can do that, sure.  She keeps her bow in her hand, ready to draw and shoot if need be.



I don't know. I will ask Stella at low priority.

Scanning is perhaps tense, but boring. The data showing up on the visor doesn't make much sense to her, except for the visualization of bent and cracked supports, and rubble everywhere.

A few minutes later it beeps and highlights a figure in blue. A body shape, huddled in the back seats of a car two levels down. The scanner routes her to get as close as she can without going into dangerous areas and asks her to move around from all sides, then tells her 'rescuer dispatched - return to search pattern'.


...Ah, Tinkertech.  It sure is Tinkertech.  She would have expected her experience with various structure-engineering games to have had some relevance, otherwise.

...She can do the scanning.  And, like, call out and let them know.  Assuming they're, uh, alive.  She hopes they're alive.  "Hey, in the car there - the fight's over, someone's on their way to get you out safe, alright?  Are you injured?"


"I'm- Oh, thank god. I think I've gone blind. That guy just - exploded. But nothing else hurts. I'm- I'll be okay. Don't know if whatever's on my car is going to finish crushing it though..."


"You getting this?", she mutters to the software.  "Rescue says they think they've been blinded by an explosion."

Then, she raises her voice again.  "I'm sure the response coordinators would know better than me; I'm just floating around with a scanny thing.  But I think you're not in danger of that, the rubble's fallen where it may, at this point, and the structure's...not fit for further use as a parking garage, for sure, but it's holding.  We'll get you out."


We're getting this. Agree that the structure seems stable. And passed on the medical info.

"Thank you. Thank you. Fucking supervillains, what the fuck... At least I'm not dead. And there's people trying to help."


"Yeah, I can only second the sentiment.  It's really the least I can do, you know?  With great power and all that.  ...I've gotta get back to searching, okay?  But you'll be out of there shortly.  Promise."


"Yeah. Yeah yeah yeah. You do that. There might be someone else."

He sounds shaky, but his voice firms up. "Just go. And if there's a healing hero out there I'd appreciate not wearing a cast for months."


The rest of the cleanup doesn't turn up anything super notable. Except a... Stain, if one looks closely at a particular damaged wall.

The VTOL craft takes off after a while, going northwest. Stella Sky delivers the two unused arrows back to her via drone and asks for the helmet back. An email says 'We used two red, one blue, and one black. Blue had no effect. Black missed. Reds hurt him enough to confuse him while moving in for the takedown, and more likely than not prevented a major injury or more fighting. City wants to take the cleanup from here. Good work on an upsetting first day. Thanks for being a team player.'


"I'll see what I can do on that front.  Nobody on call has a healing power that we know to be reliable, and not secretly super cancer, though, as far as I know, so you will...probably be in a cast for at least a little while."


...poor whoever that was.


And of course Stella gets the helmet back, it's her helmet, not their own.

It's really the least I could do.  Thanks for the info, and I'm glad I could help.

...She tucks the remaining arrows into her quiver and, despite how that's going to suck in its own way, detransforms, because she can't spend the rest of her life on high alert like her brain seems to have started associating this transformation with.

...Has anything, she doesn't know, accumulated in any of the other slots while she wasn't paying particular attention, incidentally?


...There might be a sense of building pressure?

...It might be waiting for something?

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