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...Well.  She has no idea what she's going to be doing until then.  The Internet is always there for her, she supposes - and what's the news on that attack look like, anyway?


Some takes include:

Stella Sky, true American patriot, prevented disaster, saving lives and millions in damages!

Insane super's radical screed against the pillars of society shows the need for change at the highest levels...

Who's Who of the Baltimore Incident - Full list of every super involved! (She is listed in this as 'Flutterscout (tentative name)', involved with S&R only)

It's insane and unfair that Stella Sky can just shut off part of the national power grid on a whim. The government needs to do something about this.

Today we mourn with the victims of the Baltimore Incident, where a crazed radical with superpowers caused an estimated 24 deaths with many still injured or missing...

You should be required to have a background check or registration to have powers, like with guns.

The Baltimore Blaster had a point you know, went about it all wrong and murder is bad but the rich are exploiting America.


Oh dear.

...Well, she has some fucking opinions of her own to have right back at some of that nonsense, but she doesn't want to get into the bluecheck life.  ...Some sort of certification for being trusted to use one's powers competently for various purposes would be a good idea, but fuck no compulsory licensing for having powers can die in a fire.  Powers can be forced upon you, for fuck's sake.  That's just completely untenable, to place burdens on some because of the actions of others.

And the rich are certainly exploiting America, generally speaking.  She's just utterly bemused at how that came into anything.  Presumably this guy had a manifesto, or something.

...She's going to write in to the people with the 'who's who' page, though.

I might not have any better ideas, but I am certainly not called Flutterscout.  Leaving aside how uncomfortably reminded I am of the existence of My Litttle Pony by that, the butterfly wings aren't all I have going on.  Please try again, or just list me as presently unnamed, thanks.  I'm working on it, alright?  Names are hard.


-- You Guys Called Me Flutterscout For Some Reason And I'm Vaguely Annoyed By This Even Though I Don't Have Any Better Ideas At The Moment And It's Not Really Like I Want To Put In The Effort Necessary To Stop You.

(Yes, exactly like that.  From a random email/as a random anonymous commenter.  She's mostly just kvetching.)

When will it be time...


Trawling the internet takes a surprisingly long while.

How about now? Time to leave.


Sure, that works.  Off she goes.



The VTOL craft landing on the Park & Ride lot inspires everyone to back away from it and a few to take pictures, but nobody objects.

Stella Sky is on a video screen in the small seating area. Her wind and sun themed mask is pretty distinctive. It's like first class on an airline. Four seats, a good amount of space.

"Hey there, Cupid! Oh, it's going to be good to do some nice simple power testing after the day I've had. Is Cupid even the right name though? You signed Stellar Cupidity the first time, and it's the obvious theme..."


"That remains to be determined, I think.  Frankly, though, I'm shit at names, so feel free to go with it for now.  It's lovely to meet you."


"I have to say the same. You're one of the sensible ones. Doing something with your powers, but thinking things through and followin' instructions instead of just running around in tights. Well, it's gonna be about a twenty minute flight. And I want to finish up a pathfinding thing I was doing. Refreshment cart?"


"I certainly wouldn't mind.  And thank you for the compliment!  I will admit that there's this atavistic part of me that's always tempted to go smite evil with the power of love or whatever, but that's, well, stupid.  Violence is so rarely the answer to begin with and I've hardly any special skill in the field."


"Oh, yes, we just have to keep reminding ourselves of that. That's why- I mentioned my shuttle? The world's space agencies- Except for Roscosmos- Are helping me with it, but we're planning to deorbit a whole lot of space junk. Do sit down and buckle up though, please. I don't have to follow airline regulations but many of them are, in fact, a good idea."


...Right, yeah, she does kind of need to finish doing that before they can go anywhere.  "Ooh, that does sound like a good plan.  Really, I might actually - how good are you at like, recycling?  Because there's stuff it's easier to make in zero g, or so I'm told, and depending upon how badly you overthrow the tyranny of the rocket equation because magic..."


"I don't have any special advantage for recycling. And the impeller tech has... Other limits. I don't want to reveal all my secrets too easily though! I might have dreams of a city on the moon or domes on Mars, but there's quite a lot of problems to be solved for those to be suitable realities. Life support, in-situ resource utilization, generating power, generating fuel and remass..."

She can feel a sudden surge of motion as the vehicle lifts off and accelerates. Not much, but a bit. Then it's smooth as silk, with a quiet engine noise. A robot drink cart emerges from a wall port. Sodas, water, ice, chips, and other snacks.


She cracks open a soda - she might even pour it over ice, depending upon how she's feeling at the moment.  "...Really, come to think of it...  Oh, but hm, no, there wouldn't be random bits of ceramics in orbit...  But still, I think I saw something about monocrystals being massively easier to produce in space if only we could do, because of both the effective lack of gravity and the vacuum?  Not sure if there's much else doing, but it's not like we don't already have that on the ground.  And then you'd probably have to ship them back down, but it's not like you couldn't...  ....Come to think of it, I wonder what the hell would happen if I just.  Dropped an arrow from orbit sometime.  ...Well, probably not me me, but they're clearly more like constructs that are pretending to have physics, than actual molecules and shit - I wonder if they're photonic on the physical level - wasn't there something about smooshing two photons together so they stuck, recently?"

"Anyway if you have existing techbase to borrow I bet it'd be possible to...  I dunno.  But it's something that might be worth bringing up with your colleagues, if you haven't.  I dunno, maybe they've already tossed that around and found it not particularly worth the trouble, I'm just someone who ever reads hard-ish sci-fi and then the people you're actually working with are rocket scientists who have probably also read the same sci-fi as me and actually understood the math that goes into Alcubierre drives instead of my pop-physics-tier grasp of the subject."

"...On the third hand, the way you describe it as impeller tech...

"...How fine a thrust can you apply?  Because my brain immediately leapt to - Well, I've been playing a lot of puzzle games of the 'assemble molecules' kind, lately?  And you don't need that for everything but I just bet there are people who'd want that for science reasons."


"Frankly hon, you don't know how tinkering works so I'm not likely to get much more than inspiration chatting about it. Better to focus on the things in front of ya. Like how, exactly, your arrows work. Whatever we can measure about them. They do seem to be pseudoreal in a way a lot of power constructs are. Mass isn't right. It was a bit cheeky of us to use 'em on Power Surge with just your pinkie-promise they're non-lethal, honestly. Glad we got away with it, but bad habit..."


"Of course I don't know how tinkering works, I'm not a tinker.  ...Yet, at least.  Who knows what the future will hold.

"...What's interesting is how the sleep arrow didn't work on him, in my opinion.  How'd you end up using it?"


"Hm? Think you can get more powers, do you? It's possible, I guess. I've heard of a couple cases like that. One of the responding heroes is a ghost-type with a slingshot. As far as I can tell he powered straight through the sleep effect with some of his consumed energy... Pain was a lot harder to ignore, I guess."


"If I did, I wouldn't want to do anything more than allude to the possibility, even over nominally secured communications, you know?  Never know if there's someone listening."

"Anyway - huh.  That would kind of explain it.  ...And, I'm sure you noticed, the guy who got caught in the crushed car, he wanted to be healed if anyone had such abilities?  I figure that maybe if the animal trials don't result in super-cancer, it...would only be appropriate."


"That's beyond my sphere of caring. I'll give you his contact info. Arranging it is up to you. Okay well... See you soon. Enjoy the flight. Time to test this on my end."


She settles in for the ride and waits.


When the VTOL swings to decelerate and then sets down, it lets her out in a movie set designer's dream. The place looks like it's underground, high concrete walls and a cavernous space broken up by shiny chrome shelving units and vehicles in neat rows. A robot arm is assembling something in a corner.

Stella Sky meets her as the door opens, waving. "Ya ready to be scanned and advised and poke some lab rats?"


"Looking forward to it."  Though with some trepidation!  "Let's do this thing.  Albeit, you know that thing I wouldn't get into over the phone?"

She drops her Cupid transform and immediately selects the other one.  "Well, I have some evidence that I'm gonna end up with a wide selection of powers as time goes on.  I didn't have this option yesterday."

...She looks down at herself.  At the, of all things, lamia-esque tail that she had no idea was going to happen to her.  "...I see the universe is conspiring to have my cape outfit mandatorily include a skirt, in addition to the backless shirt it's already made quite clear I'll probably need.  Good grief."


Stella's hand went to a subtle holster when Diana suddenly shifted. But she plays it off, cocking her hips instead. 

"Well I'll be. Here, emergency toga." She pulls a utility belt pouch open and tosses a soft palm-sized cube. "For costume accidents and rescues from cold water, like. Surprisingly frequently needed. You had hunches about the pink-winged shift, how about this one?"


She catches the motion, but really can't blame her.

...This a cube.  Right, how does she even operate this thing?

"I'm feeling like...some sort of sneakyness...and, well, you did just say rescues from cold water and that seems to be putting ideas in my head."


"Just squish it. You've definitely got the supermodel-super effect going, I'll say that. Nobody's sure why that happens either. And it doesn't, to some. You think that form's a swimmer? Or did you mean cold resistance? I've got a test pool."


"Swimmer, more than cold resistance.  But presumably some cold resistance because swimmer."  ...She is, now, blushing, as she gets the toga on.

"...If I had to hazard a guess, I'd put it on there being multiple power sources, with different...aesthetic opinions."

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