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Lucette faces Plot
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Then the cambions can get another couple off before switching to their own swords!

This fight is beginning to look like the kind that requires some serious healing and rest even after you win it.


With Camellia gone, Anevia is having serious trouble holding the door! She tries closing it in their faces, but she's not strong enough to hold it and by the time Lann runs up to help it's open again.

This results in a brief tangle which leaves Lann down and Anevia forced to retreat towards Wenduag.


Wenduag is hardly going to help her fight three men in melee!'s going to be a pretty big disaster if the party dies here and leaves some cultists who have seen her help them. Also, she doesn't trust Anevia alone to shake off their pursuit.

She runs past the cultists, who have Anevia surrounded in a corner, and back towards the other half of the party. It doesn't matter where she goes so long as she keeps shooting them in the back, right?


Seelah finally manages to subdue the third mongrel and runs frantically to help Anevia.


Lucette sings AT THE TOP OF HER LUNGS. 


This has the possibly unintended effect of both cambions attacking her, because she's being obnoxiously pretty and loud and distracting!


Oh good! Stab stab stab them in their backs.


On second thoughts, maybe one-on-one was a better plan?


Seelah takes down one cultist from behind before the rest turn on her, which lets Anevia make distance and start using her bow again.

Frankly, she's just happy to finally be contributing, and terribly worried about Lann and the party members she can't see at the moment! 

...Then she can hear Lucette's song, and relaxes a little. She can take on three men if her party's alright.

(She does have to use her last lay on hands to do it.)


Three-on-one at least lets them use their glaives properly! But Seelah's well-armoured and has a shield; as long as she stays on the defensive they can't finish her off before Anevia and Wenduag drop one of them, and from there it's all downhill.


And once they're dead, they can go help Lucette and Camellia - wait, no, what about Lann? Wenduag skips her turn shooting the last cultist to make sure he's breathing properly.


Amazingly not dead yet! Despite a total lack of healing or other assistance! ...not quite conscious, though.


With the cambions finally dead, the party are all various amounts of wounded. Lann has to be given a potion of cure light wounds, which (after looting the latest set of bodies) brings them to five remaining potions.

Also, there are two unconscious-but-alive mongrels, the feathered woman and the man with a dog's paw; the third, who might have been Hovlan, didn't survive being stabbed and channeled at.


"Sorry," Lucette says softly of Hovlan, but it's sympathy rather than apology; it's terrible that he's dead, of course, every death is a tragedy; but if it was him or her it wasn't going to be her. 


Lann can't, fairly, be angry with Camellia for defending herself or for not having a non-lethal weapon. She didn't even kill him; the channel did, or poor dumb ill fortune. He settles for being angry at the universe at large, instead.

"Can we - wake up the other two? Tie them first, I guess, and it would take a healing potion or a lot of time or a lot of luck..."


"I don't see a point in not waking them. Worst thing they could do is scream for help, but we've made a lot noise already. If we're taking them back to your tribe, I'd like them to walk there!"


Every time she thinks she dodged an arrow, there comes another. This expedition is rapidly running out of ways to turn out well for her. Who knows what these two have heard or seen? They can't be entirely incapable of memory and speech, or the cult wouldn't have kept them around.

"Or we could leave them tied in a room and keep searching for the kids. Interrogating them and forcing them to walk to the tribe and coming back will take time we may not have. And use up two more potions before we know we're done fighting."


"Wenduag has a long as there's somewhere than we can put them somewhere a cultist isn't going to untie or kill them." 


"We passed a small room off the barracks, we could put them in there. And the cultists probably wouldn't kill them, since they fought on their side? They would untie them, though. So it's a question of whether any cultists will sneak around behind us looking for allies, instead of facing us head-on, after they see -" she gestures at the rooms full of bodies left in their wake. "Personally I think most cultists who see that would focus on running away and not on rescuing two unarmed crazed neathers who are barely alive anyway, but cultists are, well - unpredictable."


"Or they could slit their throats when they find them tied up. Because they're demon cultists."


"Or that, yeah. It's a risk."


"Put them in the small room and drag a bed in front of it?"


"Alright!" Seelah is still smarting over spending the first half of the fight not helping, and throws herself into the work. Hauling heavy objects, she can do.


Anevia surveys the group. "Most of us are pretty badly wounded. Should we drink the potions before we go on? Miss Wex, do you have another cure in you?"


"Yeah, I've got a few." 

She issues the last of her spells and they can drink less-than-all of the healing potions to cover what she can't. 

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