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Lucette faces Plot
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"I have read those, yeah. Thank you, that was very helpful. I think at this point it is time to move on and hope to get to the kids before the vrolikai turns up, could you pull out those books while we're gone? I don't know how this library is filed yet." 


He's so very glad she asked!!

"This library is filed on the principle of a Baphometan maze! To find a book, you need to follow a chain of clues to find the hidden index at the library's center, which then tells you where the book is that you want to find. Not all of them are on the shelves that you can see."

"Or you can just remember where everything is, like I do, because I'm not a Baphometan." And if she doesn't have a great memory like he does, she needs him.

He will pull out all the books mentioned and set them out on one of the tables. ...As soon as the half-lizard mongrel stops squeezing him, please?


"Let's go, Lann. It's very unfortunate how insensitive he is to the plight of the children but, uh, Nethysians are like that sometimes." 


Lann lets him go with a disgusted look. ...and takes the not-cultist's glaive, to be discarded somewhere hopefully out of reach.


Oh good, he hates that bloody thing.


Back in the large room, there remains one closed door! Like the last one, it's unlocked. Who wants to go first?


Seelah and/or Lucette. Probably and. 


Choosing Seelah means they're not using stealth! They're using shock and awe instead!


The ten or so cultists standing around, dicing, or in some cases napping in this barracks are definitely shocked!

Enough of them are armed (if not always armored) with standard-issue mandatory glaives to present a front, but it takes some scurrying around and over each other, and likely a few sword-wounds on the way.


They can't shoot very well through the door and past Seelah and Lucette! Why does this keep on happening?!


She can't stab very well past Seelah and Lucette either! ...wait, what's this side door for?


It was for hiding an extra angry cultist cleric who charges out at her!!!


Yay!!! Stabby time! (Glaives: continue to be really bad at close range.)


A couple of the unarmed cultists at the far end of the room will flee through the other door! 


"They're going to the long hall!" Wenduag calls.


There is, just barely, enough room to spread her wings, flap over the mass of cultists, and pursue the ones going into the hall. 


Aaaah flappy dragon mongrel woman!!

They run right across the hall and into a different door and down wide stairs, while shouting for help.


...Lucette is not stupid enough to follow them down those stairs. 

Instead she swords at the cultists from the other door from the rest of her party, and sings loud enough that they can hear it. 


The only good news here is that they all have an enemy within reach of their glaives!

...The bad news is that they're completely disorganized and in some cases unarmed and in a couple of cases dying or dead.

Most of the cultists make the simultaneous executive decision that one angry woman is less scary than four (plus Lann), and furthermore that someone who's singing and swording is hopefully less specialized in the swording bit, and anyway it's very tempting to follow the two lucky fellows who made a clean getaway!

Which is to say that five cultists all rush Lucette, aiming to push her back into the hall. They can't all hit her at once, even with the long glaives reaching past each other, but they have mass on their side and enemies at their back spurring them to greater efforts!

(The one extra-angry cultist is still busy raging at Camellia and the fundamental unfairness of life and does not follow them.)


Breath Weapon. 


Brrrrr! is not really enough to dissuade them from pushing forward and, also, trying to run her through with their glaives.


Seelah will leave Camellia's side for a round to swipe at their retreating backs! Camellia seems to be enjoying herself, anyway.


She is!!! Did you know that if you get inside a polearm user's guard and pin them up against the wall, you can stab them in all sorts of places while they ineffectually try to turn their weapon against your back and - eeugh, is he trying to bite her? How gross! Have a rapier to the face!!


The cultists' attempted retreat gives Lann and Wenduag enough space to enter the room and start really shooting. (Good thing they're not fighting back.)


Noises from the stairs the other cultists ran down indicate someone (or something) might be running back up!

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