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Sometimes the world that summons you is a lot better along just one axis. Pirates summoned to PeachPlus.
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"Sounds like you've got a goal to work on, then. That's good, it'd be easy to flounder what with the new setup and all. God knows I've been stumbling around trying to figure this place out."


"Well, if you need a sounding board or a hand with anything, let us know. Sable basically lives to help, the dork, and you're more tolerable than most people I've met."


"Will do. Think I'm going to go back to my apartment, make something for supper. It was nice to meet you, Hailey."

Rose stretches and gets up from the table.


"Likewise, Rose."

Hailey stretches for a bit, enjoying the view out the window, before heading back to the apartment as well.


It's as she left it, with all her groceries in place. Clematis hasn't left any messages on her phone. She's alone for now.


Except she's never alone. Thank goodness.

She flops onto the lounge-thing

<What we wanna do tonight, girls?>

<Find some local music on our phone?>, Ruby suggests.

Sable adds, <I wonder if they have podcasts.>

<Those sound like decent options while you cook,> Maya concurs, <and then we could research after.>


Hailey nods, stretching out.

After a moment, she pulls out their phone and starts looking for music and podcast options.

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