sad Cam in Milliways, with company
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They can arrest him. And his husband and his parents and siblings and half his staff - he's a very embedded person, see - and if they do that and Telkam stops interfering with places will it calm things down?


It's mostly that last thing they want but he's a lunatic so it would be easier to expect him to actually back off if they had that to hold over him than if he just said he'd cut it out one day.


"I don't think that will work the way you're expecting it to," says Intal Neli. "At all. But we do have to do something."


They could also tell the other countries how to defend themselves.


"I know we have other planets now, but I'm attached to this one. No one should know this. We'll make the arrests."




Anitam arrests three dozen people for misconduct with classified information, a charge that can earn you anything between a fine and a death sentence, has sealed trials, puts them under house arrest.  Telkam gets a lot of hastily-written letters telling him not to do something stupid. 


Telkam contemplates all kinds of stupid things. But unless Anitam actually tries suggesting that they think they have people hostage for his cooperation he will not do any of them.


Anitam is emphatically advised not to do that. 


They listen, temporarily. Other people get appointed to run the Revelation project and liaise with aliens. They try to figure out a way to take their hostages through Milliways to somewhere where Telkam can't feasibly rescue them but fail to come up with one. 


They do not explain to the aliens what is going on. The aliens might get upset for some reason, they're so touchy.


Somebody in Litholee coaxes an angel into explaining summoning by appeal to geopolitical stability. They announce that Anitam does not have a monopoly on aliens anymore and they will defend anyone threatened by Telkam unless the provocative action was really stupid or the country responsible has annoyed them.


(Anitam quietly asks how they intend to do that, exactly, since summoning is way more useful for attack than defense.)


(Well, for one thing, they think Telkam has exaggerated daeva willingness to dip into Amentan politics and for another now they have chiplocked computers for secure comms.)


(Anitam also does not expect Telkam to aggress against anyone, partially because of the difficulty of persuading daeva and partially because their information suggests he doesn't actually want to, but it seems like a bad idea to commit to defending people if what they mean is 'guessing off more information that it's not going to happen'.)


(They can at least try it. They have some fairies ready to go if anything happens. Besides, people will be less likely to try taking Telkam out if they think he's not otherwise unstoppable.)


(And the only reason Anitam hasn't tried that themselves is because he'll certainly escalate if he survives, which is even truer if someone else tries it. Reasonable enough.)


...Cam is puzzled by Aitim's replacement and wants to know why Aitim was replaced.


"If you need anything from him specifically I can make sure it reaches him."


"That's not what I asked."


"The council decided that it no longer made sense to have something as high-stakes as interdimensional contact handled so informally."


"Shouldn't he at least have been around for the handoff?"


"I think he was busy."


"I think you're bullshitting me."


"Aitim strongly recommended I not do that. The council did in fact decide they wanted interdimensional contact handled more carefully because of the stakes and for that reason replaced him in this role."


"That part I am willing to buy. I do not think he was just too busy to come here and say so himself."

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