sad Cam in Milliways, with company
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The Orvaran refugees would like to be angeled and move there and stop imposing on Isel if he'll pay for that.


He will! He'll also poof Isel's vacation home and get her a new one afterwards, he kind of owes her.


Orvaran ex-reds pick new hair colors and move in. They get along with the Rivikni ex-reds.


Oh good. He continues to stay out of everyone's lives except when the courts are needed because he doesn't trust anyone else to do the The Rules Are The Same For Everyone No Actually thing right.


Eventually there will be enough people here to make that a very time-consuming job.


Eventually he will maybe allow applications.


He gets some. New yellows, new blues, previously existing yellows.


They can sit in on some cases and tell him how they'd judge them and the ones who don't suck can be judges.


Some of them suck in various ways. Some of them don't.


So those ones can be judges. They can be paid out of the money he's making off supplying the stores and selling the buildings. He asks Kantil to set up, like, an endowment for his government so that it can eventually pay its bills without taxing anybody or running off Telkam's sex life. Not that he's not satisfied with his sex life, it's great.


His demon fuckbuddies like it too.


The GCP liaison blue asks Aitim again for assurance that nothing horrible is going to happen. Aitim is reassuring. She asks if she's allowed to talk to Cam and Aitim says not to ask him questions about the thing but sure, go ahead. 


When she's next passing through Milliways she asks if Cam has a minute. She is terrified but no one notices except the orange-haired Aitim hanging out near Cam, who looks at her a bit quizzically.


"Uh - yes, what is it, do you need something?"


"I wanted to give you an update on the GCP's attempted handling of the war in Arda. I can write if that's more convenient."


"...this is fine."


"The director of the GCP, Rochelle Chua, is a very - procedurally-focused person. She's not very interested in entertaining arguments about what'd be a useful or productive policy for us to have, and arguments about actual innocence are what having a trial is for. I'm working on introducing a process to appeal arrests and to have routine review of open cases to see if it's worth continuing to pursue them, and if that's introduced and approved through appropriate channels then she'll accommodate the results happily. Does that make sense -"


"Uh, I suppose so."


"The concern is - you know the saying 'hard cases make bad law'? To the extent I design the review process to get useful results in this case, which is - not very typical - it'll be less useful for evaluating the sort of cases that it'd mostly be employed for."


"Well. If I wind up in Ganymede can you maybe get me a violin?"


"- sure. But I wasn't saying - if you want the circles down I'm going to get the circles down, I just want you to know the reason it didn't happen right away. There are a bunch of other options, depending how much of a hurry you're in."


"Can't even feel them right now. No rush really."


"Oh good. So Rochelle is probably going to retire in a few Earth years, and I think her replacement will be more able to be flexible on this. That's one option. Another is designing the process so that it acquits you - I can do that and I'm willing to, it just has some costs. Another is - if any Elves were accessible to complain about Revelation's handling things outside their jurisdiction, that'd be a procedural reason to drop it and I could pursue it. I don't know if there are any Elves that'd be in a position to do that, of course, and - and if they're one of the ones with a killswitch there'll be questions about their credibility -"


"Uh. There's one here. She does have one but - they're locked to the people who have them not - ugh. There's more past the door if she won't do."


"Would you like me to talk with them and try to find someone who'll be convincing?"


"You could start with Larya, maybe she knows someone. She's in room 9985."

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