sad Cam in Milliways, with company
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"Do you have a way to have it in Arda instead?"


"We're trying to work something out. I think it'd be an injustice to everyone involved for the whole thing to be settled by people who know very little about it, but we don't have anything like Ganymede set up and - would be reluctant to, Elves hate imprisonment as a cultural thing, they'd be inclined just to have a binding that doesn't let him kill people and then let him go about freely."


"...even inarguably innocent daeva need more binding than that to be sure."


Nod. "Why don't I finish the story and then we can talk through my concerns and figure out what makes sense."




"So we figure out that escalating the war from machine guns to tanks, or nukes, or anything at our disposal, probably doesn't help - the status quo isn't low-casualty but it could be much worse. We let it play out. The Enemy rains down notes on us, asking to parley with Cam. Cam realizes he can verify terms for a parley by conjuring for audio recordings of oaths spoken by the parties to the parley; he does that. He attends. 


The Enemy says that all this is just entertainment, what he actually wants is to kill the Valar, and if Cam will do that for him he'll stop all the torture and all the bioweapons and swear never to hurt anyone ever again."


"- mm."


"Turned him down. War dragged out another year. We acquired the backups of everyone in Valinor. The Enemy made the offer again. We -"

She closes her eyes. She recites the contents of the oath they demanded of Melkor.

"We verified it. My commander authorized it. He did it. The war ended, the torture servers were shut down, the Enemy took up knitting. And then we put them back."


"...does that extend to the Valar - fourteen is still -"


"Still murder. I know. We don't have backups of them."


"- and it turns out that a lot of daeva murderers knew that humans have an afterlife, but even so -"


"There should absolutely be a war crimes trial. But - there should be a war crimes trial, conducted by the people affected, people who know who Melkor is and what he did, in a place where they can call all the witnesses to testify, where witnesses can swear to reliability and have that be understood to mean something - you seem like good people with good priorities. But you are so desperately not equipped to tackle something of this complexity and this magnitude, not from the information you'd be able to derive by conjuring."


"Chua will take this better if you have the tribunal - prepped -"


"We can at least have a detailed plan for it, we won't want to conduct trials until everyone's been resurrected and reconstruction is sufficiently underway that we can stand to lose Cam and most of our leadership."


"Couldn't another demon do it?"


"Fifty five million resurrections. Eight months nonstop - and I mean nonstop, he has not spoken or eaten. How much do you suppose we'd have to pay for that one? And we're still not sure if summoning will work in our world now that the Valar are gone."


"Demons who take summonses are used to not speaking. You could bring one along by your transit method. I think some of them feel very sorry for the victims, in a demony sort of way."


"There's also - it'd be deeply inappropriate to try Cam and not try our own leadership for approving and authorizing it, but they're right in the middle of negotiating reconciliation and reconstruction and stuff, it's not a great time to arrest them."


" that normally something Elf law enforcement takes into account?"


"...yes, of course?"


"Uhhh. Well, if you have the - structure - ready, then exact timing matters less."


"That makes sense. Thank you. Should I come back to you with that?"




"All right. Anything else?"


"I think most of the other bits are redundant if we're not going to try him."

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