It's dangerous to be as far from civilization as this by oneself. Every human in this world knows that, which is why there are no humans from this world currently on this road, as far as the eye can see, which would probably be farther if this particular point on it didn't go straight between two hills.
The knowledge of where she is and what is happening comes back in fuzzy-edged pieces. It's another few seconds before she catches up with herself enough to relax her jaw and let him go.
It occurs to her that this isn't - personal. It's not about her in any meaningful way. In fact, if they had any sense, they would have noticed something unusual about her in the first place and would not now be relying on her good judgment to save them from being consumed by an unchecked mara. She's just - a convenient victim. A very scarce convenient victim, judging by how eager they all are to get their cocks into her by any means necessary. So is this some sort of... otherworldly enclave of sadistic shapeshifting rapists who are too deprived of easy prey to look closely at the first person who happens to cross their path? What is the point of this thing they are doing?
Somehow she suspects she's not going to get an answer to that one.
She's so tired. Maybe she should find the taste of that man's blood satisfying, but she really doesn't. She just wishes it would all go away.
But she's still not going to loose her mara on them.
Breathing turns out to be kind of integral to the process of having a proper cry!
She does in fact cry, at her next water break, but she doesn't give it the kind of time she really needs. Five minutes, and then she can drink as much water as they want to give her. She's getting better at drinking while being raped.
It almost hurts too much to experience properly. It's like someone painted the world of her senses onto a glass bowl and then smashed it on the wall and the shards are raining past her, each a glimpse of something horrible that's happening to her right now. The spiked cock tearing into her ass, the endless fruitless straining of her lungs, the fresh sharp pain of being stabbed and the blunt ripping agony that follows, the crack of breaking bone and the bright flashes when movement jars the pieces... she can't hold onto all of it at once.