It's dangerous to be as far from civilization as this by oneself. Every human in this world knows that, which is why there are no humans from this world currently on this road, as far as the eye can see, which would probably be farther if this particular point on it didn't go straight between two hills.
It's so much worse than she would have thought possible. She can barely hold her thoughts together. Even the healing is unpleasant, a sudden wrenching inversion of pain...
It's almost a relief, except that she's still being raped by sadistic shapeshifters and any touch might suddenly begin to cut or bruise or break.
She can taste her own blood, feel it filling her mouth and throat. It's like a nightmare, except that nightmares end.
She does not succeed in screaming this time either. All that comes out is choked gurgling and a few bubbles of blood.
She coughs and gags, trying desperately to clear blood and semen from her throat - but at least she can breathe at all -
And it's clear they're not going to let her die for lack of air, but she doesn't really have it in her to be grateful for that right now.
Unclear. She's coughing and gagging and sobbing and her eyes are closed.
(She can tell this is a longer break from choking on cock than she's had so far, but she can't collect her fragmented thoughts well enough to draw any conclusions about that, and the ongoing pain and violation are very thoroughly distracting.)