It's dangerous to be as far from civilization as this by oneself. Every human in this world knows that, which is why there are no humans from this world currently on this road, as far as the eye can see, which would probably be farther if this particular point on it didn't go straight between two hills.
She is somewhat better at it this time around but it is still a solid five minutes before she can drink properly.
She is likewise better-than-last-time-but-still-not-great with food, and likewise improves somewhat faster.
If she were strategizing better she might delay herself deliberately, but that would require more presence of mind than she has available.
Stabbing her sides and fucking her there is plenty awful all by itself, but she's - almost starting to get used to it; it hurts and it's awful and violating and makes her want to cry, but it's not an unpleasant surprise anymore, just - unpleasant.
Exhausted. But not yet exhausted enough to fall asleep while being raped and tortured.
She has drinking water under these conditions down pretty well by now, but she's tired enough that chewing is kind of beyond her.
She tries to scream, again, and fails, again, and struggles feebly, and fails at that too.
By that point she is - not usefully asleep, but not entirely awake either. Maybe 'delirious' is the word.
As soon as she can breathe and isn't in more than incidental amounts of pain, she succumbs to exhaustion.