Cor and an evil Maitimo
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It would astonish me if he wouldn't agree to whatever terms you want to have him gone.




Within some bounds, and presentation matters, but if you have a wishlist I bet you can get everything on the wishlist.


It's kind of hard to believe that. I mean - he walked in on me trying to de-oath you and immediately decided the way to handle this situation was to torture you in front of me and tell everyone I was compromised.


Would it be worth discussing with him?



I don't want him to have mages. I want to de-oath you. I want me and Ranary to leave.


Mages will be a sticking point presuming it extends to all kinds of access to other worlds.


We haven't even found anything interesting yet besides here. Maybe there's some other world with harmless magic he can have.


There's probably a way to get it but it's a whole lot harder than the other two.


I take it you've had to learn how to get stuff from him.





He makes mistakes when he's not in control of a situation. It's - not usually useful for him to make mistakes, usually they make things worse, it's good to know how to do that if you're positioned to take advantage of the mistakes but otherwise it's better to leave him in control of things. He likes being obeyed. He likes being trusted, including in very narrow and restricted capacities. He'd like it if you cared about him in any sense but faking it is worse than nothing and I wouldn't blame you for not wanting to self-modify in that direction.

I got there mostly by concluding that it's - so sharp a disconnect from what he is in other capacities, and we were all doing dangerous mind-altering stuff in Valinor in self-defense, that I think he broke something. And someday we'll find the way to reverse it all and he'll be so horrified. I don't know if that's true. But caring for the person who he really ought to be is close enough to work. 

He's easily convinced to do something that's actually better for the country than what he's currently doing, with the honestly bizarre exception of 'stop keeping captive boyfriends'. Moral arguments are better made as personal sensibility ones - you hate mindreading and he'll accommodate, you think mindreading is morally objectionable and he'll ignore you. That one's related to all the Vala editing for ethicalness, back in the day. 

I have sex with him. That one depends - almost entirely on how you're going to feel about it, strategic unhappy obedience makes him happy and contempt makes him angry. If I'm in an acceptable mood it works really well, though. He will sometimes respect a no but not reliably. Pragmatic arguments work better than moral ones, again - 'that would make it a lot harder for me to feel comfortable around you' works better than 'has anyone explained that rape is bad'. 

When he makes mistakes he'll regret them and usually be agreeable about concessions to make up for them, not that the concessions will be sized to match the mistakes. 


It is going to be super hard not to attempt to explain that rape is bad. Has anyone explained that rape is bad in part for pragmatic reasons?


I really haven't tried and I'm not sure who else would have.


Nobody gives a fuck, do they.


There was a war and he won. He'd have been universally agreed to be within his rights to kill me. I think people might object more on your behalf, not that they'll know what to do about it.


Do you happen to know if it's still going around that I'm mind-magicked?


I have no idea. I'm sorry.


You have nothing to apologize for.


I sympathize, then, if you like that better.


I kinda do. Mental sigh.


He could get away with the whole truth, even, lots of these people are sworn to obey him, it's not as simple as screaming at the city 'your king is a rapist and torturer -'


You kind of go around with a sign on your head that says 'your king is a rapist and torturer'.

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