Cor and an evil Maitimo
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"It was really upsetting to discover that I had helped to eat the world!"


"I can imagine, yeah. In a couple years I guess we'll know what happens once the world's all eaten."


"We'll be out of safe vantage points from which to observe. I guess if we have a way to survive on the moon we could go there."


"If you could send a Maia they could check safely. Huan might agree to scout, too, if it works for people who aren't natively of your world."


"Maia scouts could be useful, although they'd have to be mages themselves, so they can make a round trip."


"Or we'd have to figure out a way to yank people from other worlds, yes."


"Be a lot harder. I guess if they didn't need to be in wherever they were scouting for long they could be painted for a round trip in advance, that'd help."


"I know a Maia I'd trust to be a mage. If scouting has a very high mortality rate it might be worth trying."


"Who is it?"


"Tyelcormo has a close friend Maia whose preferred physical form is that of a large dog. Maiar vary a lot, that's not an unusual sort of preference for one to have."


"I feel like being a dog might make it hard to paint, even though osanwë chanting turns out to work."


"He could maybe apply blood to places with magic, I would have to ask him."




"If either of you are the person to talk to about, or can put us in touch with the person to talk about, refugee resettlement, the King's appointed some people to work on that."


"Travel is expensive enough that I don't think people are going to make a lot of trips just to chat; is there something to talk about besides the offer of the south continent?"


"How many people to expect there, what they need, how to make sure none of them put a disappearance point here -"


"They're going to send a couple hundred to set up while people less equipped to help with that scavenge for more supplies and so on. They're not expecting care packages and will make sure all mages in the group are hooked in to the empty world so they aren't tempted."


"Plans for if we're wrong about the continent being uninhabited, do they know or want to know our magic - songs might be useful - are they adequately warned about not trying to get to Valinor and definitely not trying to gate to it -"


"I have warned them about Valinor, they have plans for friendly locals and hostile locals, if it's actually convenient to translate songs into my world's musical notation I'm sure someone could make use of that."


"Enemy might stop by in various guises to ask mages to teach him magic, they should probably categorically not teach anyone they meet there any magic no matter how good a reason."


"That they don't have warning about, I'll make sure they know."


"I'll check if there was anything else on the agenda." Pause. "In addition to friendly natives and unfriendly natives there might well be Maia natives who do things like 'optimize the wellbeing of this one tree' or 'sing to geese'; best to accommodate them, the scope of their interest is usually pretty small."


"...sing to geese."


He makes a frustrated hand gesture. "The defining feature of my worlds' deities is that they suck."


"That's just such a weird way to suck!"

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