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no brakes on the medical drama train
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Oh noooooooo and Marian called first and everything to make sure they were free, she should get dibs.

She clears her throat. “Rose? I - what’ve you got—”


Rose gives her the tired look of someone who really wishes this weren’t happening two hours before she gets to go home. “New onset respiratory distress and chest pain, suspected PE but he’s DNR no intubation.” She glances at Samora. “Uh, you?”


“Uh, trauma, post-op for perforated bowel and now she’s got some kind of horrifying infection.” And her vital signs are still technically okay and maybe Marian should let them bump her but aaaah the spiral CT to check for a pulmonary embolism takes like ten minutes and she hates not being in the ICU.


Samora is of course unable to follow this conversation but she'll cast Stabilize on the unconscious person, because he looks like he might need it even more than the previous one. (What is this place. It's either some kind of terrible temple-substitute for a country with no temples or an Evil wizard's torture-laboratory, and she hates that that's a pair of things it's possible for something to be ambiguous between.)


Rose makes an unhappy face. “Sorry, you must be the one we’re bumping - she does look like she might be septic…”


“You should go ahead,” Marian says. “If your guy’s no intubation.”


“Your girl is already maxed on norepi, though?” Rose, who’s just realized that they’re Talking About A Patient Like She Isn’t There (and has no idea that the patient doesn’t speak any English), offers Samora a reassuring smile. She glances at the monitor. “…And my guy is satting fine, apparently.” 


“Her BP hasn‘t actually gotten worse, she’s been on that all day.” Which doesn’t overall make the situation better but it does feel like it makes it less urgent? “I really think we’ll be okay for ten minutes out here, you should go.” 


…Yeah that’s all the back and forth Rose feel like doing, and the previous patient (an older woman with basically nothing attached to her except an IV) is waiting now. She’ll go in next.


Great and now Marian gets to face the consequences of her choices and stand around in a hallway for ten minutes with a patient who definitely isn’t stable.


….she’ll take Samora’s blood sugar again. How are that and her other vital signs doing?


Her blood sugar is doing its usual thing of steadily vanishing into nowhere, but the Tylenol has apparently gotten on top of her fever because it's back down to 100.2. The disgusting slime is still slimy and disgusting.

She wants to try to draw "what are your intentions towards that man" but she's very tired and sitting up feels hard. That isn't actually a good reason not to. Iomedae wouldn't have stopped trying to understand her situation and improve on it just because she was tired, when she was human. Samora draws the man lying down with a frowning face, her best attempt to replicate the eye machine, and two arrows from the eye machine: one to the man standing and smiling, the other to a skeleton. Wait, that might look like a request for a prediction rather than intentions. She accompanies both of them with smiling versions of the other woman. Does Marian want to point at one of these options? (Should Samora believe her?)


Oh noooo is she worried the other guy is dying, that’s such a valid concern, Marian wishes she could be more unequivocally reassuring about it—

- oh NO (?????) is she worried that the other nurse wants her patient to die (??????) That’s not valid at all at least a confusing worry for her to have, but a really upsetting one! 

Uh. Marian is going to take the paper and cross out the smile on the probably-nurse figure’s face beside the skeleton drawing, and replace it emphatically with a big frown and a tear under the eye.

She points at the standing-smiling version of the man and then the skeleton one and tries to convey via expressive shrugging that she doesn’t know for sure which. Just. There is very emphatically no one happy about it if he doesn’t make it!  


That was actually very understandable and they're getting good at this communicating in pictures business! She smiles understanding, mimes praying (hands folded as though around the hilt of a sword or the sheath of a knife, head bowed) and taps the smiling alive man. Hopefully Marian understands that in this case she means the civilian kind of "gods willing he'll make it" and not any indication that she has anything better than Stabilize up her sleeve.

And then she flops back on the pillow again and chews on the question of how much she believes Marian, which is mostly the question of whether she believes her own judgement to be compromised. 


Awwww Samora is really sweet. She’s going to be feeling awful and she’s still thinking about the welfare of other patients. Marian might prefer she spent less energy on drawing complicated pictures to communicate about it, but it’s still very sweet.

She waits until Rose emerges and frets about running out of D50 before their scan is over.


And then Rose is emerging! "Wow, maybe I should've let you go first after all, my guy is still satting fine. Uh, good luck?" She stops, wrinkles her nose, and then lowers her voice. "...God, is that smell her?" 


Moments to be really glad Samora doesn't speak English!! That was not enough of a whisper that she wouldn't have overheard it! She probably wouldn't have, like, been offended, because she's a lovely person (who just very understandably kicks nurses when she has no idea what's going on, but like, Marian does krav maga, if she were that disoriented and being poked with things she would probably try to kick someone too). 

"Uh, yeah, it's bad." And she'll swap places with Rose and push the gurney into the CT room. 


The machine is a lot more elaborate than in Marian's drawing, but it is, in fact, basically a long narrow table with a big hollow cylinder or fat ring at one end. 


Oh no Marian forgot that the order was for an abdominal CT with and without contrast, and therefore forgot to warn Samora that the contrast injection is going to feel pretty weird (in particular, Marian has always been told it feels warm in the crotch like you just pissed the bed, though she's never had a CT with contrast herself to confirm this.) ...Hopefully she's established enough trust that Samora won't freak out about this and try to escape or something. The contrast part of the scan only takes like two or three minutes anyway. 

She gets the tech's help to wrangle the bed up against the table, bedrail down on that side, and get the height adjusted level, and - hmm, if she gestures where they need her to go and then helps hold the IV tubing going to the central line and stuff, would Samora rather wriggle herself over? She doesn't have to, if it turns out she's feeling too tired or weak or it hurts too much - there's a slidey transfer board and Marian can also point at it and try to convey what the alternative is - but Samora is a) really strong, and b) seems like in general she would prefer to move herself rather than be moved. 


Detect Magic still shows nothing but her own headband! Arcadia is amazing and scary and she wishes she was able to talk to these people about their, their secrets of lost Azlant or whatever it is.

She can scoot herself over, sure. Her arms are actually pretty okay and are currently more cooperative than her core muscles, so it's more of a "grab a hardpoint and drag" situation than a scoot per se, but she understands what Marian means by letting her do it herself and smiles even as she admits to herself that she hopes it's several minutes before she needs to do the reverse maneuver.


Marian hooks up the curly contrast tubing to the unused port of the central line, smiles reassuringly at Samora, and then they can slide the CT bed into the machine. 

(And then Marian is going to hover in the room rather than going back to the technician's station, just in case Samora freaks out.) 


The eye-machine does not actually have any visible eyes, but does seem to have a component in the cylinder that spins very fast around Samora. The table she's lying on also moves back and forth down the hollow cylinder at intervals. 

After about five minutes they have all the non-contrast CT slices and the technician hits the controls to inject the contrast. 


She keeps all of her fingers and toes where they're not at risk of getting caught in the machinery, though it seems pretty well-designed to avoid that. 

. . . Did she just piss herself? For no reason?? After specifically saying she wouldn't and also still having the weird thing in her that's supposed to make it impossible??? Possibly she hallucinated it, which would be maybe worse? She has no idea how to ask about this and it was awkward enough the first time and the paper is still in the other bed-cart-thing.


Marian is at least not reacting like she pissed herself, and after maybe thirty or forty seconds the feeling goes away and doesn’t even leave her feeling wet, which might be evidence that she hallucinated it?


Marian watches her very closely the whole time. And is probably going to have to do another blood sugar check the instant they get her out, ugh, she’s already a bit overdue but she can’t get at a finger to stick right now and it doesn’t seem worth pausing the scan for.

Do Samora’s vital signs hold up for the whole 7-8 minutes of scan? Marian is going to feel like an idiot if she let Rose go first and it turns out her patient was the one due to start crashing.


She's hanging in there. Smells utterly foul and is ignoring this with the patience of someone who has been disgusting before and will be again. She'll drag herself back to the other bed-cart-thing when it's time for that, even less gracefully than before.

(If she was back in her room at the Rowdy Rockfish she'd just sleep until dawn, but it'd be stupid to lose situational awareness here when she doesn't have to. Not for the first or the hundredth time she thanks Heaven for the gifts that let her go without sleep.)

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