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no brakes on the medical drama train
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Fraser looks impressed. "That's - wow - how many calories is that, that's insane." 


Somehow it hadn't even occurred to Marian to wonder how many calories are in an amp of D50 but it's not like it's hard to calculate - 25 ml of D50 is 12.5G of sugar - so eight of them is 100g, she’s been getting at least four an hour for 8h, so 400g of sugar, times 4 calories per gram of carbohydrate… “At least 1600 calories? I think. ...It was probably a lot more, actually, that was assuming she never got more than four in an hour and she totally got more than four some hours." 


"Yeesh. Okay. Do we know why?" 


Honestly Marian has spent rather little time thinking about the baffling medical mystery of Samora's blood glucose, because it was at least a baffling medical mystery that was well under control even if it was an enormous hassle. She shrugs. "I think they figured she was type one diabetic and took too much long-acting insulin, or took her usual and fasted but normally eats a lot? I don't know."

In hindsight neither of those really make a lot of sense, given how Samora is more than awake enough now to inform them of known medical problems and would definitely have done that. 

"- Anyway, uh, glucose checks every five minutes and yeah it does actually have to be that often. I'm really sorry, she used to have an art line but." 


Raised eyebrow. "I'm figuring she pulled it out at the same time she Houdini'd out of her restraints and self-extubated in under a minute? I did hear about that." 


Oh noooooooooo is everyone gossiping about that, that's so embarrassing. "Uh. Yeah. - she didn't get as far as yanking the Foley out but she did politely request we let her use a bedpan instead, I meant to ask– I think I did send Kristy to ask the resident but I assume we got distracted, it's been. Distracting." She's breaking her rule against going out of order and does now feel like she can't remember where she left off, but she did want to make sure that request got passed on. 

"- anyway. They treated her hypoglycemia and gave her a ton of fluids and blood products while they were trying to diagnose the bleeding problem, and I guess eventually decided to just go ahead and take her to the OR, that would've been at like...noon, I think? Sounds like it went surprisingly smoothly given everything, she had a lot of damage to muscle and fascia and her gut was really cut up but they were able to hook everything back up again, they did a loop ileostomy to let it heal. I got her at twoish, she was on a ton of pressors and tachycardic with a systolic BP in the 80s but - didn't look too bad, given that."


Fraser makes a face. "Okay but I'm in awful suspense over here, when did the horribly-smelling infection turn up?" 

He's also doing his own glance-over of Samora, clearly trying to judge for himself how she looks and whether it's still "not too bad" given all of the everythings. 


"I think around 3:30 or 4– oh crap sorry need to take a blood sugar." Marian gives Samora another apologetic smile and goes to do that. 


Samora is actually feeling way better all of a sudden, probably because that horrible life-draining spell she got hit with finally wore off. She gets herself back upright and gets the weird shirt-dress thing they've draped over her actually arranged with her arms in the sleeves and as much of herself covered as possible.

Not being life-drained has made her alert enough to realize that she's barely dressed--she's seen back-alley girls wearing more clothes than this--and is about to be left alone and unarmed with a strange man who plausibly doesn't know what it means that she's a priest. She doesn't think he'll try anything--even if he was inclined to she's currently disgusting. Still, she's internally cringing at what her parents would feel if they saw her. 


...Huh, her blood glucose is 92. Which is normal, and also the highest Marian has ever seen it. Her heart rate, which had mostly been in the 130s to 150s, is now at 110. Also she looks abruptly vastly better - mostly more awake and alert but also her color is better.

Wow. Okay. Marian definitely isn’t complaining but she is confused.

She gives Samora a questioning look, in case Samora also just noticed something different.


Samora smiles encouragingly, and does a quick series of stick figures: someone pointing at her with jagged lines coming out of his hand, Samora lying down, hourglass hourglass hourglass, Samora sitting up smiling. Then she points at her "clothes" and Marian's clothes and mimes putting on a shirt and pants. 


Fraser leans in to look at the drawing. “…What on earth is that supposed to be, ‘I got cursed by a Harry Potter wizard but I got better’?”


Yeahhh Marian does not so much feel like this particular attempt at communication clarifies anything! …Except for the part where Samora wants pants, which is super understandable but also she does still have a catheter. 

Marian makes the pants gesture back and nods to convey that she understood it, and then shrugs and points at the hourglass she drew, which will hopefully get across “it might be a bit of a wait.” As far as she knows they don’t have pants in the patient linens, someone will have to go to the OR. Maybe Samora doesn’t realize quite how unsalvageable the clothes she arrived in are? 

“Glucose is fine all of a sudden?” she adds to Fraser. “I’d keep checking for a bit, but - maybe whatever the problem was isn’t affecting her anymore?”


Fraser nods sagely. “Harry Potter wizard curse. Insulinio overdoseo.” He makes a wand-waving gesture. “Sorry, where were we?”


That’s a good question. They were at the part where Marian gets to go home soon, right?

She shakes herself slightly. “Right. Uh, she had seemed pretty out of it still - I started fentanyl for pain, I think she just looked kind of uncomfortable and obviously had a big surgical incision, but I didn’t go up on the midazolam. I had just noticed her temp was up a bit and she looked off, and the drains and incision were leaking - I bet someone got a photo from the paracentesis we did later, it was awful - and I had to leave the room to get stuff for some new orders. I came back after a minute or two and - yeah, she was out of the restraints, self-extubated and ripped out the art line, and had snapped the IV tubing for all her drips running in the central line - we’d taped it down really well - so that was leaking blood everywhere.”


Fraser gives Samora a faintly impressed, if dubious, look. “Fun stuff. And looks like she didn’t need to be reintubated?”


“No, thankfully! She’s been fine on room air ever since. I - mostly spent the next while trying to reorient her - oh, right, forgot to mention she’d been really combative in the ER, ripped out all her lines and they had to give her IM sedation to settle her down - but I think she just had no idea what was happening? We had this pretty bizarre Pictionary back and forth about where she was, she drew a map and she’s maaaybe from, like, somewhere in the Mediterranean?”


Raised eyebrow. “I guess that explains the not speaking English, but not what the hell she’s doing in fucking Reno of all places. Do they even let you bring swords on planes?”


“Presumably not in carryon but, like, I think you can bring guns in checked luggage…?” This is a stupid digression that’s pointlessly delaying when Marian gets to go HOME and scrub her skin off in the shower, and also she’s really glad they’re not having this conversation in front of Samora in a language she can understand. “Anyway, she basically agreed to all the things once I drew them. We started a new antibiotic and sent cultures and took her to CT to see if there was a new perforation - there wasn’t, just a lot of inflammation and a big pocket of free fluid, so Dr Harrison went in and drained that.” 

Marian really does hope he got a photo, it’s the sort of thing that’s horrifying and upsetting at the time but later you really want to be able to back up your story and gross out the other medical staff who weren’t there - and it’s probably not a HIPAA violation, Samora isn’t identifiable from it - ugh maybe they would consider it identifying, given the unique “unidentified new pathogen” bit… That’s also a pointless digression and she should stop that.

“Right. Her temp came down with Tylenol and her pressor needs haven’t changed— huh, that was not her BP before!” 

It’s sitting at 146/96, not high enough to trigger an alarm on the default alarm parameters but ridiculously high compared to before! Marian is going to go decrease the norepinephrine right now!


“Well, I’m sorry your shift was awful but I have to say mine seems to be looking up,” Fraser says dryly. “You can go, anything else I’ll look up in the chart. - you should talk to the charge nurse before you leave, I dunno how the whole unit being on lockdown affects your shift.”


AAAAAAAAAH yeah all right that’s a good idea. Marian will wave goodbye to Samora and then strip off her iso gear and wash her hands and…put on a new clean iso gown, actually, since her scrubs are Contaminated. And then go talk to the charge nurse.


Does the patient seem like she needs anything? (Is her blood sugar still fine?) If not Fraser can shed his own iso gear and wash up, and then go ask the resident for an order to d/c the Foley and go run to the OR hallway to get the poor girl some pants.


She's fine for now. She's kind of regretting not having asked for her sword once she and Marian seemed to be getting along alright, because obviously having her sword is a higher priority than pants if they have it somewhere and it would have been a good test. But it also would have been bad diplomacy when neither Marian nor--she'll need to get his name later--is wearing so much as a belt knife and they didn't seem to understand her attempts to declare her goddess's alignment at all. And it's entirely possible that most of her possessions are still under the lighthouse.


(Most of her possessions are in the cabinet in the room, but Fraser doesn't actually know this, since it didn't make it into Marian's report and he hasn't yet thought about it.) 

He gets an order to discontinue the catheter without any difficulty ("look, her kidneys are fine, and would you want a tube up your thingy?") and then runs into the problems that the whole unit being on lockdown apparently means that the charge nurse is parked by the main doors and reminding people that they're not really supposed to be leaving unless they really have to for an urgent patient procedure, does he have one of those? 

- he does not but he does have a friend in the OR and will text her with a bribe (buying her coffee later once he's no longer On Lockdown) if she delivers a couple of pairs of OR scrub pants to the ICU doors. ...Size S, please, they're not for him. 


He checks the chart for anything due before heading back into the room, and whoooooops it looks like Marian missed a dose of the initial standard broad-spectrum antibiotic (the one started in the OR) that was due at 6 pm. He's not surprised - it seems like she had basically no opportunities to leave the room from 4pm onward, also vancomycin runs over 2h and might still have been running at six - he's just going to go grab the antibiotic from the med room and not mention this to her ever. It's only 7:20 pm so it's not even very late. 

He gowns up and goes in with antibiotics and pants and a 10cc syringe to empty the Foley balloon, just in case that drawer in the room isn't restocked. 

If he points at the pants and the catheter and makes a pulling-out gesture, does the patient seem inclined to go along with letting him get in there to deflate the balloon and remove it? He can attempt to draw it if she seems to want more reassurance on how this works, but he really does feel like Marian set the bar unfairly high on drawing ability. 


Yes, getting that thing out is a prerequisite to putting on pants, isn't it. She should have been more insistent about it when it was Marian here. She nods and gestures at him to turn his back for a moment.

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