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no brakes on the medical drama train
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"Good question! My plan for getting back to Golarion should work the same whether or not this is the same Prime Material plane Golarion is on, because it involves going by way of Heaven, but getting back would only work the same way if it is. You need an item attuned to a plane to Plane Shift to it, and I think I can get one for Heaven and then in Heaven I'll be able to get one for the Prime Material, but if this is actually some demiplane big enough to have a planet in it I couldn't get back--not without learning how to attune a new item, which I expect nobody here knows and I doubt my ability to reinvent."

"Sending is a much easier problem--I can Sending anyone I've met no matter where they are, though doing it across planes very rarely fails, and anyone who gets one can respond. It's only twenty-five words each way, but you can get a lot of benefit from codes and shorthand if you know in advance what you might want to talk about."


Nod. "That's kind of awkward. I’m - going to ask the others what they think.” By which she means she’s going to ask Fraser, because that’s the least embarrassing.


“Huh.” Fraser looks speculative. “I mean, think she’s probably be fine if she stayed here a while, but - if she doesn’t want to risk it, could she just take one of us with her? Worst that happens is we can’t get back and are stuck in a D&D universe, but that could be kind of cool.”




Marian hadn’t thought of that at all and isn’t sure if it’s actually possible with Samora’s magic, but - it does seem like it could be really valuable? How much could Samora learn about medicine in a few days or weeks, compared to nursing school? And that’s not even getting into all the rest. Golarion probably doesn’t have electricity or flush toilets or - Marian isn’t sure what else they don’t have that she would actually know enough science to help invent, she’s pretty sure she couldn’t single-handedly reinvent the Internet, but…

Also dealing with D&D world adventures is probably more dangerous than dealing with US immigration, but sounds a lot less agonizing

Maybe it’s not even possible, though? She - should float the idea to Samora and check. She’ll do that.


"I can bring up to seven other people with me, and I don't see any reason you shouldn't come back with me if you wanted! It would be great to have a real medical expert and not just a bunch of written notes."

"There are a lot of dangerous places on Golarion but if we're working on sharing medical knowledge I'd take you to my government in Vigil and it's a very safe city. It's possible that if we succeeded wildly and saved so many lives it had geopolitical implications you might end up in danger again, but then we'd have already succeeded wildly. And at that point there would be a lot of powerful people invested in protecting you. And I'll be able to check before leaving Earth whether it's on the Prime Material or not, so you wouldn't have to decide without knowing whether you could get home."


"...Okay. Uh, when and how would you be able to find out if Earth is on the 'Prime Material' or not?" 


"My plan for getting a tuning fork for Heaven is to call an archon and ask them to get one and let me call them again, and they can tell what plane they've been summoned to. It takes a fourth circle spell per calling and I have one left, so I could do the first step today and the second tomorrow, but it will be easier to get the timing right if I do both steps tomorrow so I'm leaning towards waiting. Unless you think tomorrow someone will have gotten a hold of some diamond dust, because the really good healing spell that takes diamond dust is also fourth circle and I effectively get two per day."

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