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no brakes on the medical drama train
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Marian is happy to get Samora's help with pushing 112's bed over! This doesn't require a lot of skill or coordination, it's just a job that benefits from having more than two people. 


Then she will push things where directed, and then go stand in the middle of everyone, and pray to Iomedae, and all their injuries are healed.


(Clarice is absolutely filming this on her phone.) 


They've definitely attracted a crowd at this point - not just the confused nurses from both pods, but both respiratory therapists on duty today plus a trainee, and the dietician who seems to have arrived early today to see some patients before rounds, and one of the janitorial staff who had been restocking linens. 

This is good because now kind of a lot of patients are awake and freaking out about being intubated!

112 actually isn't because he was heavily sedated, but they should probably, like, stop that now and let him wake up? Possibly after wheeling him back to his room in Pod Four so he can have, like, any privacy, though the other consideration is that his best friend is in 109 and, as soon as he stops freaking out about being attached to 58323 machines, will probably want to reassure himself that his friend is alive? 

(Nobody had really...thought through...the fact that there's going to be some confusing awkwardness about the fact that the kid whose organs were tentatively promised to various people in multiple states is now struggling to get out of bed. It's hard to be upset about it, though.) 

Stroke guy in 113 and his baffled wife are hugging each other and crying. Scooter guy 111 is somewhat disbelievingly getting up from his wheelchair. Drunk driving lady in 107 looks like she's too busy having some kind of religious experience to object to the part where she's still on a ventilator. Suicide attempt kid in 110 is now being cried over by his mother (and not looking incredibly delighted about this). The only patient who isn't abruptly at full health is the older guy in 108, since Samora's channel doesn't cure heart disease or chronic kidney disease, but it does seem to have gotten him as far as 'not incredibly confused', and he's trying to flag down a nurse and ask for his cell phone back to call his family.


Man. This is...a lot. Marian should probably be feeling more...something...about it than she can actually seem to muster right now. A ton of people are talking over each other and everyone is going to have SO MANY QUESTIONS and Marian does not feel like at any point she's had enough time to process this being an actual thing that's actually happening. Mostly she wants them to hurry up and finish this so she can go retrieve the coffee she left in pod two.

They can probably just...go do the remaining patients without waiting for the commotion here to settle down? The rest should involve less logistics, they'll just need to move a handful of patients partially out of their rooms so they're within a thirty foot radius of where Samora is supposed to park herself in the hallway. 


Samora notices the audience and is pleased about it; the more people around when she explains what she's doing the more people will know about the gods. She feels like she really ought to be explaining things immediately to these people who have so obviously never seen divine healing before, but she can't explain anything effectively without Marian and Marian looks a bit overwhelmed herself. 

"Has someone told them there will be an explanation eventually?" she asks as she helps push beds. "Also I can use a spell slot to speak English long enough to explain directly and answer questions, but we can talk about the tradeoffs there later, I just want you to know there's an option."


“I hope Fraser said that! Uh, I don’t mind just translating for you if you - have a plan for what you want to say - I was just kind of getting stuck thinking about where to start? …Uh, at least one person seemed to be assuming it was a miracle by one of the gods people worship here, who I’m - not sure actually exists although I’m less convinced he definitely doesn’t exist than I was before. It, uh, might be awkward because Christianity is one of the religions that teaches that there’s only one god - approximately, it’s a bit complicated - but anyone who’s seriously Christian might not react well to you saying you get magic from a different,” better, cooler, “god. Also for reference, don’t think magic in general is a thing here, but I think maybe some Christians - there are kind of a lot of sects - do and also think you can only get it by worshipping demons.”


Well that was a lot of complications at once!

"I definitely don't worship demons," she says, starting with the easy part to buy time. "Do Christians forbid the primary worship of all other gods?" The only people on Golarion she knows of with that policy are diabolists, but if someone was only aware of one decent god and a bunch of demon lords she can see how they'd end up like that. No, wait, there's also Razmir, who basically forbids worship of all the gods because none of their churches will play along with him. Regardless, it sounds like this country allows at least some variation, and if proselytising was illegal Marian would have said that. 

"Also I expect I can figure out whether any given priest is doing real magic if they're not prepared for people with Detect Magic, but that seems like it's probably a side issue unless someone wants to prevent people from accepting my healing or talking to me and I want to convince them otherwise."


"I think probably no one here will actually assume you worship demons? I don't think it's a common belief, I just remembered hearing it's a thing. - uh, and it's - complicated. I think religion here probably just works differently from what you're expecting? Since if we do have gods they don't give people spells. There used to be a lot of wars over what god you believed in - or, uh, a lot of times it was between different groups of Christians who believed different things about the Christian god. And then we - sort of mostly decided as a society that it's not acceptable to try to ban anyone from practicing their religion. But Christian doctrine says that other gods don't exist, so - I don't know how that would affect how people react to you talking about your god from a different world that has magic? I think you should just explain how you normally would, probably, just - people might be weird about it." 

Oh no aren't there also some Christian sects that are specifically against D&D because they think it involves demons or something?? Hopefully no one actually here in this ICU and so it won't come up, that would be so awkward. 


She's heard of wars where priests of the same god are on both sides--Gorum, most obviously, but also Abadarans will sell to both sides and Sarenrites will heal both sides and urge peace--and she's heard of wars where a god or a church will back a particular side. So that's all basically fine except for the disagreements over which gods even exist, which she didn't think was going to be such a common problem.

"Thank you for explaining that. I will give as much context as possible and prepare for a lot of questions." And for people to think Iomedae might be Evil, though once they hear Her teachings it should really be pretty obvious that She's Good unless people here are very confused about ethics.


"That makes sense. ...I, um, think that offering to use Detect Magic to tell if priests are using real magic would mostly get a lot of people really mad at you and not help, but - I guess we'll see if it comes up?" 

And it looks like they're ready for Samora to hit the remaining patients on the unit– actually, hold that, it looks like Dr Harrison had the realization that no one in the last section is actually particularly unstable, and also given the geometry of the area there's a bunch of unused floorspace around where Samora would be standing. He's now on the phone with someone in the ER. 

"- I think they want to try to move more people over to this unit - patients who aren't that injured, I would know if someone in the emergency area was an admit for this unit, but do have injuries that the area effect healing would work on? ...Also do you think it would work on someone recovering from - like, if someone had an infection or blockage in their gut, rather than an injury like you did, but we treated it by cutting them open and sewing it like with you? I think it wouldn't work on anything disease-related that's still wrong with them, but sometimes that's fixed and the only thing left wrong with them is recovering from being cut open?" 


"That seems like it should work fine! You did some cutting and sewing on me, right? That healed up normally. So I think a cut is a cut."


"That makes sense! I just hadn't thought of it until now! I think most of those patients are - going to be fine, we're really good at cutting people open to fix their problems, but it would be better if they could skip the recovery? The other floor of the hospital for very sick patients probably has some people who were cut open to fix problems and are too sick to move down here, so - maybe it makes sense to save one of your area-effect healings for there, but I should go talk to Dr Harrison about whether we can get patients from the floor for less sick patients moved here, I don't know if enough people in the emergency area are there for injuries to fill up the hallway." 

She's going to go do that.


She's back a couple of minutes later. 

"Okay, the manager from the emergency area and from the fifth floor want to come - see what's going on - before they move any patients. I think it'd be a good time to give your explanation? And I can translate for everyone."


"That sounds good! Helping people recover faster is a worthwhile priority if we've gotten everyone who might not recover, and I'm happy to explain first."


"We should have gotten everyone whose problem is an injury and who might not have recovered. I don't actually know what the census is on the sixth floor right now, where all the other sickest people are, but it's going to be mostly people with diseases - where I think the priority is still curing the person who touched your sword, since that's a new disease we don't know as much about treating - or people with...bad hearts or bad lungs or bad kidneys, things that go wrong from old age, and I don't know if any of your magic would work on that." 


"Lesser Restoration, which I prepared two copies of today and could prepare a third, might help, but it mostly fixes things people would recover from on their own with time. Restoration, which I would need to prepare as my last fourth-circle spell today, can help with things that won't heal on their own, but it needs about this much diamond dust" she makes a hand gesture indicating roughly a palmful "and I don't know what that costs here or whether people even grind up diamonds if you can't use them for spells."

(Do they even mine diamonds if they can't use them? Should she at some point summon an earth elemental and ask them to go looking under the nearest bit of uninhabited land? Put a pin in it for later, it's a long shot and she's busy.)


"Uh, I know diamonds are useful in industry and probably including ground up, but I really doubt the hospital has that much diamond dust and I don't know how to...get...some." Also one assumes it's really expensive. Would health insurance cover diamond dust if it saved them paying for the rest of a long hospitalization? "It's probably not incredibly urgent but, uh, I think maybe we want the sixth floor manager here too, one sec..." 


A large number of people have VERY VERY MANY questions but "come see the kid who was going to be a deceased organ donor and is now up and hugging his best friend" is a pitch that will, in fact, get the managers of multiple very busy units to come down and see what the fuck is going on. 

Dr Harrison looks impatient. "This is too many people gawking. Let's go get a conference room." 


Marian has finally remembered to have an ENORMOUS SOCIAL ANXIETY about the prospect of translating an incredibly important explanation from someone from another WORLD, but, uh, she can direct Samora to the conference room to explain to a reasonably-sized and attentive group of people who aren't going to yell interruptions at them, sure. 


Samora is also very tempted to have a social anxiety right now! This is mostly a reasonable impulse in that she is about to do a socially difficult thing, but it's definitely not the case that she shouldn't be trying it, so she tells the anxiety that she's taking the matter seriously and then sets it aside.

"Hello," she says when everyone is settled and Marian is ready to translate, "My name is Samora, and I recently arrived by uncertain means from the Isle of Kortos on the planet Golarion." She pauses after each sentence to make sure Marian has enough time. "There is magic on Golarion, both the magic men learn and are born with, and power granted by the gods. People on Golarion are aware of many gods, and most people pray to many different Gods in different circumstances. Gods are Good, Neutral, or Evil, and Lawful, Neutral*, or Chaotic, and preside over the afterlives of those who share their alignment. I serve the Lawful Good goddess Iomedae, who strives to defeat of the forces of Evil that threaten the lives and freedom of all beings. She has granted me certain powers, most relevantly the healing of injuries, which I use to further the causes of Good and Law. I want to heal your patients, answer your questions, and perhaps in time learn your nonmagical disease healing techniques and bring them back to my home planet. I believe we can be a great deal of help to each other, and look forward to cooperating with you against our mutual enemies of sickness and death."

*Celestial, like most languages known to Golarion, has different words for Neutrality between Good and Evil and Neutrality between Law and Chaos. As Celestial is the shared language of all Good outsiders, the latter has more positive connotations than the former and could also reasonably be translated as "Balanced". But if one has heard of D&D it's quite reasonable to translate them both as Neutral.


Marian translates as verbatim as she can given language differences. She’s not sure if that's the best approach and she feels incredibly self-conscious talking about the "forces of Evil" with a straight face, but it’s not like she‘s qualified to do more interpretation than that.

(If Dr Chadra hasn’t already brought up the D&D similarities, she’s certainly not going to be the first one to introduce that.)


Look. They’re managers of busy understaffed hospital wards. They’re not here to learn about the forces of Evil.

They mostly have a lot of specific questions about her healing abilities. Does she want to charge money for it? Does it have side effects? …Weird supernatural side effects? Is it safe for children? Do the effects of it ever wear off? Are there some things you would expect it to work on but it doesn’t? If someone has complications from an injury, like infected burns or pneumonia after they were hospitalized for broken ribs, does it heal the infection too? Are there any strings attached where “Iomedae” wants cured patients to pay it back in good deeds or something? Would it behave weirdly with implanted devices like pacemakers? How about transplanted organs? 


That wasn't the direction she was warned to expect complications in but they're good questions and she does her best to answer.

It's traditional not to charge money for it and she doesn't need to eat, but it might be the only work she can get here, so she'd appreciate being paid in explanations of local medicine and the supplies necessary to reconstruct it back home.

It doesn't have any side effects. Some people think repeated exposure might be part of why people like her are harder to injure; she doesn't buy it but if it did happen that would be awesome. It's safe for children, babies, and pregnant women; back home it's strongly recommended to have a priest on hand when giving birth.

It doesn't wear off; there are healing spells that wear off but she didn't even prepare any of those today because they're so pointless.  There are things where it treats the symptoms but if you had the problem once you'll probably get it again, like gout. 

There are things she might have expected it to work on but it doesn't, but all the examples she knows about are things like "having her soul bitten by ghosts". It doesn't work on infections resulting from injuries but if the infection was only able to take hold because of the injury then maybe not being injured anymore would help someone fight it? 

Samora has certain obligations to do good deeds but the recipients of the healing don't.

She has never met anyone with any implanted devices, but she knows that it works fine with magical ones. If an arrowhead or something's tooth ends up stuck in you the healing tries to shove it out, unless that's not practical in which case it stays in there. She isn't sure whether she has any teeth in her and doesn't know if the observation cylinder could see them or if an example would even help.

She has also never heard of transplanted organs, what. Uh, it's possible that if they didn't take the damaged organ out when they put the new one in, and the old one was damaged by an injury and not a disease, someone could end up with two healthy versions of the same organ. She isn't sure whether that's good or bad but she'll admit to being nervous enough about the whole subject not to immediately want to do experiments, even on herself. If it's important that they know, then she can do things while being nervous about them, but she'll want to figure out a lot of details in advance.


It's not that this isn't weird and suspicious (in addition to being obviously incredibly implausible.) It's just that there are all these units of full beds and it feels like there would need to be a much more compelling reason than "but that's scientifically impossible" or "it's too good to be true" not to take advantage of the scientifically impossible miraculous healing while it lasts. 


....Though the ER manager will bring up, with a nervous laugh, that how would they know if this were some kind of mass hallucination event. Maybe there's a gas leak?

Dr Harrison is pretty sure that's not how gas leaks work but, sure, they should get confirmation from someone outside the hospital that they're not all having the exact same hallucination. 

After some brief discussion, the group settles on having the 5C manager call her boyfriend - who's an RT on the 3rd floor med/surg unit but not at work today - to ask for his advice on, uh, how can they check if they're having a mass delusion possibly caused by a gas leak? 

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