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no brakes on the medical drama train
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"...Huh. I don't think that matches with any rules I know?" He shakes himself slightly. "I guess I don't know why it would. Well, it's definitely useful here."

He's going to start sketching a map of the unit and trying to determine how they can get everyone within clusters with a thirty foot radius with the minimum amount of moving the actually-unstable patients out of their rooms. 


Fraser strolls in only a couple of minutes later, carrying a McDonalds bag and tray of coffees. He plops most of this on the desk outside the room, brings in one of the coffees for Marian, and then stands with his hands on his hips looking at Samora. 


Marian shoves the bag at him. "Tell me if you think this is a convincing demo for Dr Harrison? We need to go ask him to move patients around so she can heal people with the area-effect spell without using too many of them, they're not unlimited." 


"...I knew there was something up with that bag." He'll play with it for a minute. 


Dr Chadra brings Marian the paper. "- All right. I think we can get everyone into three clusters without moving anyone on a vent or in an iso room. I need to measure Pod Three and make sure there's enough floorspace to haul everyone in Pod Four over there. And I need to measure that stretch of wall between Pod One and Pod Five, I think if Samora stands in the middle of it then both sides are within thirty feet but I'm not sure. The first time would be here and not moving anyone further than to the door of their room - I don't think we can get it down to two clusters either way, there are too many patients who definitely can't be up in a wheelchair even if they're about to get healed and we shouldn't move iso people if the area-effect thing doesn't get diseases. That way we can be more convincing to Dr Harrison before we tell him the iso patient needs to wander all over the unit - also I'm not sure she should be walking around before she's healed herself..." 


It seems pretty reasonable to Marian but she's going to explain it to Samora in Celestial anyway, in case they're missing some obvious way to do it in fewer spells? 


"The effect goes through curtains, but not through walls unless there's a door open with line of sight through it. Do you know the total number of injured in the hospital? If this is most of them, it's not a waste to need three channels to get them all. What's the concern about me walking around now that I've washed?"


"...I think we can get you line of sight, all the doors are, like, glass? Uh, I think one concern is that it's less of a big ask to get the surgeon to come watch you heal people here and then be definitely convinced that you really have magic - it's really, really implausible-seeming, Dr Chadra thought it was a prank - and also, uh, I know you feel like you would be fine to be in a fight if you had to but," that's INCREDIBLY CONCERNING, "from our perspective you're kind of still pretty injured and walking around probably isn't great for you?" 


"It makes sense to have as many as possible of the people you want to convince watching. And it's kind of you to worry about me, but you really don't need to. I don't know if you have adventurers here, but the way health and injury work for us is different from other people: I may be seriously hurt relative to the healthiest I can get, but I can still take a blow that would kill an ordinary man and remain standing. I'm not doing anything dangerous just walking around."


“Huh. I wonder if that’s a thing in the game that your world is sort of like?”

She’s a little tempted to ask Dr Chadra but now clearly isn’t the time, he seems to be busy strategizing with Fraser about how to approach asking the whole medical team to come hover in Pod Two and watch everyone get miraculously healed.

“- Also, sorry, I wish I’d known that yesterday, I was - really worried about you and that maybe made me want to push for things without explaining all the way if explaining seemed hard? Which I guess was probably confusing for you if you assumed you’d probably be fine? I guess I don’t know if you would have been fine if you hadn’t gotten healing magic back. It’s actually sort of confusing that you did, if it comes from your god who’s in another world?”


"I didn't know for sure if I would get spells this morning until I did; your treatment and the night of rest helped a lot and would have been even more important if I hadn't. I know the gods see many planets, but not why they don't act on this one. Perhaps my arrival here enabled the Inheritor to see it when She couldn't before. Perhaps the lack of magic made it harder or less valuable to set up churches here. Perhaps the gods made an agreement with each other not to recruit priests here, in which case any attempts I make to found a church won't get anywhere."

If she was fifth circle she'd consider doing a Commune about these questions, but she isn't, and also she never learned the math for doing Communes efficiently, so she's just going to assume that Iomedae wouldn't have given her spells if it would be bad for her to use them and carry on.


Marian isn’t sure she entirely followed the part about gods and worlds, but she nods seriously.


- and then it looks like Dr Chadra and Fraser have, between the two of them, managed to drag over at least Dr Harrison, Clarice, and another of the residents. 


Callie sticks her head out of 105’s room when Dr Chadra goes to pull the curtains open. (Samora did say her magic would go through curtains but this way makes a more effective demonstration.)

     “…Um?” she says at the sight of Samora wearing her breastplate and a damp cloak over OR scrubs. 

Dr Chadra stifles a yawn (it was a LONG NIGHT.) “We’ll explain in a minute.” Explaining to Clarice was enough for one morning. He goes to get the curtain to 106 as well. 

Both other patients are within 30 feet, and definitely visibly injured, though neither looks like they were especially close to dying; 106 is actually up in a very padded and pillows-supported armchair, wearing a clamshell back brace, with his tracheostomy temporarily just connected to an oxygen hood rather than the ventilator. 


…Wow Marian has no idea what sort of opinions Samora’s healing magic will have about a trach! 105 is, if she recalls correctly, still missing half his skull from an earlier craniotomy (it’s in the bone bank to eventually be put back once the brain swelling comes down all the way), is it going to regrow, that would be kind of wild. 

She nods to Samora, though.


She lifts her head and says what only Marian will understand as, "Iomedae, shield of the innocent, bring healing to this place." The medallion at her throat glows. Her own wounds close and so does every wound within thirty feet. The missing piece of skull regrows. The tracheostomy heals over in the same moment it becomes unnecessary, foreign matter forced out and replaced with clean flesh. Bones knit, breath eases, pain fades. And then it's done.


Well. Shit. 


The patient in 105 – a 23-year-old man of the type 'ill-advised decisions', subtype 'scooter racing, steep hill, rain, alcohol' – hasn't been conscious for the last week, and is CONFUSED and UNHAPPY to abruptly wake up feeling completely fine except for the part where he's still intubated, still restrained, and inexplicably not in his room and instead in an uncomfortable bed in a room with all the lights turned on that also smells weird. (He’s not freaking out as much as he might have, since he’s still on a bit of sedation, just not enough to keep him unconscious in the absence of anything else wrong with him.)



106 (motor vehicle accident three weeks ago) is apparently less confused! He pats his neck, looks around the room a bit, and then lights up with an enormous toothless grin. 

"Praise Jesus!" He starts trying to push his bedside table out of the way. "- Can I be out of this bloody thing now, my back itches." 


Callie is looking helplessly between her two patients, clearly unsure who to go see first. "....Be with ya in a moment, Mr Foster!" she settles on after a moment, and goes to reassure 105 first.

Dr Chadra follows her in, since it sure looks like 105 is okay to be extubated once they stop his propofol and will probably just do it himself if they leave it too long. 


Dr Harrison looks over at Fraser, eyebrows nearly vanishing into his hair. "So she can do that on demand?" 

     "Uh, no, the one she can do on demand is stabilizing dying people, that one she can do - I think it was six times?" He flashes the paper with Dr Chadra's sketch of the unit. "But I think we can get everyone in the ICU in three." 




"- Well, what are we fucking waiting for?" 

     "Uh, we need to move everyone in Pod Four into the middle of Pod Three, they have to be in line of site and a thirty foot radius -" 

Clarice is shaking her head. "I'm getting the next one on video." 


Isn't that against HIPAA not having an argument about that 

Actually Iomedae is way cooler than Jesus and not just because she actually exists wow Marian is even less having an argument about religion, she's at work.

(Also she should...possibly be less sure now about whether the Christian God does actually exist? Since gods do apparently exist in general and can do miraculous things? Maybe it's the thing Samora said and there was some sort of agreement not to do blatantly miraculous things on Earth anymore...) 


- focus. 

"Yeah, I think they're convinced," she tells Samora. "I need to go help move patients so we can get everyone else - you can come with." Whatever Samora might have said about her bonus physical resilience, Marian feels so much better now that she's not up and about less than 24h after major abdominal surgery. (Or, like, technically it's still less than 24h after, but she's not going to be suffering any of the effects.) 


Samora is happy to help move patients if this is something that can be done without training! Also the healing clearly did her good. She wasn't staggering before or anything, but there's a grace and confidence to her movements now that there didn't used to be. She's the most dangerous thing in the room and she's having a great time healing injured people.

"Are you going to explain things to everyone after all three groups are done?"


"Yeah, that probably makes sense?" It sounds exhausting and chaotic and Marian would really rather do her job except, like, it's suddenly sort of unclear what doing her job means when Samora is around. "I don't actually know what Fraser and Dr Chadra explained so far but - I'm guessing not everything."

In particular they definitely didn't explain anything about, like, Iomedae as a god specifically? Since Marian is the only one who can understand Samora's language and hasn't tried to convey that. She...probably should...given how Samora was mentioning maybe wanting to found a church here, but. It sounds awkward. 


Pod Three is the largest and most spacious on the unit and contains room numbers 107 through 110.

The admit from earlier being assessed as an organ donor - the young man Samora saw being wheeled past her room - is in 109, surrounded by really quite a lot of blinking machines and looking still pretty close to death despite his rather astoundingly normal vital signs on the monitor. 

107 is a woman here for the second time for crashing her car while drunk driving. This time around she managed to dislocate her sternum and break both arms; she's now on a ventilator (she managed for several days just on oxygen but eventually had problems), but is conscious and miserably watching TV on an iPad without being able to use either of her hands.

108 is an older guy originally admitted after falling from the ladder to his attic. (He was trying to get down a box of linens for his wife, and he picked up a head injury and some broken bones). That was two weeks ago, and he's now mostly still on ICU status because of his many long-term health problems interacting badly with all the everything else. 

110 is a 17-year-old boy who shot himself in the head with his father's gun. He's not, at this point, actively unstable (he has a perfectly healthy heart and set of lungs and all of that), but - his prospects of recovery weren't great, before this. 


Pod Four contains 111-113.

Of those, 112 is the best friend of the organ donor patient and the one who was driving the car. He was pretty horrifically injured and is currently still in a medically-induced coma, but he's not, like, actively unstable, and they can haul his bed over without much risk. 

111 was another scooter incident, during which he picked up multiple facial injuries and a broken arm. He's never been that unstable, and can at this point be put in a wheelchair and pushed over. 

113 is not really a trauma ICU patient; he's just here because they had a bed and it's an appropriate place for a neuro patient. He had a hemorrhagic stroke a couple of weeks ago, and is stable and - slowly improving - but definitely not on a trend to make a full recovery. He still has a trach, but they've already been working hard on getting him out of bed for a future transfer to the rehab floor; he can also be plopped into a wheelchair for transport over. 

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