instead of Tapa having the prettiest buildings, Calado does
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Uh huh. They paid the blues and that was more money and the blues weren't even going to die if they didn't get it.


...those were blues.


They're paying relocation. 



Those other ideas: also not bullshit?


Also not bullshit. Harder to prove, but not bullshit. 


Endorë sounds really nice and they could do something else after that from the safe vantage point of Surrounded By People Who Apparently Don't Hate Them At All.


That seems reasonable. Robots can be DRM-locked and have software maintenance contracts associated; countries that murder their reds instead of sending them to Endorë will find themselves without robots or reds. Does that work for reds?


Uh, DRM doesn't like... work.


What do they mean by that.


People break it. Reds would know!


They are pretty sure there are ways of doing your software that actually can't be reverse-engineered. They will maybe consult with Dwarves, who use cryptocurrency for everything and know about stuff like that.


People on Endorë seem like they might just be too nice to try really hard to break DRM. A country with no reds would be REALLY motivated to try to break DRM.


Well, they could also do robots that are unmaintainable in the sense of using computer chips no one on Amenta has the capacity to replicate, but in that case they'd better move fast on robots because within five Amentan years Amenta will be caught up to Valinor tech-wise.



Maybe reds in Calado could start moving to Endorë in quantities greater than three and be replaced by more immigrants, who will want to do the same thing, over and over until there are just barely enough reds everywhere and then not so many will be in harm's way when robots appear.


Seems like other places might not let their reds emigrate, and like it might be logistically hard to get reds to Calado, but they're willing to try it.


Other places are willing to let nonessential reds emigrate as long as transport logistics are handled in a nonpolluting way.


That can get underway, then.


A lot of reds go to Endorë.

Peka stays.


He resents the stupid hair-frying shampoo and drops by the edge of the red area to sing when he's free. The blog updates with robot progress updates, once they're sure reds will not riot over this because they can instead just board the next designated-for-red-transit lightleaper for Endorë.


Peka always goes and listens to him singing if she's home and not picking up dead people at the time.


"This is all thanks to you, you know. Otherwise we'd probably have kept getting nowhere with them and asked the military to help us herd them onto ships once we had the robots and - I think they'd have done it pretty bloodlessly but what a fucking nightmare -"


"Literally, yeah, wow, I'm gonna have bad dreams now thanks."


"I'll get over it, just, wow, this is so much better than that?"


"It is!!! No one's terrified, you can - imagine a future -"

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