instead of Tapa having the prettiest buildings, Calado does
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"Polluting things in other countries is illegal? But they sent you here!"


"They can decontaminate the ship. Anyway the greys are still the police."


"Well. We were discussing what if you all immigrated and then that wouldn't be a problem anymore."


"You won't be able to sell them things - or have tourists -"


"Factories that want to sell to Amenta have plans to abide by their pollution rules. If they don't want to come visit because we haven't paid you all outrageous sums to wear shoe covers then they needn't come visit."


"...they don't pay us to do that."


"Well, if we wanted you to do that we would ask you how much you'd want to be paid to do that. That is how you get people to do things, here."



"I feel like," says one of the reds, "you fundamentally don't understand what's going on with us and that at some point you will find out and then you won't want us to live on your planet like clean people could anymore and it would be better if that happened before we moved here and touched things."


"I feel like," says one of the Elves, "what is going on is that your planet is full of terrible people and no one else is remotely likely to wake up one day and go 'hmm, you know what is missing from my life? Being a terrible person.'"


The reds look at each other.


"Have the Noldor become convinced of all this nonsense?" someone else asks. "I mean, I think we're much better about that kind of thing than they are, and they're surrounded by the other terrible Amentans, so even if they got convinced it wouldn't mean we were likely to. But if they're not convinced we can be awfully sure we won't be."


"They don't touch us - they don't like having to decontaminate - they're pretty nice but we're still red."


"But they suggested you all move here."


"No one wants us around."


"Someone should ask the lightleaper pilots."

        "My sister lives near there." Pause. "Uh, lightleaper pilots say there's nothing wrong with them but definitely don't do a setup that involves anyone having to decontaminate, it ruins your hair."


"So no one here would be able to go to Amenta," says a red.


"Why would we want to," say all the Elves in unison.


"- I think it's nice for clean people -"


"It looks really ugly in pictures and they don't seem to respect individual rights very much -" 

Someone snorts. 

" - and Dwarves and orcs could still go they don't care about their hair and also would care less about it being pretty."


Reds look dubiously at each other.


"You don't have to come if you don't want to," someone says earnestly. "We just want you to know that you can."


"I still think you don't really understand -"

"It would be so bad for us to move here and then for you to suddenly understand -"


"Do you think we'll suddenly not want to touch you, or just suddenly notice exactly how upset Amentans are that we're touching you?"


"Not just touch us, touch anything we've touched - anything that anything we've touched has touched -"

"And the second thing too."


"Has that ever happened? That someone didn't mind you, and then suddenly started?"

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