An extremely depressed vampire arrives in Amenta
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"I appreciate it."


It's the next morning before the trains are up and running. He checks public health reports to see if any reds died stranded. None did. He takes Crystal with him and they head towards Voa.


This is such a well-behaved and completely ordinary glasswinged butterfly.


They pay for the nice car; it's mostly blues. He makes conversation with them. Reds don't come up at all. Someone has a quibble with some new legislation and someone complains about the cost of child credits and someone would like an introduction to a colleague of his and someone wants a spot on a board of directors and someone asks Aitim for advice on making sure their son's dreadful ex-girlfriend who raped him gets hanged.

Aitim happily advises everybody.


Crystals wings flutter a tad when the 'hanged' part is mentioned.


If he notices it does not change his willingness to advise on which judge's docket the case should land. 


They're still on the train come afternoon when Aitim told Avalor to expect Sadai.


And Sadai is where he's been told he should be.


Governor Avalor's secretary says Sadai will have to wait, Avalor's supposed to meet with some woman at this time and she's not here yet but was not to be delayed for any reason even long enough to shoo an interstitial meeting.


That woman is a he today, and it is him.


"...that's not in the schedule description."


"It may have slipped someone's mind. I'm Sadai, I'm meant to talk to Governor Avalor today."


Secretary frowns at schedule. Secretary waves him in.

Avalor is an old lady with cobalt blue hair. She looks slightly puzzled at Sadai.


"I believe Aitim has mentioned I shapeshift," he says softly.


"I wasn't aware I ought to expect you to do so in such a way that my secretary might not recognize you by your prior description. Welcome to Voa."


"It must have slipped his mind," he repeats. "And thank you." And the Governor will find herself feeling—much better. About everything. Old pains gone, muscles stronger, any difficulties moving her body disappeared, breathing more easily, if age has affected her senses negatively then that's undone, too—


She gives a startled shudder.


"I think you should live to see at least another forty of your years, now, and I will be very surprised if you catch as much as a cold until then."


"- thank you."


"You're welcome. I want to eventually do something very much like this for everyone and for much longer, but I think it would be a very bad idea to start spraying life everywhere I go."


"Especially if it's that conspicuous and it will be years before we have more space."


"It is more conspicuous the more it helps, but yes."


"I assume it is no particular protection against violence or accident?"


"It is no protection but you will heal much more completely and quickly than you otherwise would if you survive at all."


"I see. Thank you."


He inclines his head in acknowledgement. "What has Aitim Neli told you?" he asks in spite of knowing the answer verbatim.

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