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tomorrow can involve 100% more snowglobe/golarion crossovers than today

Donna holds her sister Alyssa unreasonably tightly. They're positioned wrong for her to be able to feel her sister tell her to calm down but she can infer it. They know each other well.

They confirm they're ready. They go.

The thing about choices and actions is that there's always a delay between them. Someone with truly instantaneous reactions could afford to make the first jump intending to decide what to do next in the other world.

There's time for Alyssa to catch a glimpse of the world before Donna brings them home.

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There's no air where they are, and there are stars far away, but there's also a bright sun shining on them, and a planet nearby. It's got blue oceans, and continents ranging in color from green to brown to white, and clouds, and possibly a bit of light visible in the portions not illuminated by the sun.


Hours later, a small airtight container appears. It has windows. There are two people in it, a very young woman and an only slightly older man, the latter of whom has no eyes.


It's possible to teleport into orbit. This isn't the sort of thing gods are supposed to suggest to their clerics on Golarion, but it is the kind of thing that Desnans, at least, will occasionally do of their own accord. Some of them even leave in one piece and go back.

Zoriana's been doing it a while. She draws maps, and sends weather reports to the right sorts of people, and occasionally fights succubi dragging people to the moon or teleports into a crisis or shares her air and her sleeping bag with an underprepared wizard. It's gentle on her old bones, and it's beautiful, and it's quiet.

So naturally when she sees something appear, she has a look, realizes that it's someone, and teleports over to use her wand of Air Bubble on them if they need it.

They're gone by the time she gets there, but it's not like her previous orbit was important to her. Checking in on teleporters making bad life choices is useful even if, sometimes, they actually know what they're doing and are going in somewhere in hops.

She's surprised when they come back so soon.


There's an old woman right near them, with a thin bubble around her. She seems mildly surprised, but not distressed.


The younger of the two visitors signs excitedly to the older and also waves to the old woman.


And the other visitor also waves.


She waves and signs hello in Varisian Sign and then repeats herself less fluidly in Celestial. If they can't switch to one of those she'll need to use Comprehend Languages, she is not enough of a Pathfinder to have picked up Napsu-Sign and is too aboveground for there to be much call for Sakvroth.

(She hasn't prepared Tongues today. It competes with Sending and Planetary Adaptation for spell slots, and long-distance communication and breathing are both good.)


The one with eyes carefully echoes this for the one without, but seems confused by it. She signs something in a different language.


Yeah, she doesn't recognize that either. She'll use Comprehend Languages. Hopefully they'll recognize the motions for that? Even if not, knowing what they're saying might be helpful and maybe she can pick up enough vocabulary to indicate that she'll prep Tongues tomorrow.


" - most urgently need to know whether we can communicate at all - we should be able to, right, not every sign is perfectly arbitrary and there hasn't been that much time for our languages to diverge," the person without eyes is saying.

"Should we try inviting them in?"

"With just me here? Not unless they're about to die. We should go home and see if it's possible to aim precisely enough to land here instead of in vacuum. Then maybe we find art supplies and you can paint something to show them..."


Zoriana gets out a journal and a piece of black lead wrapped in cloth. She tears a sheet of paper out of the journal, unwraps the black lead, breaks it, and rewraps it into two smaller pieces. If the vessel has any intake sorts of areas she'll put the spare paper and lead there, otherwise she'll just tie it loosely to her belt in a way that shouldn't be hard to grab.

Then she'll start drawing in their field of view. It's recognizably them, and they're making hand motions, and there are arrows pointing from the motions to drawings of … ugh, some of this is pretty abstract. But even just depicting a person painting and their vessel but with three people in it should convey that she's understanding something.


"Now she's drawing! Us! And her! In the space thing! I think she wants in!"

"And if I had the power to make that happen and get us both home I would do it."

"You can leave me to die. Or you can stay here and die and send me back home."


Or Zoriana can just Dimensional Hop into the vessel herself, which is basically free and will hopefully dissuade these people from making bad tradeoffs.


Alyssa describes this turn of events, of course.


Now that she can hear these people it's a bit weird to her that they're still signing. She'll try all of her spoken languages and see if they understand any.


"She’s making noises with her voice - do you think that’s a language? Didn’t ancient people have a voice language?"


Where are these people from, if they're not familiar with spoken language in general?

She needs to at least establish a "yes" and a "no" so she can start responding to them so they can maybe figure out that she can understand them, since drawing what they were saying didn't work.


She takes out a cloth and a piece of hardtack and signs to the air near her. "Want food?" She holds out the hardtack.

She puts the cloth on her head and adjusts her posture. "No." She frowns.

She takes it off and adjusts again and puts the hardtack away and grabs her waterskin. "Want water?" She holds it out.

She puts the cloth on her head and adjusts her posture. "Yes." She takes the water and drinks.


That seems like an attempt to communicate something, at least. Alyssa describes it to Val and says she’s going to introduce them and then shifts her posture so she’s clearly addressing Zoriana (though Val keeps his hands on hers) and tells Zoriana their names.


She’ll point to them and repeat their names and introduce herself. It’s possible Val actually can’t see and she should touch Val. She hasn’t been, because she doesn’t want to be threatening, but these people don’t seem too jumpy. She reaches towards Val very slowly. Presumably Alyssa will stop her if there is a problem.


"I think she wants to talk with you," Alyssa says. Val takes one of his hands off hers and reaches in Zoriana's general direction, also slowly.


She’ll close the distance. And slowly go through the somatic component of Comprehend Languages while touching Val this time, in case that somehow helps this group realize what’s up. …and let him touch her holy symbol, in case he’s the only one who knows about Desna.


He copies her weird sign. He doesn't seem to understand why she's showing him the holy symbol.


No, look, you're not supposed to repeat the gesture, you're supposed to cast the spell. Or, more realistically, understand that she cast the spell, and give her instructions on how to communicate with them.

And if "supposed to" had such overwhelming weight, she'd expect to meet all her former colleagues in Elysium sooner or later.

…how is she going to establish basic sign meanings without visuals. She can repeat the previous dialogue between Hat and No Hat, but now between Gloves and No Gloves, over whether Gloves wants … a copper disc … and a raisin. (The raisin, like the hardtack, is also 'food'.)

She will conclude this by asking if Val or Alyssa want food or water (or for that matter a copper disc). Val can touch the waterskin. Hopefully he can figure out that it contains water, Zoriana doesn't want loose water floating around. Possibly she should offer a wet cloth if they can't follow, dampness should be relatively intuitive.


"No," Val says in Varisian Sign Language.

"Should I say yes to the water just to test it? Do you think she's trying to say she wants to trade with us?"

"That or trying to get shared vocabulary for 'yes' and 'no' - they're abstract concepts but they're high-leverage and especially easy to mime for how abstract they are."

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