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No luck there. The Slaughterhouse Nine aren't the type to keep diaries. Their tinkers have written some blueprints for projects, in the fashion of tinkers everywhere, and that's obviously potentially useful. But nothing points to location.


License plate? Scribbled address of a bolthole? What do supervillains eat, if he conjures up Jack Slash's last breakfast does it look like it came out of a Dennys'...? It hardly matters if he has to drop ash and slag with all the glass shards and glass dust everywhere.

The license plate of the last car they used is 528491. More conjuration can show that it was destroyed a while ago.
If he makes a copy of the Siberian's last meal, it might be possible to check against missing persons reports. None of the others have any obvious clues to geography.

He can't just find "their hideout"... scale model of last place they slept?


Wildly different results depending on which member, none of them nearby. It might be confounded by the fact that most of them don't sleep.


Ugh. Cam doesn't know if Jack Slash is theatrical enough to come have a look at his own corpse were one to appear, and he doesn't want to sow confusion... Maybe he should just actually call the authorities, claim Shatterbird, ask if they can find anyone else for him. He gets the local Protectorate number, calls them up.


The person on the other end starts out with no preamble, "Are you in immediate danger?"


"Transfer me to whoever's coordinating the capes."


"The Director is in the middle of trying to handle the emergency. Do you have information?"


"I just killed Shatterbird and I can't find the others."

"Transferring you now." The phone makes phone noises for a few seconds before being picked up again.

"Deputy Director Owens. Who is this?"

"Cam. The Kyushu guy. I'm in town for unrelated reasons, just killed Shatterbird, can't find the rest."


"Neither can we. Shatterbird's the only one to have been seen; we know where the blast came from and what direction she was flying when she started, but that's all right now. We're trying to beat the odds on narrowing down their location before they attack again."


"Anything useful to do with me in the meanwhile? Key glass objects I can replace for you?"


"We could use our computers back, but you should try the hospitals. They've got a lot of patients and they lost a lot of equipment."


"Call me back when you find any S9?"


"Definitely. We've got reinforcements coming in, but we'll need all the help we can get."


Phone, away. Map of San Francisco: get. Hospital: go. Equipment and blood for transfusions: put.

Enormous quantities of human blood appearing ex nihilo is the best thing that has happened all day. (Today isn't a very good day.)


Cam can be pretty useful in a hospital but this isn't the best kind of hospital for his form of help, because it's not from 2157, has no angels, and can't summon demons on a routine basis; diminishing returns hit pretty quickly. He moves on to the next one, checking his phone every few moments for local news and Internet alerts indicating anything.


Information is coming in more slowly than usual, under the circumstances. He'll be able to find out what locations were hit hardest, but nobody is spotting the Nine and tweeting it.

Of course they're not. It's almost elegant.

A facial recognition drone swarm sweeping the city might not go amiss... what have they got on recognizable faces for drones?

The group includes Mannequin and Crawler; it's not always the faces that would be recognizable. But Jack Slash has been smiling for the cameras for years, there are pictures of Bonesaw available, Cam has pretty good odds.


All right. Go, swarm of drones, go. They will all self-destruct into harmless unTinkerable slag if anybody grabs one.

It's probably to be expected that the first one spotted is Crawler. Being huge can do that. He's lurking —not hiding—in a relatively isolated abandoned house. Well, recently abandoned. Inherited, one might say.

The drones don't see whether there are any of the other Nine with him.
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