Cam is watching a new recording of Atriama, tail swishing in the gap in his couch, and doesn't stop to pause the show when he feels a summons go by.
"Is whatever's wrong with you going to mean I have to have a conversation with a different person about this any time soon?"
If you knew of a cure you'd already be exporting it, I assume."
"Well, there's cures I can bottle and cures I can't. I can fix an amputee but only in person. What's wrong with you?"
"Cancer. Not one of the ones where you have a cure we've been distributing. As you can see."
"If it's not in your brain I can operate on that on a principle similar to the amputee one," Cam remarks.
"If you're trying to bribe me, the likely result is that some of my subordinates think I'm compromised and try to replace me early. Not a bad deal for me, assuming you then go on to bribe me, but it might land you back here having the same conversation with someone else."
Don't worry, I'll pretend you hadn't said that part and act accordingly."
"I really can't do anything about brains, so I recommend being really squeaky clean by the time I am next in town lest metastasis obviate your options. And if I ever have the urge to operate on inoperable cancer in people who aren't productively steering large international organizations I know where to satisfy that impulse and it won't put me anywhere near you."
Just before it reaches him, there's a crash. It's loud, but he can feel it more than he can hear it. The crash itself is more like an impact, like if someone dropped a grand piano that was also the size of the moon. The spaceship rocks in the air, and shattered glass falls down from it.
In every direction windows have exploded, sirens are going off, and there are plumes of sand and glass rising into the air.
The fuck. Cam lets his shattered spaceship make an emergency landing and takes to the air on non-glass wings.
This is a bad city to not be invulnerable in. Cam may have been lucky enough to be away from anything that exploded, but a lot of more fragile people weren't. The dust is settling, and even after the explosion the place is still loud.
Yes. Almost everyone does, except Cam. If he lands and asks, the first response is going to be "Shatterbird."