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Maybe the real unethical experimentation on nonconsenting subjects was the friends we made along the way
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"As if I know that! I'm a biochemist, not omniscient."


"Not with that attitude!" she chirps and then wonders why the hell she just said that to the evil scientist. She does not want the evil scientist to be omniscient. "...anyway, you were saying your goals are making the world a better place...?"


"Yes! You may have noticed that it's shit."


"Yes, I have." Due to things like, for example, evil megacorporations too powerful to bow down to the law that treat people like objects. Not that she's going to say that.


"I can't do much about the social issues. People will continue to be bastards forever, because the fundamental nature of thinking creatures existing is that they want different things from one another and they're bastards about it. But what I can do something about is... making sure that the problems aren't things like Surt has just set everything on fire. Or the harvest failed, and I'm going to starve to death. Or, for that matter, I'm going to die. Ever. From anything."


Is he a mind reader or something.

"And to do that you kill people," she replies instead.


"You did hear my little diatribe about red ink and the inefficiency of trying to change company policy, I saw the face you made about it. I kill people, and it's bad and unpleasant and counter to my goals, but without doing so I stand no chance of actually achieving my goals."

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