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we'll build a Lucy and we'll make Lamashtu pay for it
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"Why not???" 


"I have Purify Food and Water." 


Camellia makes a deeply disgusted noise but does not continue to verbally object. For Now. 


They continue on. They have to kill some more enormous bugs; Lusilla continues to collect their corpses in her impromptu giant sack, even though Camellia continues to be visibly disturbed each time. Not wasting what you kill is way less disturbing than whatever Camellia has going on, so she can suck it up. 

Eventually, there are, in fact, too many bug corpses to just carry around, and Lusilla has to admit that trying to salvage as much bug corpse as possible is significantly less important than looking for people to rescue. She puts down her sack. She can come back for it later. 

There is also a lizard. Lusilla dumps it next to the sack of bug. Camellia looks more or less resigned about that one; a lizard is significantly less gross than a whole lot of bug. 


It is not very long after the lizard that they come across what is unmistakably worked stone, and with it, a pair of figures arguing. 

"No, I can't just walk away. It's got to be here somewhere!" one of them exclaims, before spotting their group of four. "Wenduag!" 


"Lann? Did you find it?" The farther-away figure moves closer, stopping in surprise and suspicion when she sees them. "Who is that?" 


Wow, these people are pretty. 

"I'm Lusilla, and that's Seelah, and Anevia, and Camellia. We're...looking for anyone else...who fell down the giant crack in the ground. I can fly," she adds helpfully, activating her spell-like ability and floating a couple of inches into the air. 





"What happened on the surface? The caves haven't stopped shaking yet." 


“The city is overrun with demons.”


“Deskari showed up and split the earth with his giant scythe.”




“That’s what Terendelev called him.”


"If things are that bad, we'd better hurry." 


“Hurry what? I mean—what are you guys doing?” Also what are you, I don’t think humans usually do that, but probably better to ask one question at a time.


“Nothing that’s going to work,” Wenduag grouses.


Lann ignores her. “We’re looking for an angel’s sword. It was supposed to be on a podium in here, but the ground shaking caused some of the ceiling to collapse. Some of our kids decided that the quake meant it was time to head to the surface, and the Shield Maze is the best way.”


“It’s also incredibly dangerous, even for skilled hunters.”


“Which is why we need to go in and find them. But Chief Sull is dragging his feet—”


“Because it’s insane.”


“—Dragging his feet, as usual, so we came here to find the sword. Nobody’s been able to wield it since the angel himself, supposedly, so if I come back with it, the tribes ought to put aside their bickering and go find the children.”


“The reason nobody’s been able to wield it is that it burns the hands of anyone who tries!”


“I will strap it to my wrist if I have to.”


“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that! Where was it supposed to be?”

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